
During Phase 1 of this anomaly, we need to identify volatile portals where the signal is strongest. These volatile portals are not visible in this universe, however; we must identify them on the basis of the encoded data we can retrieve and interpret, thanks to Carrie Campbell. If we can interpret the data correctly, each piece of information should direct us to three words, which can provide a portal location when input into what3words.

Information regarding volatile locations for measurement 1:

Information regarding volatile locations for measurement 2:

Information regarding volatile locations for measurement 3:

Measurement 4 is especially peculiar. These portals may not be volatile themselves, but have become storehouses of information for the measurement's volatiles. When Phase 1 begins, hacking these portals should drop the locations of the measurement volatiles -- but only for five minutes. We must decode these locations in time, and prepare to hack these portals to retrieve the volatile location lists. Remember: the media will only be hackable from Phase 1 start to Phase 1 start+5 minutes!