INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:35Z] ci-operator version v20240808-a34f155d6 INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:35Z] Loading configuration from for openshift/cluster-node-tuning-operator@master INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Resolved source to master@6d625b5a, merging: #1129 e9952ee6 @ffromani WARN[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] skipped directory "..2024_08_09_14_49_19.47682772" when creating secret from directory "/secrets/ci-pull-credentials" WARN[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] skipped directory "..2024_08_09_14_49_19.3393515897" when creating secret from directory "/usr/local/e2e-aws-operator-cluster-profile" INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Loading information from for integrated stream ocp/4.18 INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Loading information from for integrated stream ocp/4.18 INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Building release initial from a snapshot of ocp/4.18 INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Building release latest from a snapshot of ocp/4.18 INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Using namespace INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Running [input:root], [input:ocp_4.17_base-rhel9], [input:ocp_builder_rhel-9-golang-1.22-openshift-4.17], [input:origin-centos-8], [input:ocp-4.12-upi-installer], [input:ocp-4.14-upi-installer], [input:ocp-4.16-upi-installer], [release-inputs:initial], [release-inputs:latest], src, cluster-node-tuning-operator, [output:stable:cluster-node-tuning-operator], [images], [release:latest], e2e-aws-operator INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging openshift/release:rhel-9-release-golang-1.22-openshift-4.17 into pipeline:root. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging ocp/4.14:upi-installer into pipeline:ocp-4.14-upi-installer. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging ocp/4.12:upi-installer into pipeline:ocp-4.12-upi-installer. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging ocp/4.16:upi-installer into pipeline:ocp-4.16-upi-installer. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging ocp/4.18:base-rhel9 into pipeline:ocp_4.17_base-rhel9. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging origin/centos:8 into pipeline:origin-centos-8. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Tagging ocp/builder:rhel-9-golang-1.22-openshift-4.17 into pipeline:ocp_builder_rhel-9-golang-1.22-openshift-4.17. INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Waiting to import tags on imagestream (after taking snapshot) ci-op-2tiixb6n/stable ... INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:36Z] Waiting to import tags on imagestream (after taking snapshot) ci-op-2tiixb6n/stable-initial ... INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Building src INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Found existing build "src-amd64" INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Build src-amd64 succeeded after 1m28s INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Imported tags on imagestream (after taking snapshot) ci-op-2tiixb6n/stable INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Image ci-op-2tiixb6n/pipeline:src created for-build=src INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:37Z] Building cluster-node-tuning-operator INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Imported tags on imagestream (after taking snapshot) ci-op-2tiixb6n/stable-initial INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Found existing build "cluster-node-tuning-operator-amd64" INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Build cluster-node-tuning-operator-amd64 succeeded after 4m29s INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Image ci-op-2tiixb6n/pipeline:cluster-node-tuning-operator created for-build=cluster-node-tuning-operator INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Tagging cluster-node-tuning-operator into stable INFO[2024-08-09T14:49:38Z] Creating release image INFO[2024-08-09T14:51:02Z] Snapshot integration stream into release to tag release:latest INFO[2024-08-09T14:51:02Z] Acquiring leases for test e2e-aws-operator: [aws-quota-slice] INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:33Z] Acquired 1 lease(s) for aws-quota-slice: [us-west-1--aws-quota-slice-13] INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:33Z] Acquiring IP Pool leases for test e2e-aws-operator: aws-ip-pools-us-west-1 INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:33Z] no leases of type: aws-ip-pools-us-west-1 available INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:33Z] Running multi-stage test e2e-aws-operator INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:34Z] Running multi-stage phase pre INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:34Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf. INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:52Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf succeeded after 17s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:53:52Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-telemetry. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:00Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-telemetry succeeded after 8s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:00Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-aws. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:11Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-aws succeeded after 11s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:11Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-aws-byo-ipv4-pool-public. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:19Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-conf-aws-byo-ipv4-pool-public succeeded after 7s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:19Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-monitoringpvc. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:28Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-monitoringpvc succeeded after 8s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:28Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-rbac. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:35Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-rbac succeeded after 7s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:35Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-openshift-cluster-bot-rbac. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:43Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-openshift-cluster-bot-rbac succeeded after 8s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:43Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-hosted-loki. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:51Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-hosted-loki succeeded after 8s. INFO[2024-08-09T14:54:51Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-install. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:19Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-install succeeded after 39m27s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:19Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-times-collection. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:27Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-install-times-collection succeeded after 7s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:27Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-nodes-readiness. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:38Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-nodes-readiness succeeded after 11s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:38Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-multiarch-validate-nodes. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:47Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-multiarch-validate-nodes succeeded after 8s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:47Z] Step phase pre succeeded after 41m13s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:47Z] Running multi-stage phase test INFO[2024-08-09T15:34:47Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-test. INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] Logs for container test in pod e2e-aws-operator-test: INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor go build -o _output/go-bindata ./vendor/ _output/go-bindata -mode 420 -modtime 1 -pkg manifests -o pkg/manifests/bindata.go assets/... gofmt -s -w pkg/manifests/bindata.go for d in core basic reboots reboots/sno deferred; do \ KUBERNETES_CONFIG="/tmp/kubeconfig-810892053" GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor go test -v -timeout 40m ./test/e2e/$d -ginkgo.v -ginkgo.label-filter=!flaky || exit; \ done === RUN TestNodeTuningOperator Running Suite: Node Tuning Operator e2e tests: core - /go/src/ ============================================================================================================================= Random Seed: 1723217727 Will run 1 of 1 specs ------------------------------ [core][cluster_version] Node Tuning Operator host, container OS and cluster version host, container OS and cluster version retrievable /go/src/ STEP: getting a list of worker nodes @ 08/09/24 15:35:27.305 STEP: getting a TuneD Pod running on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:27.636 STEP: getting the host OS version on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:27.703 NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS" ID="rhcos" ID_LIKE="rhel fedora" VERSION="416.94.202405210347-0" VERSION_ID="4.16" VARIANT="CoreOS" VARIANT_ID=coreos PLATFORM_ID="platform:el9" PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 416.94.202405210347-0" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:9::baseos::coreos" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="OpenShift Container Platform" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION="4.16" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="OpenShift Container Platform" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="4.16" OPENSHIFT_VERSION="4.16" RHEL_VERSION=9.4 OSTREE_VERSION="416.94.202405210347-0" STEP: getting the TuneD container OS version @ 08/09/24 15:35:29.007 NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" VERSION="9.2 (Plow)" ID="rhel" ID_LIKE="fedora" VERSION_ID="9.2" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el9" PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Plow)" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" LOGO="fedora-logo-icon" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:9::baseos" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=9.2 REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="9.2" STEP: getting the cluster version @ 08/09/24 15:35:30.061 run command 'oc [get clusterversion version -o jsonpath='{.status.desired.version}']': out='' err= ret= • [3.036 seconds] ------------------------------ Ran 1 of 1 Specs in 3.036 seconds SUCCESS! -- 1 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped --- PASS: TestNodeTuningOperator (3.04s) PASS ok 3.052s === RUN TestNodeTuningOperator Running Suite: Node Tuning Operator e2e tests: basic - /go/src/ =============================================================================================================================== Random Seed: 1723217732 Will run 15 of 15 specs ------------------------------ [basic][rollback] Node Tuning Operator settings rollback TuneD settings rollback net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse set /go/src/ STEP: getting a list of worker nodes @ 08/09/24 15:35:32.263 STEP: getting a TuneD Pod running on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:32.609 STEP: waiting for TuneD profile openshift-node on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:32.679 STEP: ensuring the default net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse value (2) is set in Pod tuned-fc2dr @ 08/09/24 15:35:32.757 STEP: labelling Pod tuned-fc2dr with label @ 08/09/24 15:35:33.817 run command 'oc [label pod --overwrite -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-fc2dr]': out=pod/tuned-fc2dr labeled err= ret= STEP: creating custom profile /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:35:34.229 run command 'oc [create -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': created err= ret= STEP: ensuring the custom worker node profile was set @ 08/09/24 15:35:34.507 STEP: deleting Pod tuned-fc2dr @ 08/09/24 15:35:35.547 run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator pod tuned-fc2dr --wait]': out=pod "tuned-fc2dr" deleted err= ret= STEP: waiting for a new TuneD Pod to be ready on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:36.241 STEP: ensuring the custom net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse value (1) is still set in Pod tuned-54txw @ 08/09/24 15:35:36.311 STEP: deleting custom profile /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:35:37.373 run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': "openshift-ingress" deleted err= ret= STEP: waiting for TuneD profile openshift-node on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:37.711 STEP: ensuring the default net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse value (2) is set in Pod tuned-54txw @ 08/09/24 15:35:38.81 STEP: cluster changes rollback @ 08/09/24 15:35:39.861 run command 'oc [label pod --overwrite -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-54txw]': out=label "" not found. pod/tuned-54txw not labeled err= ret= run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': out= err=Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "/go/src/": "openshift-ingress" not found ret=exit status 1 • [8.283 seconds] ------------------------------ [basic][rollback] Node Tuning Operator settings rollback TuneD settings rollback without pod restart kernel.shmmni set /go/src/ STEP: getting a list of worker nodes @ 08/09/24 15:35:40.549 STEP: waiting for TuneD profile openshift-node on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:40.751 STEP: checking the pristine state on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:40.819 STEP: verification command: [/usr/sbin/sysctl -n kernel.shmmni] @ 08/09/24 15:35:40.819 STEP: verification expected output: "8192" @ 08/09/24 15:35:40.819 STEP: verification current output: "4096" @ 08/09/24 15:35:41.916 STEP: creating custom profile /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:35:41.916 run command 'oc [create -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': created err= ret= STEP: waiting for TuneD profile test-shmmni on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:42.204 STEP: ensuring the custom worker node profile was set @ 08/09/24 15:35:47.279 STEP: deleting custom profile /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:35:48.327 run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': "ocp-prof-deferred-basic-00" deleted err= ret= STEP: waiting for TuneD profile openshift-node on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:48.715 STEP: ensuring the pristine state is restored on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:53.788 STEP: cluster changes rollback @ 08/09/24 15:35:54.842 run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f /go/src/]': out= err=Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "/go/src/": "ocp-prof-deferred-basic-00" not found ret=exit status 1 • [14.589 seconds] ------------------------------ [basic][profile_status] Profile status conditions applied and not degraded Profile status conditions applied and not degraded /go/src/ • [0.071 seconds] ------------------------------ [basic][sysctl_d_override] Node Tuning Operator /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf override sysctl.d override net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 set /go/src/ STEP: getting a list of worker nodes @ 08/09/24 15:35:55.206 STEP: getting a TuneD Pod running on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:55.345 STEP: waiting for TuneD profile openshift-node on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:55.414 STEP: getting the current value of net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 in Pod tuned-54txw @ 08/09/24 15:35:55.488 STEP: writing /host/etc/sysctl.d/zzz.conf override file on the host with net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=256 @ 08/09/24 15:35:56.558 run command 'oc [exec -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-54txw -- sh -c echo net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=256 > /host/etc/sysctl.d/zzz.conf; sync /host/etc/sysctl.d/zzz.conf]': out= err= ret= run command 'oc [rsh -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-54txw cat /host/etc/sysctl.d/zzz.conf]': out=net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=256 err= ret= STEP: deleting Pod tuned-54txw @ 08/09/24 15:35:58.57 run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator pod tuned-54txw --wait]': out=pod "tuned-54txw" deleted err= ret= STEP: waiting for a new TuneD Pod to be ready on node @ 08/09/24 15:35:59.301 STEP: ensuring new net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 value (256) is set in Pod tuned-grjwg @ 08/09/24 15:35:59.37 [FAILED] in [It] - /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:41:00.397 STEP: cluster changes rollback @ 08/09/24 15:41:00.397 run command 'oc [label node --overwrite]': out=label "" not found. node/ not labeled err= ret= run command 'oc [exec -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-grjwg -- rm /host/etc/sysctl.d/zzz.conf]': out= err= ret= run command 'oc [delete -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -f ../testing_manifests/sysctl_override.yaml]': out= err=Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "../testing_manifests/sysctl_override.yaml": "openshift-profile" not found ret=exit status 1 • [FAILED] [306.910 seconds] [basic][sysctl_d_override] Node Tuning Operator /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf override sysctl.d override [It] net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 set /go/src/ [FAILED] Unexpected error: <*errors.errorString | 0xc000400870>: sysctl net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=8192 in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256: command [sysctl -n net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1] outputs 8192 (leading/trailing whitespace trimmed) in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256 (waited 5m1.026744357s): { s: "sysctl net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=8192 in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256: command [sysctl -n net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1] outputs 8192 (leading/trailing whitespace trimmed) in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256 (waited 5m1.026744357s): ", } occurred In [It] at: /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:41:00.397 ------------------------------ SSSSSSSSSSS Summarizing 1 Failure: [FAIL] [basic][sysctl_d_override] Node Tuning Operator /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf override sysctl.d override [It] net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 set /go/src/ Ran 4 of 15 Specs in 329.854 seconds FAIL! -- 3 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 11 Skipped --- FAIL: TestNodeTuningOperator (329.85s) FAIL FAIL 329.868s FAIL make: *** [Makefile:103: test-e2e] Error 1 {"component":"entrypoint","error":"wrapped process failed: exit status 2","file":"","func":"","level":"error","msg":"Error executing test process","severity":"error","time":"2024-08-09T15:41:02Z"} error: failed to execute wrapped command: exit status 2 INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-test failed after 6m15s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] Step phase test failed after 6m15s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] Running multi-stage phase post INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:02Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-gather-aws-console. INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:22Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-gather-aws-console succeeded after 19s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:41:22Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-gather-must-gather. INFO[2024-08-09T15:43:00Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-gather-must-gather succeeded after 1m37s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:43:00Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-gather-extra. INFO[2024-08-09T15:44:30Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-gather-extra succeeded after 1m30s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:44:30Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-gather-audit-logs. INFO[2024-08-09T15:44:53Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-gather-audit-logs succeeded after 23s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:44:53Z] Running step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-deprovision-deprovision. INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:20Z] Step e2e-aws-operator-ipi-deprovision-deprovision succeeded after 7m26s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:20Z] Step phase post succeeded after 11m17s. INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:20Z] Releasing ip pool leases for test e2e-aws-operator INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:20Z] Releasing leases for test e2e-aws-operator INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:21Z] Ran for 1h2m45s ERRO[2024-08-09T15:52:21Z] Some steps failed: ERRO[2024-08-09T15:52:21Z] * could not run steps: step e2e-aws-operator failed: "e2e-aws-operator" test steps failed: "e2e-aws-operator" pod "e2e-aws-operator-test" failed: could not watch pod: the pod ci-op-2tiixb6n/e2e-aws-operator-test failed after 6m15s (failed containers: test): ContainerFailed one or more containers exited Container test exited with code 2, reason Error --- ctl_override.yaml": "openshift-profile" not found ret=exit status 1 • [FAILED] [306.910 seconds] [basic][sysctl_d_override] Node Tuning Operator /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf override sysctl.d override [It] net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 set /go/src/ [FAILED] Unexpected error: <*errors.errorString | 0xc000400870>: sysctl net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=8192 in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256: command [sysctl -n net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1] outputs 8192 (leading/trailing whitespace trimmed) in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256 (waited 5m1.026744357s): { s: "sysctl net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=8192 in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256: command [sysctl -n net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1] outputs 8192 (leading/trailing whitespace trimmed) in Pod tuned-grjwg, expected 256 (waited 5m1.026744357s): ", } occurred In [It] at: /go/src/ @ 08/09/24 15:41:00.397 ------------------------------ SSSSSSSSSSS Summarizing 1 Failure: [FAIL] [basic][sysctl_d_override] Node Tuning Operator /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf override sysctl.d override [It] net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 set /go/src/ Ran 4 of 15 Specs in 329.854 seconds FAIL! -- 3 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 11 Skipped --- FAIL: TestNodeTuningOperator (329.85s) FAIL FAIL 329.868s FAIL make: *** [Makefile:103: test-e2e] Error 1 {"component":"entrypoint","error":"wrapped process failed: exit status 2","file":"","func":"","level":"error","msg":"Error executing test process","severity":"error","time":"2024-08-09T15:41:02Z"} error: failed to execute wrapped command: exit status 2 --- Link to step on registry info site: Link to job on registry info site: INFO[2024-08-09T15:52:21Z] Reporting job state 'failed' with reason 'executing_graph:step_failed:utilizing_lease:executing_test:utilizing_ip_pool:executing_test:executing_multi_stage_test'