#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = EVR Gallery ## Skin ### Button Button_E1F8C55C_F7CA_314E_41D5_F2E8044AFE27.label = NOT RIGHT NOW Button_E1F8C55C_F7CA_314E_41D5_F2E8044AFE27_mobile.label = NOT RIGHT NOW Button_E2E723D6_F7CD_D15A_41E9_50AD5289BCFF.label = DOWNLOAD FILE Button_E2E723D6_F7CD_D15A_41E9_50AD5289BCFF_mobile.label = DOWNLOAD FILE Button_E52ED060_F73A_4F76_41D5_8E511A89C036.label = HOW DOES IT WORK ? Button_E52ED060_F73A_4F76_41D5_8E511A89C036_mobile.label = HOW DOES IT WORK ? Button_E5554DDF_F73A_714A_41CA_769B098A8269.label = UPLOAD YOUR CURATION Button_E5554DDF_F73A_714A_41CA_769B098A8269_mobile.label = UPLOAD YOUR CURATION Button_E78C4806_F73A_3EBA_41EB_DB3443445A93.label = DOWNLOAD THE WALL FILE Button_E78C4806_F73A_3EBA_41EB_DB3443445A93_mobile.label = DOWNLOAD THE WALL FILE ### Multiline Text HTMLText_E03290EB_F7FA_4F4A_41E0_177EED97D1F2.html =
Please confirm below you want to download "WALL FILE.jpg"

For instructions on how to use the file, please refer to the
How does it work ? section in the navigation menu.

Are you sure you want to download "WALL FILE.jpg" ?
HTMLText_E03290EB_F7FA_4F4A_41E0_177EED97D1F2_mobile.html =
Please confirm below you want to download "WALL FILE.jpg"

For instructions on how to use the file, please refer to the
How does it work ? section in the navigation menu.

Are you sure you want to download "WALL FILE.jpg" ?
HTMLText_FBA59BDC_F4F2_2D48_41C0_E61D8609103B.html =
Open your artworks in Photoshop, and copy/paste them onto the "WALL FILE".
Your artwork files should NOT exceed 2800px on the long edge.
HTMLText_FBA59BDC_F4F2_2D48_41C0_E61D8609103B_mobile.html =
Open your artworks in Photoshop, and copy/paste them onto the "WALL FILE".
Your artwork files should NOT exceed 2800px on the long edge.
HTMLText_FBD67635_F4F2_E6DB_41E1_4F153C89BEEF.html =
Save the file in .jpg (quality 10), and then go to "UPLOAD" to submit your Curated Wall File.
Once your file is processed you will receive an confirmation email, with your Virtual Tour link.
HTMLText_FBD67635_F4F2_E6DB_41E1_4F153C89BEEF_mobile.html =
Save the file in .jpg (quality 10), and then go to "UPLOAD" to submit your Curated Wall File.
Once your file is processed you will receive an confirmation email, with your Virtual Tour link.
HTMLText_FBE403CA_F4F2_1D48_41D2_84A6A50C7998.html =
Once all your artworks are placed, flatten/merge all the layers.
CAUTION : Do NOT resize or crop "WALL FILE" !
HTMLText_FBE403CA_F4F2_1D48_41D2_84A6A50C7998_mobile.html =
Once all your artworks are placed, flatten/merge all the layers.
CAUTION : Do NOT resize or crop "WALL FILE" !
HTMLText_FBF440BE_F4F2_1BC8_41EC_FE80C28DC41B.html =
Drag and place your artworks on the walls, and resize them as you wish.
Make sure the Artworks do NOT overlap on the blue guides separating each wall image.
HTMLText_FBF440BE_F4F2_1BC8_41EC_FE80C28DC41B_mobile.html =
Drag and place your artworks on the walls, and resize them as you wish.
Make sure the Artworks do NOT overlap on the blue guides separating each wall image.
HTMLText_FC041DD2_F1BC_2020_41ED_4F6AE32583EB.html =
Download and open the "WALL FILE" in Photoshop.
HTMLText_FC041DD2_F1BC_2020_41ED_4F6AE32583EB_mobile.html =
Download and open the "WALL FILE" in Photoshop.
### Label Label_FC00ADC5_F1BC_2020_41DC_C498E5A2FA5D.text = Virtual Gallery Label_FC00ADC5_F1BC_2020_41DC_C498E5A2FA5D_mobile.text = Virtual Gallery ## Media ### Title panorama_E7433ADD_EECB_C6B7_41CA_C07AE270DDFB.label = Cross North v1 panorama_E7437A0E_EECB_C195_41E3_0CD43F6DE164.label = Cross East v1 panorama_E743D951_EECB_438F_41E6_2E9A6E225C52.label = MASTER CROSS CENTER v1