
Source code:

Checks that the partition table extends nearly to the end of the storage device.


This test checks if the partition table allocates at least min_usage_pct percent of the storage. If not, this test expands stateful partition to the end of the storage device by default. However, on disk_layout_v3, MINIOS-B locates at the end of the partition table. This test will cache and remove MINIOS-B, expand stateful partition and copy MINIOS-B back. This test will also resize MINIOS-B so that its size is the same as MINIOS-A.

This test doesn’t check the actual size of the stateful partition, rather the sector at which it ends.

This test doesn’t support remote device.

Test Procedure

This is an automatic test that doesn’t need any user interaction.


  • pygpt utility.


To run this pytest with default arguments, add this in test list:

  "pytest_name": "partition_table"

This is also predefined in generic_common.test_list.json as PartitionTable.

If you can’t expand stateful partition for some reason, override the argument by:

  "inherit": "PartitionTable",
  "args": {
    "expand_stateful": false

Test Arguments





int, float

(optional; default: 95) Percentage of the storage device that must be before the end of the stateful partition. For example, if this is 95%, then the stateful partition must end at a sector that is >=95% of the total number of sectors on the device.



(optional; default: True) Repair partition headers and tables and expand stateful partition to all available free space