Did you know that you can improve your health by applying some habits in your day to day? Today we show you a series of tasks or habits that will considerably improve your health.   

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as:    

 ” A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being “

This means that the concept of health goes one step beyond the fact that a person suffers from some type of disease. That a person has health is made up of several factors such as diet, mentality, mood or social life itself.

Pay attention to the following tips that we tell you, you will notice the changes at the moment. 



A balanced diet must adapt to our particular needs and supply all possible deficiencies. We must consider it as one more element of our life, not something fleeting. 

It is essential that we know the foods we eat, read their nutritional labeling, know their composition and what amounts of sugar and salt they contain. 

balanced diet should include:

  • Nuts
  • Vegetables and legumes
  • Fruit
  • White meats
  • Blue Fish 
  • Fiber
  • Much liquid 

Try to add skimmed or semi-skimmed products to your shopping cart due to their lower amount of fat and foods rich in fiber. 

Avoid all processed foods and substitute homemade food.


Exercising regularly has many benefits for you. Thanks to physical exercise: 

  • By activating the circulatory system of our body, we improve blood flow. This lowers our blood pressure and the chances of suffering a cardiovascular problem. 
  • It helps to work circulation in our legs, which helps us avoid varicose veins. It is also good for preventing fluid retention. 
  • Moving through exercise helps our bodies with the rigidity that we acquire during our workday. 
  • Improves mood and helps reduce stress and anxiety. 
  • Helps maintain a proper weight. 
  • Increase energy levels and improve productivity.


We must ensure that both the time and the quality of sleep are optimal in order to have a healthy life. 

Sleeping well helps to have a healthy lifestyle since, during sleep, we release hormones that help fight disease. 

Hormones are also released during sleep that affect the body’s use of energy.

When you sleep, the body relaxes, which helps the production of melanin and serotonin. These hormones counteract the effects of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and help us with stress, anxiety and depression. 


Maintaining proper hygiene is one of the fundamental healthy lifestyle habits. This prevents multiple health problems , such as infections, dental problems or dermatological diseases. 

The concept of hygiene not only refers to grooming and cleaning the body, but also affects the domestic environment around you. It is important that we keep our home and work environment properly disinfected. 


Coming your life with happy moments and an active social life will generate a feeling of immediate mental health. 

Maintaining a positive attitude and in a good mood will help you reduce stress, anxiety. It’s a great way to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. 

So now you know, organize plans with your friends or family such as going for a walk, practicing sports together, planning getaways … you will see how all this will help your mind to be in top shape.


To lead a completely healthy lifestyle, you not only have to create healthy habits in your day, but you also have to avoid certain customs: 

  • Alcohol  
  • Tobacco 
  • Salt
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Insomnia

Now that you know what the main habits for a healthy life are, what are you waiting for to put them into practice? You will see how you notice results instantly. 

Do not forget to eat a balanced diet, thanks to Asana Bio you can achieve it, our dairy products will help you maintain a healthy diet.