FuzzBench: 2023-01-15-latest-cov report

experiment summary

We show two different aggregate (cross-benchmark) rankings of fuzzers. The first is based on the average of per-benchmarks scores, where the score represents the percentage of the highest reached median code-coverage on a given benchmark (higher value is better). The second ranking shows the average rank of fuzzers, after we rank them on each benchmark according to their median reached code-covereges (lower value is better).
By avg. score
average normalized score
libafl 99.12
libfuzzer 93.92
honggfuzz 91.78
afl 88.09
aflfast 86.76
fairfuzz 85.14
mopt 83.60
eclipser 71.52
centipede 62.55
aflsmart 22.01
By avg. rank
average rank
libafl 2.76
honggfuzz 3.57
libfuzzer 3.71
afl 4.86
mopt 5.05
eclipser 5.24
fairfuzz 6.48
aflfast 6.76
centipede 7.19
aflsmart 7.86
  • Critical difference diagram
    The diagram visualizes the average rank of fuzzers (second ranking above) while showing the significance of the differences as well. What is considered a "critical difference" (CD) is based on the Friedman/Nemenyi post-hoc test. See more in the documentation.
    Note: If a fuzzer does not support all benchmarks, its ranking as shown in this diagram can be lower than it should be. So please check the list of supported benchmarks for the fuzzer(s) of your interest. The list could be specified in the fuzzer's README.md like this.
  • Median relative code-coverages on each benchmark

    Note: The relative coverage summary table shows the median relative performance of each fuzzer to the experiment maximum. Thus the highest relative performance may not be 100%.
    trial_relative_coverage = trial_coverage / experiment_max_coverage

      libafl honggfuzz aflsmart libfuzzer eclipser afl mopt aflfast centipede fairfuzz
    FuzzerMedian 98.00 96.00 96.00 93.00 94.50 95.00 95.50 93.00 89.00 89.00
    FuzzerMean 94.81 92.05 90.40 89.71 89.12 84.86 84.35 83.57 82.47 81.90
    bloaty_fuzz_target 99.00 94.00 96.00 89.00 94.00 94.00 96.00 93.00 nan 79.00
    curl_curl_fuzzer_http 98.00 99.00 94.00 91.00 94.00 94.00 94.00 93.00 nan 84.00
    freetype2_ftfuzzer 91.00 95.00 69.00 78.00 77.00 69.00 68.00 66.00 59.00 65.00
    harfbuzz_hb-shape-fuzzer 99.00 96.00 96.00 94.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 95.00 nan 90.00
    jsoncpp_jsoncpp_fuzzer 98.00 99.00 nan 100.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00
    lcms_cms_transform_fuzzer 95.00 80.00 nan 86.00 75.00 40.00 40.00 28.00 36.00 69.00
    libjpeg-turbo_libjpeg_turbo_fuzzer 99.00 99.00 nan 99.00 nan 99.00 99.00 99.00 95.00 99.00
    libpcap_fuzz_both 84.00 84.00 nan 76.00 73.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 85.00 1.00
    libpng_libpng_read_fuzzer 94.00 96.00 nan 96.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 93.00 96.00 94.00
    libxml2_xml 99.00 99.00 nan 98.00 97.00 97.00 97.00 97.00 93.00 90.00
    libxslt_xpath 97.00 99.00 nan 93.00 96.00 95.00 nan 95.00 nan 97.00
    mbedtls_fuzz_dtlsclient 81.00 71.00 nan 71.00 71.00 70.00 70.00 68.00 69.00 73.00
    openssl_x509 99.00 99.00 nan 99.00 99.00 99.00 99.00 99.00 99.00 99.00
    openthread_ot-ip6-send-fuzzer 77.00 77.00 nan 77.00 75.00 73.00 73.00 72.00 72.00 69.00
    re2_fuzzer 99.00 98.00 nan 99.00 nan 99.00 98.00 99.00 95.00 99.00
    sqlite3_ossfuzz 95.00 72.00 97.00 84.00 96.00 97.00 97.00 96.00 67.00 67.00
    stb_stbi_read_fuzzer 98.00 94.00 nan 90.00 nan 89.00 89.00 89.00 88.00 89.00
    systemd_fuzz-link-parser 99.00 97.00 nan 72.00 92.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 nan 84.00
    vorbis_decode_fuzzer 98.00 nan nan 99.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 nan 95.00
    woff2_convert_woff2ttf_fuzzer 97.00 96.00 nan 95.00 nan 91.00 92.00 90.00 89.00 82.00
    zlib_zlib_uncompress_fuzzer 95.00 97.00 nan 98.00 nan 97.00 96.00 95.00 96.00 97.00
    • Fuzzers are sorted by "FuzzerMean" (average median relative coverage), highest on the left.
    • Green background = highest relative median coverage.
    • Blue gradient background = greater than 95% relative median coverage.

bloaty_fuzz_target summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: honggfuzz, libfuzzer, mopt, eclipser, libafl.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 11.0 6388.090909 42.117584 6315.0 6364.00 6390.0 6408.00 6454.0
    mopt 82800 12.0 6255.083333 117.571223 6057.0 6211.00 6253.0 6334.00 6450.0
    aflsmart 82800 19.0 6174.684211 126.515283 5952.0 6056.00 6200.0 6261.00 6396.0
    honggfuzz 82800 15.0 6089.333333 153.275973 5878.0 5932.50 6120.0 6177.50 6359.0
    afl 82800 17.0 6113.470588 67.120337 6043.0 6068.00 6088.0 6115.00 6268.0
    eclipser 82800 11.0 6053.181818 68.930136 5914.0 6022.50 6078.0 6095.50 6135.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 6039.277778 126.970031 5799.0 5992.50 6025.5 6078.00 6355.0
    libfuzzer 82800 12.0 5792.166667 150.381233 5524.0 5735.75 5805.0 5893.25 6018.0
    fairfuzz 82800 19.0 5153.947368 65.586646 5007.0 5133.00 5148.0 5195.00 5279.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

curl_curl_fuzzer_http summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, honggfuzz, libafl.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    honggfuzz 82800 13.0 10830.000000 85.121482 10701.0 10763.0 10847.0 10891.00 10941.0
    libafl 82800 11.0 10770.545455 43.914380 10677.0 10753.0 10789.0 10801.00 10809.0
    aflsmart 82800 18.0 10332.000000 172.426967 9836.0 10276.0 10381.0 10456.75 10519.0
    eclipser 82800 17.0 10351.470588 163.547057 9942.0 10353.0 10381.0 10436.00 10545.0
    afl 82800 20.0 10264.850000 156.759714 10004.0 10090.5 10319.5 10401.75 10464.0
    mopt 82800 18.0 10262.777778 129.233285 9930.0 10262.5 10295.0 10337.00 10405.0
    aflfast 82800 17.0 10194.176471 113.351354 9951.0 10173.0 10236.0 10255.00 10321.0
    libfuzzer 82800 17.0 9982.941176 298.812958 9422.0 9793.0 10053.0 10164.00 10436.0
    fairfuzz 82800 13.0 9148.230769 516.967303 7568.0 9170.0 9244.0 9358.00 9683.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

freetype2_ftfuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: mopt, libfuzzer, fairfuzz, aflfast, honggfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    honggfuzz 82800 11.0 11534.363636 387.425676 10642.0 11369.00 11594.0 11690.50 12086.0
    libafl 82800 16.0 11124.875000 425.069386 10598.0 10803.00 11032.0 11402.25 11941.0
    libfuzzer 82800 13.0 9702.769231 448.467233 9298.0 9410.00 9510.0 9835.00 10692.0
    eclipser 82800 18.0 9312.222222 98.567717 9066.0 9283.00 9317.0 9355.50 9516.0
    aflsmart 82800 17.0 8281.647059 237.343354 7809.0 8241.00 8365.0 8471.00 8519.0
    afl 82800 18.0 8260.555556 213.257156 7811.0 8227.75 8362.0 8404.00 8505.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 8250.071429 157.568771 7948.0 8215.00 8299.5 8364.50 8400.0
    aflfast 82800 11.0 8079.636364 255.013048 7699.0 7874.50 8096.0 8292.00 8407.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 7815.250000 357.879392 6712.0 7824.75 7902.5 7950.25 8084.0
    centipede 82800 19.0 7271.947368 169.130283 6943.0 7193.00 7234.0 7405.00 7548.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

harfbuzz_hb-shape-fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, libfuzzer, mopt, libafl, honggfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 13.0 11067.692308 43.041423 10981.0 11044.00 11060.0 11098.00 11135.0
    eclipser 82800 20.0 10769.400000 51.530676 10623.0 10744.25 10777.0 10789.50 10868.0
    aflsmart 82800 19.0 10773.105263 63.854779 10688.0 10719.50 10775.0 10825.00 10888.0
    afl 82800 19.0 10751.052632 41.414535 10702.0 10720.50 10750.0 10762.00 10851.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 10756.857143 46.354582 10693.0 10729.50 10747.0 10773.75 10856.0
    honggfuzz 82800 7.0 10731.714286 34.941448 10680.0 10718.50 10730.0 10739.50 10796.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 10643.444444 60.874241 10456.0 10621.25 10643.5 10683.25 10717.0
    libfuzzer 82800 14.0 10529.785714 60.493075 10430.0 10495.50 10521.5 10553.00 10665.0
    fairfuzz 82800 15.0 9935.400000 299.442768 9390.0 9698.50 10022.0 10115.00 10379.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

jsoncpp_jsoncpp_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: mopt, libfuzzer.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 13.0 525.000000 0.000000 525.0 525.0 525.0 525.00 525.0
    honggfuzz 82800 19.0 522.105263 0.458831 522.0 522.0 522.0 522.00 524.0
    centipede 82800 20.0 519.650000 1.785173 518.0 518.0 519.0 521.25 523.0
    eclipser 82800 20.0 516.200000 5.176872 505.0 516.5 518.0 520.00 520.0
    mopt 82800 15.0 517.200000 4.459340 502.0 517.0 518.0 520.00 520.0
    afl 82800 17.0 517.764706 1.091410 517.0 517.0 517.0 519.00 520.0
    aflfast 82800 19.0 516.842105 3.789799 502.0 517.0 517.0 519.00 519.0
    fairfuzz 82800 18.0 517.277778 1.447332 513.0 517.0 517.0 518.50 519.0
    libafl 82800 16.0 516.750000 1.000000 516.0 516.0 516.5 517.00 519.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

lcms_cms_transform_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libafl.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 14.0 2087.857143 142.036213 1627.0 2086.75 2120.0 2152.25 2213.0
    libfuzzer 82800 17.0 1947.588235 112.750310 1609.0 1909.00 1925.0 2039.00 2083.0
    honggfuzz 82800 18.0 1612.944444 436.177308 694.0 1585.00 1776.0 1880.00 2035.0
    eclipser 82800 17.0 1656.823529 137.802955 1398.0 1537.00 1671.0 1753.00 1893.0
    fairfuzz 82800 16.0 1318.812500 438.190403 676.0 901.00 1541.5 1623.25 1908.0
    afl 82800 18.0 1074.000000 403.339297 649.0 657.25 887.0 1496.50 1599.0
    mopt 82800 17.0 1098.588235 469.191733 607.0 668.00 887.0 1574.00 1815.0
    centipede 82800 19.0 991.894737 294.465975 761.0 786.50 816.0 1355.50 1476.0
    aflfast 82800 17.0 684.411765 214.421040 610.0 620.00 638.0 644.00 1515.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

libjpeg-turbo_libjpeg_turbo_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libafl, mopt, fairfuzz, libfuzzer.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 12.0 3086.916667 1.564279 3084.0 3086.00 3087.0 3088.0 3089.0
    libafl 82800 13.0 3077.384615 10.508239 3044.0 3077.00 3080.0 3082.0 3086.0
    mopt 82800 13.0 3065.769231 26.211174 3014.0 3073.00 3078.0 3082.0 3084.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 3071.166667 21.087839 3005.0 3073.75 3077.5 3079.5 3081.0
    afl 82800 18.0 3071.611111 16.831829 3020.0 3072.25 3076.5 3080.5 3085.0
    honggfuzz 82800 16.0 3065.625000 10.105279 3036.0 3061.00 3066.5 3072.5 3079.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 3051.166667 33.879110 2966.0 3027.50 3063.0 3079.0 3085.0
    centipede 82800 18.0 2964.666667 35.088124 2917.0 2938.25 2953.0 2997.0 3021.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

libpcap_fuzz_both summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libfuzzer, fairfuzz, honggfuzz, libafl, mopt.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    centipede 82800 18.0 2564.000000 909.730729 101.0 2756.25 2844.5 2903.75 3341.0
    honggfuzz 82800 12.0 2785.500000 124.016495 2566.0 2714.50 2826.5 2881.00 2932.0
    libafl 82800 12.0 2816.250000 56.008319 2704.0 2797.50 2826.0 2860.25 2874.0
    libfuzzer 82800 14.0 2548.071429 43.936080 2470.0 2506.25 2562.5 2573.50 2624.0
    eclipser 82800 19.0 2461.052632 196.678947 1977.0 2403.00 2446.0 2609.00 2706.0
    afl 82800 20.0 40.400000 3.965642 34.0 37.00 43.0 43.00 43.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 39.944444 4.451995 33.0 34.00 43.0 43.00 43.0
    fairfuzz 82800 13.0 40.615385 3.990373 33.0 42.00 43.0 43.00 43.0
    mopt 82800 12.0 37.750000 4.634358 34.0 34.00 34.0 43.00 43.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

libpng_libpng_read_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: honggfuzz, fairfuzz, mopt, libafl.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 17.0 2018.058824 0.899346 2015.0 2018.00 2018.0 2018.00 2019.0
    honggfuzz 82800 15.0 2025.600000 25.076455 2008.0 2012.50 2016.0 2028.00 2087.0
    centipede 82800 18.0 2014.888889 2.887883 2005.0 2014.25 2015.5 2017.00 2017.0
    eclipser 82800 18.0 1971.500000 34.964267 1897.0 1969.50 1990.0 1996.00 1998.0
    afl 82800 19.0 1963.315789 40.319629 1872.0 1938.50 1986.0 1990.50 1996.0
    mopt 82800 11.0 1978.818182 16.993047 1941.0 1976.00 1986.0 1989.00 1994.0
    libafl 82800 10.0 1987.600000 12.677189 1975.0 1977.50 1980.5 2001.00 2006.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 1978.333333 12.708861 1949.0 1973.50 1975.5 1990.50 1993.0
    aflfast 82800 16.0 1942.750000 46.002174 1863.0 1923.75 1952.0 1974.75 1995.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

libxml2_xml summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libafl, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 14.0 15618.285714 30.162199 15568.0 15600.75 15618.5 15625.75 15687.0
    honggfuzz 82800 16.0 15591.562500 43.360456 15523.0 15560.00 15589.0 15622.00 15671.0
    libfuzzer 82800 16.0 15418.625000 79.038282 15269.0 15402.75 15426.0 15469.25 15532.0
    eclipser 82800 17.0 15366.176471 70.190130 15247.0 15310.00 15373.0 15407.00 15477.0
    mopt 82800 16.0 15322.437500 77.559413 15211.0 15256.75 15330.0 15379.50 15435.0
    aflfast 82800 19.0 15307.052632 87.063498 15150.0 15244.00 15324.0 15364.50 15446.0
    afl 82800 17.0 15292.000000 84.172442 15172.0 15230.00 15294.0 15323.00 15445.0
    centipede 82800 19.0 14708.842105 156.918685 14375.0 14622.00 14677.0 14827.00 14992.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 14184.000000 312.667410 13801.0 14077.50 14176.5 14263.50 14972.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

libxslt_xpath summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: honggfuzz, libafl, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    honggfuzz 82800 14.0 11075.428571 90.341842 10842.0 11032.00 11102.5 11136.00 11207.0
    libafl 82800 14.0 10932.642857 77.854506 10761.0 10904.25 10955.5 10988.25 11022.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 10919.333333 77.974743 10784.0 10883.00 10896.5 10987.00 11062.0
    eclipser 82800 18.0 10767.611111 123.770252 10424.0 10773.25 10801.5 10834.00 10888.0
    afl 82800 17.0 10718.470588 133.661007 10411.0 10715.00 10758.0 10786.00 10873.0
    aflfast 82800 17.0 10603.764706 144.041456 10339.0 10610.00 10648.0 10715.00 10747.0
    libfuzzer 82800 15.0 10408.400000 344.089855 9490.0 10383.50 10510.0 10580.50 10827.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

mbedtls_fuzz_dtlsclient summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, mopt, honggfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 16.0 3071.500000 349.108770 2710.0 2743.50 3079.0 3260.50 3680.0
    fairfuzz 82800 15.0 2760.133333 24.942410 2704.0 2747.00 2764.0 2779.50 2793.0
    honggfuzz 82800 13.0 2757.076923 206.549615 2638.0 2690.00 2701.0 2714.00 3439.0
    libfuzzer 82800 16.0 2700.500000 25.586455 2654.0 2686.50 2700.5 2708.00 2747.0
    eclipser 82800 19.0 2721.842105 266.503755 2496.0 2670.50 2694.0 2705.50 3782.0
    mopt 82800 15.0 2642.066667 96.427224 2395.0 2666.00 2685.0 2692.50 2705.0
    afl 82800 19.0 2650.210526 64.609579 2531.0 2607.50 2672.0 2698.00 2716.0
    centipede 82800 20.0 2687.450000 165.745040 2619.0 2631.75 2646.0 2663.75 3381.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 2527.944444 153.382824 2242.0 2408.50 2607.5 2621.25 2648.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

openssl_x509 summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: mopt, libafl.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 13.0 5828.384615 4.574175 5819.0 5827.00 5831.0 5831.00 5833.0
    centipede 82800 18.0 5824.944444 5.127460 5812.0 5821.25 5826.5 5828.00 5833.0
    afl 82800 20.0 5824.550000 6.320185 5808.0 5822.25 5825.5 5829.00 5832.0
    libfuzzer 82800 18.0 5825.277778 6.631525 5817.0 5820.00 5825.5 5831.75 5835.0
    eclipser 82800 17.0 5822.588235 6.423189 5809.0 5816.00 5825.0 5828.00 5830.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 5823.357143 5.241948 5814.0 5819.75 5824.0 5827.50 5831.0
    fairfuzz 82800 17.0 5819.000000 4.847680 5809.0 5816.00 5820.0 5822.00 5828.0
    honggfuzz 82800 17.0 5816.000000 7.000000 5806.0 5810.00 5817.0 5822.00 5829.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 5816.166667 7.648529 5802.0 5811.00 5815.0 5822.75 5829.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

openthread_ot-ip6-send-fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, libafl, libfuzzer, honggfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 14.0 3104.000000 100.013076 3039.0 3074.00 3082.0 3089.75 3445.0
    honggfuzz 82800 13.0 3104.615385 251.215226 2897.0 2928.00 3060.0 3071.00 3790.0
    libafl 82800 14.0 3318.714286 342.344053 3026.0 3046.75 3056.0 3574.00 3959.0
    eclipser 82800 16.0 2984.937500 66.946216 2895.0 2918.25 2999.5 3036.75 3073.0
    mopt 82800 16.0 2905.562500 82.664760 2797.0 2827.00 2907.5 2913.25 3052.0
    afl 82800 20.0 2884.600000 54.703411 2804.0 2829.25 2903.0 2914.00 3020.0
    centipede 82800 17.0 2868.235294 69.222043 2757.0 2789.00 2889.0 2899.00 2973.0
    aflfast 82800 20.0 2869.200000 58.179034 2800.0 2825.25 2865.5 2908.00 3025.0
    fairfuzz 82800 15.0 2743.733333 60.695336 2620.0 2714.50 2758.0 2777.50 2863.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

re2_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libafl, mopt, honggfuzz, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 16.0 2883.500000 2.449490 2880.0 2881.75 2883.5 2885.25 2888.0
    fairfuzz 82800 13.0 2840.923077 47.292462 2728.0 2855.00 2864.0 2867.00 2869.0
    aflfast 82800 17.0 2858.588235 21.566927 2778.0 2862.00 2863.0 2866.00 2874.0
    afl 82800 19.0 2834.736842 48.960122 2739.0 2784.50 2860.0 2868.50 2875.0
    libafl 82800 15.0 2858.200000 8.081725 2842.0 2852.50 2860.0 2864.50 2869.0
    mopt 82800 15.0 2839.733333 35.182111 2761.0 2821.00 2856.0 2862.50 2870.0
    honggfuzz 82800 14.0 2851.928571 5.608569 2843.0 2846.75 2853.5 2856.00 2859.0
    centipede 82800 20.0 2765.650000 18.186968 2723.0 2758.50 2767.5 2774.00 2800.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

sqlite3_ossfuzz summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, libafl, libfuzzer, mopt, honggfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    aflsmart 82800 19.0 19056.263158 212.777098 18674.0 18931.50 19032.0 19230.50 19383.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 18916.857143 276.733378 18441.0 18799.00 18991.0 19099.25 19317.0
    afl 82800 19.0 18952.631579 344.190550 17925.0 18800.50 18972.0 19095.50 19498.0
    eclipser 82800 16.0 18884.375000 348.908751 17767.0 18835.25 18909.5 19083.75 19306.0
    aflfast 82800 19.0 18772.315789 287.160438 18194.0 18620.50 18744.0 18984.50 19383.0
    libafl 82800 14.0 18667.285714 153.859791 18460.0 18563.25 18657.0 18702.50 19038.0
    libfuzzer 82800 14.0 16435.500000 518.807471 15599.0 16152.75 16441.5 16820.50 17164.0
    honggfuzz 82800 11.0 14212.909091 309.906907 13880.0 13970.00 14111.0 14407.50 14841.0
    fairfuzz 82800 14.0 13598.714286 1800.871090 11095.0 12299.50 13217.5 15238.25 16459.0
    centipede 82800 19.0 13219.578947 471.134720 12465.0 12937.00 13126.0 13347.00 14124.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

stb_stbi_read_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: honggfuzz, libafl, libfuzzer, mopt, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 14.0 2172.357143 37.298396 2109.0 2157.25 2188.5 2192.75 2228.0
    honggfuzz 82800 14.0 2124.214286 27.923463 2107.0 2112.00 2113.0 2117.75 2195.0
    libfuzzer 82800 14.0 2034.071429 53.254778 1984.0 1993.00 2012.5 2080.50 2128.0
    afl 82800 19.0 2006.736842 39.652437 1933.0 1996.00 2003.0 2006.00 2091.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 1997.214286 28.320090 1967.0 1980.25 1996.0 2005.50 2084.0
    fairfuzz 82800 11.0 1977.454545 42.961293 1923.0 1949.50 1990.0 1995.00 2077.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 1993.555556 34.984404 1953.0 1970.75 1984.0 2002.75 2090.0
    centipede 82800 18.0 1965.666667 11.370757 1954.0 1957.00 1961.5 1968.25 1987.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

vorbis_decode_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: eclipser, mopt, libafl, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 16.0 1267.125000 2.093641 1264.0 1265.75 1267.5 1268.25 1271.0
    afl 82800 17.0 1244.823529 20.688872 1200.0 1250.00 1253.0 1256.00 1260.0
    libafl 82800 13.0 1252.307692 4.589565 1243.0 1250.00 1252.0 1255.00 1262.0
    mopt 82800 15.0 1249.533333 11.494512 1210.0 1249.00 1252.0 1253.00 1263.0
    aflfast 82800 19.0 1249.000000 12.192894 1201.0 1249.00 1251.0 1254.00 1260.0
    eclipser 82800 15.0 1248.133333 5.514483 1236.0 1245.00 1248.0 1252.50 1255.0
    fairfuzz 82800 12.0 1216.250000 33.545424 1152.0 1197.75 1219.0 1249.25 1253.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

woff2_convert_woff2ttf_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: libafl, honggfuzz, fairfuzz.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libafl 82800 15.0 1176.400000 12.420030 1148.0 1170.00 1177.0 1182.50 1201.0
    honggfuzz 82800 14.0 1163.714286 26.982697 1113.0 1158.50 1164.0 1186.75 1199.0
    libfuzzer 82800 17.0 1147.882353 47.516947 1050.0 1127.00 1152.0 1192.00 1211.0
    mopt 82800 17.0 1117.235294 15.352237 1077.0 1109.00 1117.0 1129.00 1136.0
    afl 82800 19.0 1095.157895 25.333910 1047.0 1080.00 1103.0 1114.00 1127.0
    aflfast 82800 20.0 1091.850000 20.609847 1030.0 1084.25 1097.0 1106.00 1116.0
    centipede 82800 20.0 1078.350000 9.980375 1059.0 1073.00 1079.5 1086.00 1097.0
    fairfuzz 82800 13.0 1005.692308 34.480392 972.0 991.00 994.0 998.00 1092.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

zlib_zlib_uncompress_fuzzer summary

Ranking by median reached code coverage
Reached code coverage distribution
Mean code coverage growth over time
Mean code coverage growth over time
* The error bands show the 95% confidence interval around the mean code coverage.
The following fuzzers do not have enough samples: fairfuzz, libafl, mopt, honggfuzz, libfuzzer.
  • Sample statistics and statistical significance (code coverage)
    Code coverage sample statistics
    count mean std min 25% median 75% max
    fuzzer time
    libfuzzer 82800 13.0 466.000000 4.472136 462.0 463.00 463.0 471.00 472.0
    fairfuzz 82800 14.0 461.571429 5.049208 455.0 457.50 461.5 465.75 470.0
    honggfuzz 82800 13.0 460.307692 4.150996 455.0 459.00 460.0 461.00 469.0
    afl 82800 18.0 458.166667 3.666221 452.0 456.00 459.0 460.00 469.0
    centipede 82800 18.0 454.944444 4.783209 446.0 451.25 456.0 456.75 467.0
    mopt 82800 14.0 457.785714 4.117104 451.0 455.25 456.0 460.50 468.0
    libafl 82800 14.0 452.142857 4.896736 443.0 449.00 451.5 454.75 461.0
    aflfast 82800 18.0 441.444444 24.156895 384.0 448.25 449.0 455.00 460.0

    Vargha-Delaney A12 measure
    The table summarizes the A12 values from the pairwise Vargha-Delaney A measure of effect size. Green cells indicate the probability the fuzzer in the row will outperform the fuzzer in the column.
    Mann-Whitney U test
    The table summarizes the p values of pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests. Green cells indicate that the reached coverage distribution of a given fuzzer pair is significantly different.
  • Unique code coverage plots
    Ranking by unique code branches covered
    Each bar shows the total number of code branches found by a given fuzzer. The colored area shows the number of unique code branches (i.e., branches that were not covered by any other fuzzers).
    Pairwise unique code coverage
    Each cell represents the number of code branches covered by the fuzzer of the column but not by the fuzzer of the row

experiment data

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Experiment Description:
