Hi, my name is Ed

Not UG.

Once upon a time somebody heard me wrong
and thought I said my name was


"E period, D period, two little letters" quoth I.
"One of the simplest names on the planet."

UG? Seriously?
Do you know anybody named UG?


This is me in a Zen moment

...watching standup comedy on my laptop after a 50 mile bike ride. The glow of the screen upon my sun-scorched visage is glorious, IMHO.

This here's a place where I'm sharing random stuff and things.

Such as...

  1. The Art of the Sale.  Prior to a sales conference, we were challenged to create a 3 minute video about how to sell ...or NOT!  Check it out on YouTube!
  2. Google Cloud vs. AWS - Cloud Showdown. A few minutes of marketing in support of Google Cloud Platform.  Which Cloud Wins?
  3. Google Cloud vs. Azure - Another Cloud Smackdown! A few more minutes of GCP marketing. OK, I'm biased, watch it HERE!
  4. Google Cloud Cost Optimization workshop. My colleagues and I discuss best practices for managing costs on GCP. The recording lives in this little corner of the internet.
  5. Data Insights with Google BigQuery: Business's New Best Friend. A great customer sits down with the Cloudbakers team to discuss their data warehouse. Data without drowning!
  6. Data is the Gold of the 21st Century. Yes it is, it is indeed. Look at blockchain, nothin' but data, but it's money. A good read, if I do say so myself.
  7. What’s Your Company’s Purpose? And How Does The Cloud Help? "The Cloud" is a metaphor, and metaphors are stories. Read all about it!
  8. The Razor’s Edge: Big Data & Machine Learning Technology on the Brink. Explainable AI may yet save us. Seriously. A thought provoking exploration.
  9. Are You Certifiable? Are You Working With People And Partners Who Are? Some people say technical certifications are useless. I beg to differ.

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  1. Falling Forward - Book One. A modern day retelling of Book One of Homer's Odyssey. You can get it on Amazon.
  2. Thinking Tarot. I created a Tarot reader for Windows, then I got a book deal. Still available on Amazon!
  3. If You’re Clueless about the Stock Market and Want to Know More. Written as a "work for hire" for Seth Godin (as with the 3 books below), this was a minor hit when it was first published. It's been updated, and it's right here.
  4. The Hidden Truth of Your Name. As part of a team called "The Nomenology Project," I wrote the introductory overview of this book. Whether or not you believe your name impacts your life, it's fun speculation.
  5. Point and Click Investor (out of print). Ah, when the Internet was young. People needed books to figure this out. Now you buy Bitcoin on your phone like it ain't nothin' but a thang. Like I said, it's out of print, but here's a picture of the cover.
  6. Point and Business Builder (out of print). Helpful info for small businesses to find helpful info about their small businesses on the Internet. Another cover shot.

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  • J.S. Bach - Aria - Goldberg Variations. The Goldberg Variations are a collection of pieces kicked off with this beautiful Aria then transforming through 29 variations to end, once again, with the Aria. I'm kind of obsessed with Bach. Listen to the Aria.
  • J.S. Bach - Variation 15 - Goldberg Variations. I can't play them all, but I chose this one because it is absolutely gorgeous and I just had to learn it. Variation 15 is one of my favorites, check it out!
  • J.S. Bach - Variation 25 - Goldberg Variations. This one is my favorite of the bunch. A sublime, amazing piece of music. I don't do it justice here, but it was soooo satisfying to finally learn this incredible piece. Listen and be amazed.
  • J.S. Bach - Sarabande - Lute Suite No 1 in Em. More Bach! I told you I was obsessed. This one is a composition for lute, but since I can't play the lute, I played it on classical guitar. Sweet and beautiful.
  • Carlo Domeniconi - Koyunbaba (fragment). This is incomplete since I never felt that I could play the whole enchilada well enough, but it will hopefully inspire you to find other recordings. Listen to the opening 50 seconds of this incredible piece.
  • Erik Satie - Gnossiennes Number One. Erik Satie was an enigmatic and eccentric 19th Century French composer who wrote haunting and subtle piano music. The Gnossienes are my favorites.
  • Erik Satie - Gnossiennes Number Two. Satie wrote six Gnossiennes, but so far I've only learned two of them. Here's number Two.

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  1. Escape from Freedom. Music has always been one of my greatest passions, and a few years ago I decided to try my hand at writing some high-energy rock songs. This one may be my favorite.
  2. Care to Give. Originally I wrote lyrics and recorded vocals for all of these, but it was painfully obvious that I couldn't sing worth a darn, so I remixed all of these without vocals. My guitarist buddy from high school liked this one best.
  3. Love of Money. If you are a singer and happen to like any of these, give me a call. I'd love to get a good vocal track to give these more OOOMPH! Give this one a listen.
  4. Dream Sequence. This is kind of a chunky, bouncy, rock thumper. Played on a 7-string Ibanez, with liberal use of the EBow for super sustain and layered feedback. The guitars sound really thick on this one.
  5. Spoils of War. War sucks, but we keep doing it. Really, people, can't we just stop?
  6. The Grand March. The pretentious title bugs me a bit, but when I wrote it I had pretensions of great things. A progressive rock ballad.
  7. Dream World. Dreamy! Give it a whirl...
  8. Clear Light. An optimistic and somewhat cheery number that breaks into fast-rocking bridge segments. This was fun to play, fun to listen to...

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