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Self-awareness can make it easier to perform well on a preemployment assessment. It's been our experience that people have failed personality tests simply because they don't know their own abilities. We recommend practice testing, even if you don’t think you fit into this category. Take into account that 60% must pass an assessment as part of the hiring process.

Copyright (c)2005-2022 Criteria Corp. Web-based Pre-Employment Testing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). All rights are reserved. Criteria Corp. owns the trademarks On-Demand Analysis(tm), CriteriaSM, and CriteriaSM. MRAB Copyright (c)2006 Harvard University, patent pending) is exclusively licensed by Criteria Corp.

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When you are actively looking for a job, it is likely that you will encounter at least one preemployment behavioral assessment. This is before you can land your dream job. These tests are an important tool for employers to get to understand you. A pre-employment test can be the difference between your application being accepted or rejected. This is because most companies use it to identify the best personality traits for the position they're looking to fill.

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Pre-employment tests are only one part of the comprehensive criteria used to evaluate candidates. The other elements include resumes and interviews, job experience, education, job history, and all other information that may be relevant for the position. Pre-employment tests can be of great value when they are applied at the end of the hiring process in order to filter out applicants who aren’t a suitable fit. However, the final decision of organizations that use testing is made based on many factors. The tests should not be the only factor. Companies should expect testing to improve and streamline the hiring process and not replace it.

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We recommend that you prepare for the Caliper Personality Test. You will be better prepared for this test than most other assessments. Preparation for that particular test is possible or you can use a service called Job Test Prep to help with other assessments.

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Predictive Indexes and Caliper, two popular tests, can help you determine your learning abilities and how likely you will be to complete your work once you've been hired. It can tell you what kind of person you are. There are many test you should be aware, even if it's a job for an employer or hiring manager.