
Source code:

A factory test to interactively check a sequence of shell commands on DUT.


This test is very similar to exec_shell test, except that line_check_item has the ability to get operator confirmation no matter if the shell command success or not.

If you simply want to run few commands (and fail if the return value is non-zero), especially if you need to run commands on host or station, use exec_shell.

If you simply want to run few commands and don’t care if the commands success or not, use exec_shell and add '|| true' for all commands.

If you are running some commands and some (at least one) commands need operator to judge if that passed or not manually (for example checking if some LED has lightened properly), use line_check_item.

line_check_item evaluates and executes the given items argument, where each item is a sequence with 3 elements (instruction, command, judge_to_pass):

  1. instruction: A string passed to i18n.Translated to display on UI.

  2. command: A sequence or str as shell command to be passed to dut.Popen.

  3. judge_to_pass: A boolean value to indicate if these commands need user to judge pass or failure, even if the command returns zero (success).

Test Procedure

The test will go through each item and:

  1. Display instruction on UI.

  2. Execute command.

  3. If judge_to_pass is True, wait for operator to confirm if passed or not.


The commands specified in items must be available on DUT.


To turn on a ‘lightbar’ component and wait for confirmation, add this to test list:

  "pytest_name": "line_check_item",
  "args": {
    "items": [
      ["i18n! Initialization", "lightbar init", false],
      ["i18n! Turn on lightbar", "lightbar enable", true],
      ["i18n! Clean up", "lightbar reset", false]
    "title": "i18n! LED Test"

Test Arguments





str, dict

test title.



A sequence of items to check. Each item is a sequence: [instruction, command, judge_to_pass].



(optional; default: False) Run the given commands on station (usually local host) instead of DUT, for example preparing connection configuration.