learning to surf at 50

big wave

The big wave. It's a powerful force of nature that strikes both fear and awe in the hearts of people. It represents the immense power and unpredictability of the ocean, making one feel small and vulnerable in its presence.

Yet, there is a strange and exhilarating excitement that comes with facing a big wave head-on. It's a rush of adrenaline that fills one with a feeling of being alive, an experience that cannot be replicated by anything else in the world. For surfers and water enthusiasts, the big wave is the ultimate challenge, a test of skill and courage that must be conquered.

Regardless of whether one seeks out big waves or not, they command respect and fascination. They serve as a reminder of the incredible power of nature and the fragility of human life, leaving an indelible mark on one's soul. The big wave is a beautiful and majestic force, one that should be appreciated and respected.

big wave

big wave

Stand up paddleboarding (SUP) is a thrilling and enjoyable water sport that has captured the hearts of people all around the world. It's a perfect activity for fitness enthusiasts and those looking to spend a relaxing day on the water. SUP involves standing on a large, stable board and using a paddle to propel yourself forward. With its increasing popularity, it's no wonder why so many people are drawn to this exciting water sport.

To get started with SUP, you'll need the right equipment. The most important piece of gear is the board itself, which comes in different shapes and sizes. You'll also need a paddle and safety equipment like a life jacket and leash. Once you have the right gear, it's time to learn the basic techniques of stand up paddleboarding, including how to stand up on the board, how to paddle, and how to turn.

Safety is crucial when it comes to stand up paddleboarding. It's important to wear a life jacket and use a leash to prevent you from getting separated from your board. Other tips include being aware of weather conditions and avoiding strong currents. By following these safety tips and practicing proper techniques, you can enjoy the thrill of SUP while staying safe on the water.

What is the Ultimate Beach Activity? Learn to Surf with Our Professional Instructors!

What is the Ultimate Beach Activity? Learn to Surf with Our Professional Instructors!

Ah, the beach. The sand, the sun, the sound of waves crashing against the shore. It's the perfect place to relax, unwind, and engage in some good old-fashioned beach activities. But what is the ultimate beach activity, you may ask? Well, look no further than surfing! In this article, we'll explore why surfing is the ultimate beach activity, and why you should sign up for lessons with our professional instructors.

Posted by Dave on 2023-11-05

What is the Secret to Surfing Success? Find Out with Our Surf Lessons!

What is the Secret to Surfing Success? Find Out with Our Surf Lessons!

Surfing. It's the ultimate combination of athleticism, skill, and looking cool while getting tossed around like a ragdoll by the waves. But what's the secret to surfing success? Is it some sort of mystical energy, channeled through a gnarly surfboard? Or is it simply a matter of practice, determination, and finding the right surf instructor? In this article, we'll dive into the secret to surfing success and why our surf lessons are the key to unlocking your full potential.

Posted by Dave on 2023-11-04

What is the Ultimate Way to Catch Waves? Sign up for Surf Lessons Today!

What is the Ultimate Way to Catch Waves? Sign up for Surf Lessons Today!

If you've ever watched surfers gliding effortlessly across the waves, you might be wondering how they do it. It looks so easy, but the truth is, surfing takes skill, practice, and a deep understanding of the ocean. The good news is, anyone can learn to surf with the right instruction and a bit of determination. In this article, we'll explore the ultimate way to catch waves and why you should sign up for surf lessons today.

Posted by DAVE on 2023-03-11

What is the Best Way to Become a Surfing Pro? Get Expert Instruction Today!

What is the Best Way to Become a Surfing Pro? Get Expert Instruction Today!

Are you tired of being a kook? Sick of watching others shred the gnar while you flail around like a beached whale? Fear not, my landlubber friend, because the best way to become a surfing pro is to get expert instruction today! In this article, we'll dive into the best ways to become a surfing pro and why getting expert instruction is key to success.

Posted by DAVE on 2023-03-11


Longboarding is a thrilling pursuit that goes beyond just a sport. For riders, it's a way of life, a chance to push themselves to their limits and experience the rush of adrenaline that comes with hurtling down hills on their boards. It requires skill, balance, and precision, but also offers a sense of peace and tranquility as riders become one with their surroundings.

But longboarding is not just about the individual experience. It's a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the sport. Longboarding is about connecting with others, exploring the world around you, and carving your own path.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, longboarding is an invitation to embrace the challenge, excitement, and freedom of this incredible sport. So grab a board, find a hill, and join the community of riders who have discovered the joy of longboarding.

surf camps

surf camps

Surf camps offer surfers of all levels the opportunity to connect with the ocean and a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced surfer, surf camps provide a supportive and welcoming environment to learn, grow, and challenge yourself.

With experienced instructors and a range of activities, surf camps offer a chance to build confidence, learn new techniques, and tackle bigger waves. But beyond the surfing, surf camps also provide a space to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.

For surfers, catching a wave is more than just a sport - it's a connection with the energy and power of the ocean. And at surf camps, that connection is amplified by the sense of community and connection with other surfers who share your passion. So pack your bags, grab your board, and join the magic of surf camps for an unforgettable experience.

Surf Lessons

surfing lifestyle

The surfing lifestyle is a way of life that goes beyond just riding waves. For surfers, it's a connection with nature, a love of the ocean, and a sense of freedom and adventure.

Surfing is about being present in the moment, feeling the power of the ocean beneath you, and letting go of everything else. But it's also about building a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for the ocean and embracing the simple joys of life.

From the early morning surf sessions to the sunset beach bonfires, the surfing lifestyle is a celebration of adventure, authenticity, and living life to the fullest. So grab your board, feel the salt spray on your face, and join the community of surfers who have discovered the magic of the surfing lifestyle.

surfing lifestyle

Paddleboarding offers a unique combination of physical challenge and serene relaxation. For paddleboarders, it's a chance to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, connect with the natural world, and experience the simple joys of life.

But paddleboarding is not just about the individual experience. It's a community of individuals who share a passion for the sport and the ocean. Paddleboarding is about building connections, making new friends, and sharing experiences that will last a lifetime.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, paddleboarding is an invitation to embrace the challenge and excitement of this incredible sport. So grab your board, feel the wind on your face, and join the community of paddleboarders who have discovered the magic of this amazing pursuit.


Surfing is an adrenaline-fueled water sport that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. It's not just about riding waves, but also about experiencing the freedom, joy, and connection with nature that surfing offers. From its ancient Polynesian roots to its modern-day culture, surfing has a rich history that reflects its values of respect, diversity, and sustainability.

Surfing also has numerous physical and mental health benefits, making it more than just a sport but a lifestyle. Surfing promotes physical fitness, balance, and core strength while also reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, surfing encourages a sense of mindfulness, self-confidence, and connection with nature and the community.

As surfers, we also have a social responsibility to promote positive change in the world. This means using our platform to support social justice, diversity, and inclusion while also protecting the environment and marine life. Surfing is not just a sport but a way of life that encourages personal growth, adventure, and positive impact in the world.


No, our lessons are suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced surfers.

Our lessons typically last 2 hours, but we offer flexible scheduling to fit your needs.

Our professional instructors prioritize safety and will ensure that you have a fun and safe experience.

We provide high-quality surfboards, wetsuits, and other necessary equipment.

Yes, we offer group lessons for up to 20 people. 5 for instructor.