// What's TAIKAI TAIKAI's goal is to create a talent marketplace to connect creators and companies, by crowdsourcing solutions for their challenges, using hackathons as a tool to find, test, validate new ideas, products and talent globally. Think Tinder for innovation and talent seeking. // General text about hackathons TAIKAI, the innovation platform that connects companies with creators with the aim of crowdsourcing solutions for their challenges, will support the hackathon management. It will be through this platform that teams will be able to sign up for the challenge, present their projects and see their solutions being voted on by the jury through the virtual currency "KAI". “TAIKAI emerges as a facilitator of the process and ensures full transparency. Since its foundation in 2018 and its market launch in March 2019, TAIKAI has been helping companies, universities, and other organizations, drive their digital transformation by creating new ideas and solutions proposed by an online community of innovators", explains Mário Alves, CEO and co-founder of TAIKAI.