First why would it be a good option to keep ducks then the other types of livestock? A lot of livestock farmers have now realized that it much more profitable to keep ducks it is to raise chickens or any type of other animal. The main reason for this is that ducks cost less to manage compared to chickens and at the same time can endure very hot and cold temperature. And not putting aside that their eggs taste a much better then poultry eggs.

Since ducks can withstand extreme weather there is no need to spend a lot in building them shelter. Just a simple shelter that is dry is all that is required. Ducks eat lots of other food when compared to chickens and are more resistant to diseases as well. Ducks also grow and mature faster then chickens (4 months). The Pekin breed is known to be the most profitable since it provides good quality/quantity of meat.

The United States is known to raise over 20 million ducks per year. These kind of numbers are spread across those raised for eggs and meat but keeping for meat with a top percentage. The reason why most farmers raise ducks for meat is because it costs more to keep ducks for egg production. Egg laying feeds cost far more when compared to chickens.

When building houses for ducks simple wood and bamboo may be used thus reducing the costs. But it is vital that the housing be kept dry so that viruses do not grow in the house and affect your ducks. One way of doing this, corn cobs and peanut hulls may be spread on the ground. This shelter may be constructed next to a stream or swimming pool in order that the birds go into the water to cool themselves and exercise.

If you would want to later on expand your business and raise ducks for eggs the other good way to make more money is to keep your eggs for hatching then later on sell the ducklings. It requires about 28 days for the embryos to germinate in the eggs and heated at about 95 degrees Fahrenheit with 75% humidity.

Research Websites:

How to raise ducks by Gerard Dawn

How to raise ducks review

How to raise ducks

How to raise ducks for a beginner

Research Videos

Ducks And Ducklings Raised at the Zoo

Ducks Learning To Get Down The Steps

Feeding Ducks Some Snacks

How Ducks Disipline Their Ducklings

How Ducks Swim Underwater

How To Feed Ducks For Commercial Farming

How To Make A Duck Waterer

How To Spot The Gender Of A Duck

Playing With A Domestic Duck

Raising Ducks in Bangladesh

Raising Muscovy Ducks

Ruddy Ducks Have Some Odd Behaviors

Why You Should Always Have Water Pond For Your Ducks