What to do about skunks
Skunks are opportunists at heart — they’re mainly attracted to low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food left out at night, as well as convenient denning sites, such as wood and rock piles, elevated sheds, and openings under concrete slabs and porches and crawl spaces. Preventive measures, such as removing attractants around houses, will decrease the likelihood of an unpleasant skunk encounter. This includes securing trash, covering window wells, feeding pets indoors, or if fed outdoors, removing food immediately after pets eat. Skunks may also dig for grubs in the yard when wet soil conditions push grubs close to the surface — their presence may be a sign of an overwatered lawn.
There’s no need to use toxic repellents to get rid of skunks and keep skunks away from home and garden areas. Here are some useful tips and tricks for deterring skunks naturally. Since skunks and raccoons are nocturnal, it’s often difficult to catch them in the act of foraging for food around your property. However, they leave telltale signs such as digging holes in your lawn and making a meal out of your garden veggies, chicken eggs, compost pile, or garbage can. Luckily, skunks are sensitive, timid critters that are relatively easy to fend off. Follow our diy pest control methods and get rid of skunks for good. https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=10741763593212841693&q=%22wildlife+removal%22&hl=en&as_sdt=6,33
Warning signs to heed
An occasional appearance of a skunk in the neighborhood is nothing to worry about. Skunks are not aggressive toward humans and usually won’t cause any trouble. Many people see skunks as a nuisance, yet the insects and rodents they eat could really be good for humans. Warning signs to heed only when the skunk’s young or it itself is in imminent danger does the skunk resort to its potent defense. Still, they provide plenty of notice before actually attacking, whether by stamping their forepaws, raising their tails, hissing, making brief forward charges, or turning their hind ends in your direction.
Skunk on grass (image credit: shutterstock) if you spot this furry creature in your backyard, you'll want to know how to get rid of a skunk fast. Although skunks have a bad reputation, they’re actually quite gentle animals, as they eat insects and rodents, which can be beneficial to you. However, they can also rummage through your trash looking for fruit (a favorite item), and other types of foods, dig in your yard for grubs, steal your pet’s food (dogs, cats, and even birds), and of course, emit powerfully offensive odors. Worse case, they could possibly carry rabies. That's why it’s in your best interest to get rid of skunks that have wandered onto, or have taken up residence in your yard.
Skunks are generally peaceful little fellows, but their reputation for stink is well-deserved. They may help out with managing pests and grubs, but having one living on your property is not a pleasant prospect. So if you want to know how to get rid of skunks effectively and humanely, read on!.