Qutub Minar or Vishnu Stambh?

Qutub Minar or Vishnu Stambh ?

Qutub Minar complex is one of the most iconic and historic monuments in India, located in the bustling city of Delhi. As I arrived at the site, I was immediately struck by the awe-inspiring 73-meter tall tower, made of red sandstone and marble, that dominates the skyline. The sheer scale and beauty of the structure left me feeling humbled and amazed.

The Alai Darwaza Gate, built in the 14th century, is another marvel of Islamic architecture. The imposing structure is adorned with intricate geometric designs and calligraphy, which showcase the artistic skill and craftsmanship of the artisans who built it. I stood in awe, admiring the sheer beauty and elegance of the structure.

As I made my way toward the Iron Pillar, I was struck by the sheer age of the monument. The pillar, which dates back to the 4th century, is a testament to the advanced metallurgical skills of ancient Indian craftsmen. Despite being exposed to the elements for over a thousand years, the pillar has remained remarkably well-preserved and is still a marvel of ancient engineering.

All this time, I never looked at the stone carvings in depth. I was stunned to see Hindu/Jain patterns in the complex. Most of the pillars resemble Hindu architecture. On every stone mandap, a dome has been made to make it look like an Islamic piece of art. As per the Islamic style of architecture, we don't usually find a dome above a slab.

At some spots, just the carvings of Hindu gods have been cleared off, thus taking out the resemblance of Hinduism from the components. Speaking of the Qutub Minar,  It looks like an Islamic structure. These minars were built to project the Muslim call to prayer (adhan), but they also served as landmarks and symbols of Islam's presence. But, when we look at the structures around the Qutub Minar, one can surely guess that Either today's Qutub Minar was formerly a Hindu / Jain structure that was modified to look like a Minar or today's Qutub minar was made using the stones taken from out from Hindu/Jain mandirs.

Below is some information I found on the internet.

  • 1:Some historians claim that today's Qutub Minar was built by Raja Vikramaditya, and it was a Dhruv Stambha or Vishnu Stambha.
  • 2:Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan, in his book Asar-ul-sanadid says that the Qutub Minar cannot be a minaret because the minaret is always east facing. In the case of Qutub, its entrance faces north.
  • 3: Analyses say that Qutubudin Aibak neither had the time nor the funds to build a monument like this in his 4 years of the regime. There are no inscriptions stating the minaret was built on his behalf.
  • 4:There are claims stating that 21 temples were destroyed for the construction of Qutub Minar.
  • Inscriptions say that 'Qutub Minar was built as a tower of victory after defeating the Rajputs in 1192'. But when we look at the way it was built over a Hindu structure, the statement 'Qutub Minar was built as a tower of victory of Islam over Hinduism' prevails. Well, these facts, conflicts, and claims won't matter if you are a secular Indian. You can enjoy the awe-inspiring 73-meter-tall monument made of red sandstone and marble, that dominates the skyline.