
How to Price Commercial Cleaning Jobs

How to Price Commercial Cleaning Jobs

How to Price Commercial Cleaning Jobs

Posted by Suji Siv @Clean Group on 2023-04-03

How to Price Commercial Cleaning Jobs

Pricing commercial cleaning jobs can be a challenging task for business owners, as it requires a thorough understanding of various factors. If you price your services too high, you may miss out on potential clients, while if you price your services too low, you may struggle to cover your costs and make a profit. Here are some tips to help you price your commercial cleaning jobs effectively.

  1. Determine the Scope of Work: Assess the Job Requirements and Resources Needed Before you can price a commercial cleaning job, you need to understand the scope of work involved. This includes assessing the size of the facility, the types of surfaces to be cleaned, the frequency of cleaning needed, and any specialized equipment or products required. By understanding the scope of work, you can determine the time and resources needed to complete the job and price accordingly. For instance, a large office building with multiple floors and high-traffic areas will require more time and resources to clean than a small retail store.
  2. Research Market Rates: Gather Information About Competitor Prices Researching the rates charged by other cleaning companies in your area can give you a good idea of what a fair and competitive price would be for your services. Take note of the types of clients that your competitors are targeting and adjust your pricing accordingly. For example, if your competitors are targeting small businesses, you may want to focus on larger businesses with bigger cleaning needs that can pay higher rates.
  3. Consider Labor and Material Costs: Account for Direct Costs The cost of labour and materials is a significant factor in determining the price for commercial cleaning jobs. This includes the wages of your cleaning staff, as well as the cost of cleaning products, equipment, and supplies. Be sure to factor in these costs when determining your pricing to ensure that you are covering your expenses and making a profit. For instance, if you use eco-friendly cleaning products, they may be more expensive, which means you may need to adjust your pricing accordingly.
  4. Account for Overhead Expenses: Include Indirect Costs In addition to labour and material costs, commercial cleaning companies must also account for overhead expenses such as rent, insurance, and marketing costs. It's essential to factor in these expenses when determining your pricing to ensure that you are making a profit. For example, if you have a large team of cleaners, you may need to rent a bigger space to store your equipment and supplies, which means you will have higher overhead costs.
  5. Provide Transparent Pricing: Communicate Clearly About Pricing When providing a quote for a commercial cleaning job, be transparent about your pricing. Provide a detailed breakdown of the services included in your quote and the pricing for each service. This will help to build trust with your clients and ensure that there are no misunderstandings about the pricing of your services. For example, if you charge extra for carpet cleaning or window washing, make sure to clearly communicate these additional costs upfront. In conclusion, pricing commercial cleaning jobs requires careful consideration of the scope of work, market rates, labour and material costs, overhead expenses, and transparent pricing. By taking these factors into account, you can price your services fairly and competitively while ensuring that your business is profitable.

Source facts about pricing commercial cleaning jobs:

  1. According to a study by Cleaning Business Today, the average hourly rate for commercial cleaning services in the US is $50 per hour, with rates ranging from $25 to $75 per hour depending on the region and the type of cleaning service. Source: Cleaning Business Today.
  2. The size of the facility and the type of cleaning required can greatly impact pricing. For example, a small office may be charged around $20 to $30 per visit, while a larger facility with high-traffic areas and more complex cleaning needs may be charged $50 or more per visit. Source: Entrepreneur.
  3. Commercial cleaning companies may charge additional fees for specialized cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, window washing, or floor waxing. These fees can range from $0.15 to $0.30 per square foot. Source: Angies List.
  4. Overhead expenses such as rent, insurance, and marketing costs can account for up to 30% of a commercial cleaning company's total expenses. It's important to factor in these indirect costs when determining to price for services. Source: Janitorial Manager
  5. The market rates for commercial cleaning services can vary greatly depending on the region and the level of competition. It's important for business owners to research the rates charged by other cleaning companies in their area to ensure that they are pricing their services fairly and competitively. Source: The Balances MB "How to Price Commercial Cleaning Services

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