
Source code: wait_external_test.py

A stub test waiting for external fixture to finish testing.


If you want to add a test driven by external fixture or instruments and still want to track test results in Chrome OS Factory Software, this test provides an easy way for test integration.

This test will check and wait for a file /run/factory/external/<NAME> to be available. If the file content is PASS then the test item in test list will be set as “passed”, otherwise it will fail with the content from file. Empty file is also considered as failure.

A script is included in factory software toolkit to help doing this: bin/factory_external_result. It needs at least two parameters - NAME and RESULT. For example, to pass a RF1 test, do:

/usr/local/factory/bin/factory_external_result RF1 PASS

To fail a VSWR test with message, do:

/usr/local/factory/bin/factory_external_result RF1 "Failed to init instrument"

In summary, to design and implement a test item with external fixture:

  1. Decide a test name, for example RF1.

  2. In Chrome OS Factory Software test list, add a test item with pytest_name set to wait_external_test, and run_factory_external_name argument set to the test name.

  3. In the fixture side, detect if the DUT is connected. For Chromebooks, this is usually done by ethernet dongle. For Android devices, try ADB.

  4. Fixture should drive the test and implement all logic and test procedure. To access Chromebooks, execute programs using SSH with SSH keys that can be authenticated to DUTs (testing_rsa at https://source.chromium.org/chromiumos/chromiumos/codesearch/+/main:chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa or partner_testing_rsa). For Android, use adb shell.

  5. When the test by fixture is finished, invoke the factory_external_result to set result or manually create the files under /run/factory/external.

Test Procedure

This is an automated test without user interaction.

When started, the test will wait for specified file to become available, and pass or fail according to the file content.

The test procure will depend on remote fixture.




To add an entry for external fixture with name RF1, add this in test list:

  "pytest_name": "wait_external_test",
  "args": {
    "run_factory_external_name": "RF1"

To add a test for external fixture with name VSWR, with customized message:

  "pytest_name": "wait_external_test",
  "args": {
    "msg": "i18n! Move DUT to station {name}",
    "run_factory_external_name": "VSWR"

In the fixture side, it should do something like this:

chmod go-rwx "${SSH_KEY}"  # SSH needs private key to be restricted.
ssh root@dut -i "${SSH_KEY}" "${SET_RESULT} ${TEST_NAME} PASS"

Test Arguments






File name to check in /run/factory/external.


str, dict

(optional; default: {'en-US': 'Please run external test: {name}'}) Instruction for running external test