Bed Bug Treatments

  Bed bugs can be a major nuisance and health hazard, and at East Coast Pest Control, we take pride in providing exceptional bed bug treatment services. Our team of professional pest control experts on the East Coast are among the best in the business, and we have the knowledge and experience needed to effectively diagnose and treat bed bug infestations.   We understand that bed bugs can hide in a variety of places, including mattresses, bed frames, and box springs, and they can multiply quickly, making them difficult to eradicate. However, our team is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to get rid of bed bugs quickly and effectively.   At East Coast Pest Control, we don't judge how bed bugs came to infest your home or business; our main priority is to get rid of them so you can enjoy a peaceful night's sleep. We are a local South Florida company that you can trust to provide you with top-quality bed bug treatment services. East Coast Pest Control best pest control in south florida   Whether you're dealing with a minor bed bug problem or a more severe

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Mosquito Control

  At East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc., we understand that mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, but they also pose a significant health risk to humans. In Florida, mosquito control is necessary throughout the year, especially in South Florida, which is one of the most heavily infested regions in the United States. That's why we provide high-quality mosquito control services to our clients.   We use the latest technology and equipment to effectively control mosquitoes without harming other beneficial insects. Our preferred method of mosquito control is the In2Care Mosquito Trap system, which is a highly effective and eco-friendly approach. Unlike traditional aerial spraying and insecticide treatments that can be harmful to the environment and other non-target organisms, the In2Care Mosquito Trap system targets mosquitoes only.   Our team of skilled technicians will assess your property and develop a customized mosquito control plan that meets your specific needs. We will strategically place the In2Care Mosquito Traps around your property to attract and trap mosquitoes, effectively reducing their population. This approach provides long-term mosquito control and prevention, giving you and your family peace of mind knowing that you are protected from these pesky and

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Palm and Tree Specialist

  East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc. is a trusted and experienced provider of pest control, termite solutions, and horticultural services. With over 60 years of experience in the industry, we have established a strong reputation for providing effective solutions to our customers. Our team of experts specializes in treating nutritional deficiencies, diseases, and pest problems in palms and trees.   We understand the importance of maintaining healthy trees and palms, not only for their aesthetic value but also for their environmental benefits. Our horticultural solutions aim to improve the health and vitality of your trees and palms, ensuring they thrive for years to come.   Whether you're dealing with pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies, our team has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with effective solutions. We use only the latest and most effective techniques and treatments to ensure your trees and palms receive the best care possible.   When you choose East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc., you can trust that you're getting the best in the business. We're committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and ensuring their complete satisfaction. Contact us today

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Lawn Fertilization

  East Coast Pest Control , a company with over 60 years of experience in the pest control industry, is expanding its services to include lawn fertilization. The newly established East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc. now offers comprehensive lawn and ornamental programs, building on their expertise gained over 40 years in the field.   As part of their premium services, the company provides customized programs tailored to meet the specific needs of each customer's lawn, palms, trees, and shrubs. Whether you reside in Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or Miami, the company's extensive knowledge of South Florida's unique climate enables them to provide the most effective lawn care solutions.   With their focus on high-quality service and customer satisfaction, East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc. uses only the best products and cutting-edge technology to ensure the health and vitality of your lawn. Trust them to help you achieve the lush and beautiful outdoor space you deserve. East Coast Pest Control pest control companies fort lauderdale   The Best Guide to Maintaining Lawns in Florida   Our Florida Lawn Care Guide is designed to take into account the

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  Tent fumigation proves highly efficient in eradicating drywood termites and various other pests like bed bugs and powder post beetles. By enclosing the affected area in an airtight tent, Vikone gas is introduced to eliminate all targeted insects within a 10-inch solid wood beam. This method stands out as the most potent and reliable treatment option currently available.   At East Coast Pest Control, we recognize the significance of your property as a valuable investment. That's why we are committed to assisting you with your structural fumigation requirements. East Coast Pest Control Pest Control Fort Lauderdale   Tent Fumigation in South Florida   South Florida's warm climate makes it an ideal place to live year-round. However, some people may have concerns about tent fumigation. Let us alleviate your worries. Tent fumigation is a highly efficient and safe pest management technique. While there is some preparation required for the interior and exterior of the structure, and you will need to temporarily vacate the premises for two nights, the inconvenience is well worth it. The results of a tent fumigation treatment are unparalleled. To control the targeted pests, a gas called Vikone

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Trusted Pest Control Fort Lauderdale

East Coast Pest Control & Fertilization, Inc. has been providing trusted pest control services for over 40 years in West Palm, Broward, Miami County, and the surrounding areas. Our team undergoes extensive training to learn about different types of pests and all the ins and outs of pest control. East Coast Pest Control Palm Tree Doctor Expert Bed Bug Treatment Bed bugs are on the rise, and they are often mistaken for fleas. These pests survive by biting and feeding on your blood, and they are worse than fleas. According to the National Pest Management Association, 84% of pest control professionals initially mistake bed bugs for a different type of pest. Bed bugs can survive up to a year without eating, and they can be found not only in certain parts of your bed but also in couches, stuffed animals, bus seats, and even bags. Nursing homes, hotels, motels, apartments, and condominiums are the most common places for bed bugs. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, don't hesitate to call East Coast Pest Control for immediate service. Our team of exterminators will arrive by the next business day

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Residential & Commercial Services

Pests can cause significant financial loss for both residential and commercial properties. Many people ignore pests when they first spot them, which can lead to worsened problems over time. Therefore, it is important to treat your home or business for unwanted pests. East Coast Pest Control offers efficient pest control services in South Florida for both residential and commercial properties. Pest infestation in your commercial property can lead to irreversible damage and pose a threat to the health of your employees and customers. In this article, we will explore the devastating impact of pests on your business. Financial Loss: Ignoring pest problems can lead to significant financial losses. Termites, rodents, and other pests can damage your commercial goods by chewing through materials, staining and damaging furniture, fraying electrical wires, and even destroying the structure of your business. A rat infestation in a superstore, for example, can not only cause damages but also damage the reputation of the store. Effective pest management is essential to prevent such situations. Property Damage: Pests like rodents, ants, and termites can cause severe damage to your commercial properties. They can chew through wooden structures within your business and damage

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Interior Pest Control

Welcome to East Coast Pest Control, the premier pest control service provider for Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach counties! Our top-notch interior pest control services are not only highly effective but also come at an affordable price. Contact us today to schedule a free inspection and get started on your pest control journey. East Coast Pest Control Interior Pest Control Treatment Importance of Interior Pest Control Pests are not just a nuisance, they can also be harmful to your health and damage your property. Here's why it's essential to opt for an interior pest control service at the first sign of pesky intruders: Prevent diseases: Rodents, mosquitoes, and cockroaches are carriers of various disease-causing germs. When your home is infested with these pests, they can contaminate areas throughout your home, putting you and your family's health at risk. Hiring a pest control service can help you prevent the spread of diseases. Protect your expensive belongings: Rodents and termites can cause significant damage to your furniture, clothing, and other expensive items in your home. Repairing or replacing these items can cost you a significant amount of money. Hiring a professional

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Exterior Pest Control

Exterior Pest Control is becoming increasingly popular as more people are becoming concerned about chemical exposure in their homes. An exterior perimeter treatment can create a protective barrier between your home and pests, such as ants, roaches, and spiders, without the need for potentially harmful chemicals to be used inside your home. This is a great way to ensure the safety of you, your children, and your pets. East Coast Pest Control Exterior Pest Control Treatment Maximize Protection: Don't Overlook Exterior Pest Control Services While protecting the interior of your home from pests is important, ignoring the pests outside your house can lead to multiple problems. At East Coast Pest Control, we offer a range of exterior services to maximize your protection. Care for Your Lawn: Insects, fungus, weeds, and malnutrition can make your lawn appear unsightly. Our exterior lawn, palm, and plant programs are designed to enhance the overall beauty of your lawn and landscape. Visit our section on lawn and ornamental programs for more information. Mosquito Programs Available: Mosquitoes are a common nuisance. At East Coast Pest Control, we offer the latest and most effective mosquito programs

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Do It Yourself Pest Control Fort Lauderdale

Keeping your home or garden free from pests and rodents is a top priority for most Fort Lauderdale residents. However, the warm and humid climate of Florida makes it an ideal habitat for crawling and creeping pests to invade your home or business. While DIY solutions are a popular choice, they don't always work effectively. That's why it's important to consider professional pest control services like East Coast Pest Control. East Coast Pest Control Pest Control Fort Lauderdale The Limitations of DIY Pest Control in Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale is a prime location for pests due to its warm and humid climate, which makes it easier for insects like termites, cockroaches, and ants to thrive. In the cooler months, pests may die off or hibernate, but subterranean termites can still proliferate in the warmer temperatures. The dampness caused by humidity also makes wood susceptible to damage, providing pests with an easy entry point into your home. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), fall is a typical season for pest infestations as insects seek shelter from the cooler weather. Consequently, many Fort Lauderdale homeowners resort to DIY pest control methods,

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