
How does an Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS) work?

aPaaS stands for "Application Platform as a Service." This topic makes reference to a service in the cloud, in which the client provides the client with an environment for development, an tools for the development of new apps as well.

Most businesses are now opting for using an app platform as a service due to the low cost and easiness to use.

So, an app platform as a service is especially practical for those who focus in software development that wish to develop and launch new programs or applications without worrying about the necessary infrastructure.

Almost every product or service has its own application in the modern-day, both inside the business and for the end-user. Inside the businesses, applications have become a way of personalization. Something that doesn't enter inside the traditional models of an ERP system or CRM can be developed on this same platform.

More prominent companies like Salesforce and Microsoft are focusing more on the flexibility of commercial applications. Some well-known examples of aPaaS for application development are Microsoft Azure and Heroku by Salesforce.

Companies that want to have mobile applications for their external use can take advantage of aPaaS as well. The service is in charge of making the business have control over their applications. This way, they don't have to worry about paying the high costs that can suppose development and storing. Extra services like APIs and design tools make designing the application easier.

Before getting started in how aPaaS works, you must know the different types of application platforms as a service can be categorized: public, private, and hybrid.

How does aPaaS work?

With an application platform as a service, you'll build up a product the same way you would develop it in your particular development enviroment. When the code's creation is completed, it must be transferred to the platform. Then, it must go through a deployment process so it can be later executed in a container that offers you all the resources you need.

Many aPaaS services are capable of executing multiple versions of the same program simultaneously, which will allow you to, for example, create test environments in real-time or rollbacks of earlier versions.

A classic instance of how aPaaS work are web hosting services. When you're a client, you will produce the code and introduce it in the web hosting service. Then, said code will be executed and the website you've created will be displayed. There's nothing else you should be worrying about. An app platform as a service can be more complicated, but may include better aspects.