Endpoint Index

Example Secure Payment APIs Security: Encrypted Data

The Example Secure Payment APIs protect all HTTPS Request and Response data according to PCI and PII standards with the AES-GCM encryption external link icon (Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) as a Transport Layer Security (TLS) authenticated encryption operation). Please see the Protocol Rules "AES-GCM encrypted request and response data" section for these and other Example Secure Payment API security-related details.

The following endpoints are used in the Payment APIs.

  • All endpoints are deep-linked to, and followed with their API names.
  • Parameters are contained in curly brackets {  }.

Account APIs
DELETE/account/{uuid}/orders/{orderId} | Cancel User's Payment Information
POST/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo | Create User's Payment Information
PUT/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo/{paymentInfoId} | Update User's Payment Information
DELETE/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo/{paymentInfoId} | Delete User's Payment Information
GET/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo | Get User's Payment Information List
GET/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo/{paymentinfoId} | Get User's Payment Information by paymentInfoID
POST/account/{uuid}/paymentinfo/{paymentinfoId}/verification | Reverify Payment Information
Billing APIs
DELETE/billing/{uuid}/orders/{orderId} | Cancel Transaction By Mobile Client OrderId
POST/billing/{uuid}/transactions/check | Check Billing Transaction
POST/billing/{uuid}/transactions | Create Billing Transaction with New Payment Information
POST/billing/{uuid}/paymentinfo/{paymentinfoid}/transactions | Create Billing Transaction with paymentInfoID
GET/billing/{uuid}/transactions | Get Billing Transaction
GET/billing/transactions/{transactionDate}/count | Get Transaction Count
GET/billing/transactions/{transactionDate}/history | Get Transaction History List
POST/billing/{uuid}/payout | Payout Transaction
DELETE/billing/{uuid}/transactions | Refund Transaction
PUT/billing/{uuid}/transactions/{referenceTransactionId}/status | Reject Transaction