And learn about how #ElderWisdom brings seniors and students together

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Creating a Greener, More Sustainable, GBC


How do we create a greener college? How do we ensure we're living up to our Strategy 2022/Vision 2030 sustainability commitments? Are we developing behaviours, actions and policies that support financial and social sustainability here at George Brown College? 


Thanks to the efforts of a number of conscientious individuals and committees, several sustainability initiatives are already underway. Stephanie Foster, Sustainability Coordinator, says even small actions can add up over time.


"The college spends over $800,000 annually on office supplies," says Foster. "This includes small appliances, pencils, pens, markers, writing pads and even cleaning supplies. All of these items have upstream environmental impacts related to the extraction of natural resources, manufacturing, transportation and packaging. By taking sustainability considerations into account when purchasing these items, we can reduce these negative impacts." 


Read on for some tips for "greening" your office purchasing strategies — and one way to weigh in on sustainability issues in our broader community.



Support our Green Purchasing Policy Goals

Did you know that George Brown College has a green purchasing policy in place that is helping us reduce the environmental impacts of everything we purchase — including office supplies? In line with the college’s sustainability plan, and our Strategy 2022 and Vision 2030 commitments, we continue to seek out new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and life-cycle impact of the products we purchase and use. 


For the past 10 years, George Brown College has participated in the Staples Advantage “Fifty Green” program. Every year, Staples Advantage rewards George Brown College with a rebate cheque based on how we do in terms of achieving our "green" goals. 


These rebates have helped fund sustainability efforts at the college — such as the vegetable garden at the Casa Loma Child Care Centre, and our special zero waste "terracycle" 

recycling programs coming soon to our nursing and dental schools.


Most recently, we have set the following goals:

  1. To eliminate office-supply orders under $50. Why? To minimize our transportation eco-footprint by reducing the number of deliveries to the college.
  2. To maximize orders of green and sustainable earth products. Our goal is to "up" these order by 20 per cent. Why? To reduce environmental impacts including “upstream” impacts related to the extraction of natural resources, manufacturing, transportation and packaging, and “downstream” impacts in the final disposal, recycling or re-use of products.
  3. To increase the use online ordering. Our goal is ensure 100 per cent of our orders are done online. Why? Ease-of-use, efficiency and effectiveness!


Help reduce single-use & takeaway items in Toronto

The City of Toronto is undertaking consultations to help develop a strategy to reduce the use of single-use and takeaway items in Toronto.

The first phase of consultations took place last year, and focused on what items to target and preferred approaches. The second phase of consultations will take place from September 24 to November 4, to seek public feedback on the specific items that will be targeted, proposed approaches for reduction, and timelines.

Join the Conversation

Attend the consultation or watch the webcast on Tuesday, September 24, 2019. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Location: Toronto City Hall. Please register here, or tune into the webcast.  




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Professor Wayne Nicholson Named President of the Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters

Wayne Nicholson (right) interprets during a Peter Mansbridge interview


Wayne Nicholson,

Professor and Coordinator in our American Sign Language and Deaf Studies program, has been named the newest President of the Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters


Nicholson has been a professor in our ASL-English Interpreter and the ASL-Deaf Studies Programs since 1998, and has worked as a Deaf interpreter for more than 20 years in the Deaf community on the local, national and international levels. 





Chef Amy Symington Publishes Cookbook of Plant-Based Recipes


Chef Amy Symington, a Nutrition Professor with the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts, has published a book — a cookbook — that showcases some of her social innovation research. Working with several George Brown Culinary Management student researchers and community partner Gilda's Club, Symington helmed the Community Guide to Cancer Nutrition Project. Her tasty findings are now available in The Long Table Cookbook: Plant-Based Recipes for Optimal Health. 


The launch party for Symington’s book will take place on October 3 at the Chefs’ house. Please click here to RSVP and support your colleague. 


Congrats, Chef Symington! 




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Riipen Workshops: Linking Students with Industry


Have you ever wanted your students to work on sector-specific projects with industry and achieve course-specific outcomes at the same time? Now you can! This past year, George Brown began a partnership with Riipen, an online platform that matches faculty with industry opportunities. This is a college-wide initiative that provides "micro-experiential learning experiences" through student-faculty-industry collaboration. In a nutshell, Riipen provides opportunities to bring the workforce into the classroom with minimal effort and no added cost for you. 


Learn about how you and your students can benefit from this partnership at an upcoming workshop on October 2, 3, 10 or 22.


Please ensure that you register ahead of time via Cornerstone. Questions can be directed to Rebecca Tapiero, Work Integrated Learning Project Coordinator, via email at:




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Job Postings


George Brown's internal job postings.




  1. International Admissions Officer, Payband F, International, St. James Campus, Full Time Position.  Competition REQ # 2805.
  2. Operations Support Officer, Payband G, Centre for Health Sciences, Waterfront, Temporary Position, Competition REQ #2810.


No new postings this week.




No new postings this week.





Employee Learning and Development


There are many opportunities for employees to expand their skill-sets and take advantage of a variety of professional development sessions at the college. Please visit Cornerstone, where you can see the full range of offerings.


September 23 to 27

  • UDL Faculty Learning Circle (Universal Design for Learning) – Introduction to UDL
  • OBL Workshop 3: Authentic Assessment
  • TLX Drop-in with Michael Avis (Casa Loma, St. James, & Waterfront Campus)
  • Blackboard Assignments, Rubrics, & Group​​​​​​​


September 30 to October 4

  • OBL Workshop 4: Creating Lesson Plans

  • TLX Drop-in with Michael Avis (Casa Loma, St. James, & Waterfront Campus)
  • Riipen – linking Student Projects with Industry
  • OBL Workshop 4: Creating Lesson Plans



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#ElderWisdom brings seniors and students together


#ElderWisdom — a program that allows members of local long-term care facility Schlegal Villages to share wisdom with our students on an ongoing basis — has returned to GBC.


The latest event, which took place on September 11, was hosted in partnership with 

Community Services and Counselling and 

Accessible Learning Services. It is the "brain child" of two George Brown graduates who now work at Schlegal:

Courtney Cloutier (Gerontology, 2017) and Jessica Cardenas (Gerontology, 2018). 



Graduates Courtney Cloutier (far left) and Jessica Cardenas (second from right) with two of their senior volunteers



Student chefs in the kitchen


Chef on the Run


Chef on the Run is open from Tuesday to Friday, from 11 a.m. until items are sold out (usually around 3 p.m.). 

Here's what's on offer this week in the atrium of 300 Adelaide:



  • Cod
  • Braised lumache
  • Crusted lamb rack
  • Roast stuffed shoulder
  • Lamb curry-rogan josh


  • Brioche
  • Sable bretons
  • Panna cotta
  • Crème brûlée
  • Pot au crème
  • White chocolate soufflé
  • Financiers
  • Brownies
  • Piped shortbreads
  • Linzer slices
  • Opera cakes
  • Apple tarts
  • Maldon salt cookies
  • Chocolate truffles
  • Assorted cookies
  • Biscotti

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Editor: Karen Aagaard

© 2019 George Brown College



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