Newbie farmers when starting on raising cattle may have a number of questions about how exactly to go about in rearing healthy productive cattle. Well wonder no more because this article will provide you answers to the questions you can have.

The Cows:

Before you purchase your cattle you should make up your mind on what you desire to achieve from your project. Do you want to get into cattle farming to produce milk or do you want to produce meat. Or maybe you want to breed your cows. And again make up your mind on if you are going to raise grass-fed cattle, corn-fed cattle or barley-fed cattle.

Your cows must be supplied with plant proteins as dietary supplements. When raising cattle for milk you should make it a point that you give food to you cattle with grains because this increases their production of milk.

You must also make the right decision when choosing a cow breed. Some cattle may easily become ill in certain climate conditions whilst others don't. So do your research on what climate you are in and what type of cows strive best in that climate.

The Farm Land:

Do you have enough land to manage your cows? If you are planning on raising your cattle on pasture then you must have enough land to feed your entire cows. To have large land needs you to have a lot of money. So be sure you have enough cash to invest.


In order to generate profits you should sell your cows for the right market price. Your cattle can be sold to other cattle farmers or large corporations, but you have to know the right price to sell your cattle. Online forums and ranches can help you in deciding the right price for your livestock.

Hope this article has provided you some answers to the questions you have in farming your own cattle. As you can see raising cattle can be achieved, with the right information you could be a successful cow farmer.

Research Websites:

How to raise cattle by Gerard Dawn

How to raise ecattle review

How to raise cattle

Raising beef cattle for dummies

Research Videos:

Best Way To Make Money With Cattle

Cattle Feeding On Forage Grass In The Winter

Cattle Feedlot Profitability

Cattle Handling Techniques

Feed Efficiency In Cattle

How To Manage Cattle Repeat Breeding

How To Raise White Park Cattle

Mastitis In Cows Natural Treatment

How To Sell Your Cattle At An Auction

How To Start Raising Cattle

How To Raise Cows For Profit

Cost Of Raising A Cow For Meat

Best cattle to raise for profit

Cattle Fattening Techniques

Raising Cows For Profit

Raising Beef Cattle 101

Raising A Cow For Beef

Cattle Ranching For Dummies