
Source code:

Check the board ID of the Cr50 firmware.


This test checks the board ID in the Cr50 firmware matched the given expectation or not. The test gains the board ID by invoking gsctool utility on DUT.

See for available flags.

Test Procedure

This is an automatic test that doesn’t need any user interaction.

  1. Firstly, this test gets the board ID from the Cr50 firmware.

  2. If the argument board_id_type is set, the test checks if the board ID type field is equal to the argument value or not.

  3. If the argument board_id_flags is set, the test checks if the board ID flags field is equal to the argument value or not.


  • DUT link must be ready before running this test.

  • gsctool on DUT.


To check if the board ID is still unprogrammed, add this in test list:

  "pytest_name": "check_cr50_board_id",
  "label": "Assert GSC Board ID Is Unset",
  "related_components": [
  "args": {
    "board_id_type": "ffffffff",
    "board_id_flags": "ffffffff"

To check if the board ID flags is set to normal prePVT, you can set the argument board_id_flags to PHASE_PREPVT:

  "pytest_name": "check_cr50_board_id",
  "label": "Assert GSC Board ID flags is pre-pvt",
  "related_components": [
  "args": {
    "board_id_flags": "PHASE_PREPVT"

Test Arguments





int, str, None

(optional; default: None) The expected board ID type, can be either an integer or a string of hex code.


int, str, None

(optional; default: None) The expected board ID flags, can be either an integer or a string. If the value is a string, the value can be either the hex code of the board ID flags orPHASE_UNSET for ffffffff, PHASE_UNKNOWN for 0000ff00, PHASE_PREPVT for 00007f7f, PHASE_PVT for 00007f80, PHASE_WHITELABEL_PREPVT for 00003f7f, PHASE_WHITELABEL for 00003f80, PHASE_CUSTOM_LABEL_PREPVT for 00003f7f, PHASE_CUSTOM_LABEL for 00003f80