
version 6.0

jshash 2.2 is an opensource implementation of hashing algorithms including SHA256, distributed under the BSD license.

This sample code is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

Browser Support: Chrome 20+, Firefox 13+, IE 10+, Opera 12.10+, Safari 6+.


Gpay now hashes data for you! Plain text data files are hashed on your computer before the data is sent securely to Google's servers using the SHA256 algorithm, which is the industry standard for one-way hashing. If you choose to hash your own data, you can use the below tools as a reference.

Hashing Validation - Single Input:

Use Case: You're hashing your own data and want to verify the output via a single input. This tool will show you what conversion using the SHA256 algorithm would output. The output from this demo should match the output from your hashing method.

Note: Data will not be scrubbed by this tool prior to hashing (i.e. spaces will not be removed, letters will not be lowercased, periods before the @ sign will not be removed). Scrub your data before you hash to ensure the highest possible match rate.

Hashing Demo - .csv output:

Use Case: Hash a batch of data from a .csv via upload. The output will be a csv. Capital letters will be lowercased, spaces and periods before the @ sign will be removed prior to hashing. The output can be uploaded into Gpay Merchant Console.

Hashing Demo - text output:

Use Case: Hash a batch of data from a csv file using copy/paste. The output will be displayed in the right hand side box. Capital letters will be lowercased, spaces will be removed, and periods before the @ sign will be removed prior to hashing. After saving the data as a csv, it can be uploaded to Gpay Merchant Console.

File Format

Hashing Validation - Single Input

Email address/Phone:
hashed value:

Hashing Demo - text output

Batch process text file for Customer Match

Copy and Paste the contents of a csv file with a header row on the left, then click

For example:

Output (Formatted)
Input (csv)