
Source code: write_device_data_to_vpd.py

Writes device data to VPD (Vital Product Data).


Device Data (cros.factory.test.device_data) maintains the data during manufacturing flow, and will be wiped when device goes to shipping mode (or re-flashed for re-run of manufacturing flow).

To keep device data persistent, we may copy the values to VPD area, which is inside the SPI flashrom where firmware lives on Chromebooks (other platforms may implement VPD in other locations, for example Android may prefer to use /persist partition).

By default, this test writes all device data under vpd category (for example, vpd.ro.region to ro.region), all device data under serial category (for example, serials.serial_number to serial_number) and all device data under factory category (for example, factory.end_SMT to factory.end_SMT). To write different values, specify the mapping in ro_key_map or rw_key_map.

The ro_key_map is a mapping from RO VPD keys to device data keys. For example:

{'foo': 'bar.baz'}

This map indicates we have to read bar.baz from device data and write to RO VPD by name foo.

rw_key_map works in similar way, except it’s writing values to RW VPD.

Test Procedure

This is an automated test without user interaction.

Start the test and the specified device data values (or all under vpd.*) will be written to VPD using Device API.


This test relies on vpd component in Device API to access VPD.


To write all VPD values from device data to VPD, add this in test list:

  "pytest_name": "write_device_data_to_vpd"

To write a calibration data value to RO VPD:

  "pytest_name": "write_device_data_to_vpd",
  "args": {
    "ro_key_map": {
      "modem_calibration": "component.cellular.calibration_data"

Test Arguments





dict, None

(optional; default: None) Mapping of (VPD_NAME, DEVICE_DATA_KEY) to write into RO VPD.


dict, None

(optional; default: None) Mapping of (VPD_NAME, DEVICE_DATA_KEY) to write into RW VPD.