
How Much to Charge for a Commercial Cleaning

How Much to Charge for a Commercial Cleaning

How Much to Charge for a Commercial Cleaning

Posted by Suji Siv @Clean Group on 2023-04-11

How Much to Charge for a Commercial Cleaning

Running a commercial cleaning business requires more than just a mop and bucket. One of the most critical aspects of running a successful business is knowing how to charge for your services. Many factors can affect the price of commercial cleaning, and it's essential to understand these factors to ensure you're charging your clients fairly while also making a profit. Here's a guide to help you determine how much to charge for commercial cleaning.

  1. Determine the Type of Cleaning Service Needed Different commercial cleaning services require different pricing models. Some services may require more time and effort than others, while some may require more specialized equipment. It's important to determine what kind of cleaning service is needed before deciding on a price. For example, deep cleaning or post-construction cleaning services may cost more than basic cleaning services.

  2. Consider the Size of the Space The size of the commercial space is another factor to consider when determining pricing. Larger spaces typically require more time and effort to clean, which means they will cost more. Consider charging per square foot, which will help you calculate the price accurately.

  3. Determine the Frequency of Service Some commercial spaces may require daily cleaning, while others may only require weekly or monthly cleaning. The frequency of service will affect the price, so make sure to discuss this with your client beforehand.

  4. Consider Additional Services Some commercial cleaning services may require additional services such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, or floor waxing. Make sure to discuss these services with your client and factor them into the pricing.

  5. Research Your Competitors Researching your competitors will give you an idea of what they charge for similar services. However, it's essential not to undercut your prices too much as it may devalue your services.

  6. Calculate Your Costs To ensure you're making a profit, it's crucial to calculate your costs accurately. Take into account your labor costs, equipment, and supply costs, insurance and liability costs, and overhead costs such as rent and utilities.

  7. Factor in Your Profit Margin After calculating your costs, factor in your profit margin. A good rule of thumb is to add a 10-20% profit margin to your costs.

In conclusion, determining how much to charge for commercial cleaning services can be challenging, but following these steps can help you calculate a fair price for your clients while ensuring you make a profit. Don't be afraid to adjust your prices as your business grows and the market changes.

Source Facts For How Much to Charge For a Commercial Cleaning:

  1. According to Thumbtack, commercial cleaning services can typically be priced by the hour or by the square foot. Hourly rates usually range from $25 to $60 per hour, while square footage rates range from $0.05 to $0.20 per square foot. (Source: Thumbtack)
  2. Factors that can affect the pricing of commercial cleaning services include the type and size of the building, the frequency of cleaning, the level of cleaning required, and the geographic location. (Source: CleanFreak)
  3. Commercial cleaning companies may offer customized pricing based on the specific needs of the client, which can include a combination of hourly and square footage rates, as well as additional charges for specialized services such as carpet cleaning or window washing. (Source: Business)
  4. Some commercial cleaning companies may also offer package deals or discounts for regular customers. (Source: Building Services Management)
  5. It is important for commercial cleaning companies to accurately estimate their costs and expenses when setting prices, including labor costs, equipment and supply costs, insurance and liability costs, and overhead costs such as rent and utilities. (Source: Entrepreneur)
  6. In addition to competitive pricing, commercial cleaning companies can differentiate themselves from competitors by offering exceptional customer service, using eco-friendly cleaning products and practices, and having well-trained and professional staff. (Source: Building Services Management)