Ski Dice Privacy Policy

Send It! Apps does not collect any personal information.

We provide simple products that do not spy on our users. It's software as it was back in the 90's, before social media came along and destroyed everyone's trust, forcing the little guy to waste an evening writing a privacy policy just to put a kid's toy app on the App Store.

We do use Crash tracking software (Crashlytics) to make sure we get the most basic things right (like not having the app crash). We also use Flurry Analytics to see which parts of the app you're interested in. None of these things are personally identifying. We just know which buttons get pressed the most, not who is doing the pressing.

Believe it or not, we do this very old-fashioned thing called "selling a product for a price". When you get the software, it is yours. We have no ulterior motive. We just want to give you a product you enjoy in exchange for a single cash payment. That is all.