Test List API


The Test List API is used to create test lists. A test list is a specification for the series of tests that should be run as part of the factory test process, and in what order and under what conditions.

Each test list is a tree of nodes. Conceptually, each node is one of the following:

  • A container for other tests (like a folder in the filesystem). When a container is run, the tests that it contains are run in sequence.

  • A pytest, which is a test written using the standard Python unit test API.

Each test lists has an ID (like main or manual_smt) that describes what the test list does. There is always a test list with ID main; the active test list defaults to main but this can be changed in various ways (see The active test list).

The active test list

The file /usr/local/factory/py/config/active_test_list.json is used to determine which test list is currently active. This file contains the ID of the active test list. If this file is not present, then there are two ways to determine the default test list;

  • ID - main_${model} would be checked first where ${model} is came from output of command - cros_config / name.

  • the test list with ID - main or generic_main is used.

If you want a different test list to be included by default, you may simply add an argument --default-test-list <test-list-id> to the factory toolkit installer while installing it to either a test image or a device.

In engineering mode in the test UI, the operator may select Select test list from the main menu. This will display all available test lists. Selecting one will clear all test state, write the ID of the selected test list to the active_test_list.json file, and restart the test harness.

Test IDs and paths

Within a test list, each node has an ID (like LTEModem or CalibrateTouchScreen). IDs do not have to be unique across the entire test list, but they must be unique among all nodes that share a parent.

To uniquely identify a node within a test list, each node has a path that is constructed by starting at the root and concatenating all the node’s IDs with periods. Conceptually this is very similar to how paths are formed in a UNIX file system (except that UNIX file systems use slashes instead of periods) or in a Java class hierarchy. For example, if the LTEModem test in is a test group called Connectivity, then its path would be Connectivity.LTEModem.

The “root node” is a special node that contains the top-level nodes in the test list. Its path is the empty string ''.

For instance, in Test list creation sample, the main test list contains nodes with the following paths:

  • '' (the root node)

  • FirstTest

  • SecondTest

  • ATestGroup

  • ATestGroup.FirstTest

  • ATestGroup.SecondTest

Logs and error messages generally contain the full path when referring to a test, so you can easily identify which test the message is referring to.

Declaring test lists

Each test list should be defined by a JSON file with file name <test_list_id>.test_list.json under py/test/test_lists/ directory. The generic test list is defined by py/test/test_lists/generic_main.test_list.json.

In general, when you start working on your own test list, you need to define two test list files, common.test_list.json and main.test_list.json.


  "inherit": [
  "constants": {
    # Common constants for your project.
  "options": {
    # Common test list options for your project.
  "definitions": {
    # Define new pytests, or override pytest arguments.


  "inherit": [
  "constants": {
    # Constants for this test list.
  "options": {
    # Options for this test list.
  "definitions": {
    "FATItems": [
      # Redefine FATItems (adding, removing, reordering)

Test list creation sample

Board specific test lists should be placed in board overlay (src/private-overlays/overlay-board-private/chromeos-base/factory-board/files/py/test/test_lists/). And they should reuse test lists in public repository (i.e. generic_*.test_list.json).

For example common.test_list.json:

  "inherit": [
  "constants": {
    "allow_force_finalize": [],  # Not allowed.
    "enable_factory_server": true,
    "led_colors": [
    "lid_switch_event_id": 1,
    "light_sensor_input": "in_illuminance_input",
    "min_release_image_version": "9777.0",
    "sysfs_path_sd": "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.6/mmc_host/",
    "typec_usb": {
      "left": {
        "usb2_sysfs_path": "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1",
        "usb3_sysfs_path": "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-1",
        "usbpd_id": 0,
        "display_info": [
      "right": {
        "usb2_sysfs_path": "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5",
        "usb3_sysfs_path": "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-2",
        "usbpd_id": 1,
        "display_info": [

Sample main.test_list.json:

  "inherit": [
  "constants": {
    "default_factory_server_url": ""
  "options": {
    "conditional_patches": [
        "action": "skip",
        "conditions": {
          "patterns": [
          "phases": "PROTO"

Note the following crucial parts:

  • options is a dictionary that defines test list options, as described in Test list options.

Test arguments

It is often necessary to customize the behavior of various tests, such as specifying the amount of time that a test should run, or which device it should use. For this reason, tests can accept arguments that modify their functionality.

Most pytests should already be defined by generic_common, you only need to override test arguments. For example, in your common.test_list.json:

  "definitions": {
    "QRScan": {
      "args": {
        # Only override "camera_args".
        "camera_args": {
          "resolution": [

In this case, test arguments for QRScan will be:

  # defined by generic_common.test_list.json
  "mode": "qr",
  "QR_string": "Hello ChromeOS!",
  # defined by common.test_list.json
  "camera_args": {
    "resolution": [

If you want to replace args completely, instead of updating, you should use __replace__ keyword:

  "definitions": {
    "QRScan": {
      "args": {
        "__replace__": true,
        # definitions in generic_common will be disgarded

A description of the permissible arguments for each test, and their defaults, is included in the ARGS property in the class that implements the test.

Test list options

class cros.factory.test.test_lists.test_list.Options

Test list options.

These may be set by assigning to the options variable in a test list, e.g.:

test_list.options.auto_run_on_start = False
auto_run_on_start = True

If set to True, then the test list is automatically started when the test harness starts. If False, then the operator will have to manually start a test.

retry_failed_on_start = False

If set to True, then the failed tests are automatically retried when the test harness starts. It is effective when auto_run_on_start is set to True.

clear_state_on_start = False

If set to True, the state of all tests is cleared each time the test harness starts.

auto_run_on_keypress = False

If set to True, the test harness will perform an auto-run whenever the operator switches to any test.

ui_locale = 'en-US'

The default UI locale.

engineering_password_sha1 = None

SHA1 hash for a engineering password in the UI. Use None to always enable engingeering mode.

To enter engineering mode, an operator may press Ctrl-Alt-0 and enter this password. Certain special functions in the UI (such as being able to arbitrarily run any test) will be enabled. Pressing Ctrl-Alt-0 will exit engineering mode.

In order to keep the password hidden from operator (even if they happen to see the test list file), the actual password is not stored in the test list; rather, a hash is. To generate the hash, run:

echo -n password | sha1sum

For example, for a password of test0000, run:

echo -n test0000 | sha1sum

This will display a hash of 266abb9bec3aff5c37bd025463ee5c14ac18bfca, so you should set:

test.list.options.engineering_password_sha1 =         '266abb9bec3aff5c37bd025463ee5c14ac18bfca'
sync_event_log_period_secs = None

Send events to the factory server when it is reachable at this interval. Set to None to disable.

update_period_secs = None

Automatically check for updates at the given interval. Set to None to disable.

stop_on_failure = False

Whether to stop on any failure.

hooks_class = 'cros.factory.goofy.hooks.Hooks'

Hooks class for the factory test harness. Defaults to a dummy class.

testlog_hooks = 'cros.factory.testlog.hooks.Hooks'

Hooks class for Testlog event. Defaults to a dummy class.

phase = None

Name of a phase to set. If None, the phase is unset and the strictest (PVT) checks are applied.

dut_options = {}

Options for DUT target. Automatically inherits from parent node. Valid options include:

{'link_class': 'LocalLink'},  # To run tests locally.
{'link_class': 'ADBLink'},  # To run tests via ADB.
{'link_class': 'SSHLink', 'host': TARGET_IP},  # To run tests over SSH.

See cros.factory.device.device_utils for more information.

plugin_config_name = 'goofy_plugin_chromeos'

Name of the config to be loaded for running Goofy plugins.

read_device_data_from_vpd_on_init = True

Read device data from VPD in goofy._InitStates().

skipped_tests = {}

A list of tests that should be skipped. The content of skipped_tests should be:

  "<phase>": [ <pattern> ... ],
  "<run_if expr>": [ <pattern> ... ]

For example:

  "PROTO": [
  "EVT": [
  "not device.component.has_touchscreen": [
  "device.factory.end_SMT": [

If the pattern starts with *, then it will match for all tests with same suffix. For example, *.Fingerprint matches SMT.Fingerprint, FATP.FingerPrint, FOO.BAR.Fingerprint. But it does not match for SMT.Fingerprint_2 (Generated ID when there are duplicate IDs).

waived_tests = {}

Tests that should be waived according to current phase. See skipped_tests for the format

conditional_patches = []

A list contains patches to apply to the tests.

The action of each patch will be applied to all the test meeting the specified conditions.

The structure of the patch list must be like:

    "action": "waive" | "skip",
    "args": { ... },
    "conditions": {
      "run_if": "<run_if expr>" | [ "<run_if expr>", ... ],
      "patterns": "<pattern>" | [ "<pattern>", ... ],
      "phases": "<phase>" | [ "<phase>", ... ],

For example:

    "action": "skip",
    "conditions": {
      "run_if": "not device.component.has_touchscreen",
      "patterns": "*.Touchscreen"
    "action": "skip",
    "conditions": {
      "patterns": [
      "phases": ["PROTO", "EVT"],
    "action": "skip",
    "conditions": {
      "patterns": "SMT.AudioJack",
      "phases": "EVT",

Usage of each field:

  • action: The action to be applied to the tests.

    action is a string representing the action applied to the tests which meet the conditions. An action will be mapped to a action function.

  • args: Keyword arguments to be passed to action functions.

    args is an object containing keyword arguments which will be passed to the action functions.

  • conditions:

    • patterns (required): The patterns used to match the test list paths.

      If a pattern starts with *, then it will match for all tests with same suffix. For example, *.Fingerprint matches SMT.Fingerprint, FATP.FingerPrint, FOO.BAR.Fingerprint. But it does not match for SMT.Fingerprint_2 (Generated ID when there are duplicate IDs). On the other hand, * can also be put at the end of a pattern, then it will match for all tests with the same prefix.

      * can be put at both the beginning and the end of a pattern (e.g. *.Fingerprint.*), but not within a pattern.

      For single-pattern cases (only having one pattern to be matched), one can set the value of patterns as the pattern directly (without wrapping it as an array) for convenience.

      For multiple-pattern cases, the patterns included will be treated as a disjuction, that is, a test will pass patterns condition if it matches any one of the patterns.

    • phases (optional): The phases that will apply the patch.

      If phases is not set or it’s empty, the patch will be applied to all phases (other condition like patterns still need to be checked).

      For single-phase cases (only having one phase to be included), one can set the value of phases as the phase directly.

      For multiple-phase cases, the phases included will be treated as a disjuction, that is, a test will pass phases condition if the DUT is on any one of the phases.

    • run_if (optional): A set of run_if expressions.

      The expressions in the array are to be evaluated and checked. Please check AbstractTestList._EvaluateRunIf to see how an expression is evaluated.

      If run_if is not set or it’s empty, this field will be ignore and check other fields only.

      For single-run_if cases (only having one run_if expre to be evaluated), one can set the value of run_if as the run_if directly.

      For multiple-phase cases, the run_if included will be treated as a disjuction, that is, a test will pass run_if condition if any one of the expressions is evaluated as True.


Throws a TestListError if there are any invalid options.


Returns a dict containing all values of the Options.

This include default values for keys not set on the Options.