Greenpeace in the 2010s

Russia puts an end to nuclear waste shipments; the biggest, most ambitious forest conservation deal ever is announced; Nestlé agrees to stop purchasing palm oil from sources which destroy Indonesian rainforests; plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport are axed; Europe bans the trade in illegal timber; the occupation of oil rigs and ships in the Arctic and the UK – and we’re only just getting started…


Activists occupy the Stena Don oil-rig in the Arctic. © Greenpeace.


February 2010: Indian computer manufacturer Wipro announces the launch of a new PVC and BFR-free computer, after several years of pressure by Greenpeace on tech companies to provide toxics-free electronics..

May 2010: Over 25 years of Greenpeace efforts to expose and oppose nuclear waste shipments from France to Russia end in victory when Russia puts an end to the practice. The illegality of the shipments was confirmed when French officials admitted that the stated intention to reprocess and return the fuel was false. Attention to the shipments was sparked in 1984 when Greenpeace revealed that the shipping vessel Mont Louis, which sank in the North Sea, was carrying Uranium Hexaflouride..

May 2010: The biggest, most ambitious forest conservation deal ever is announced: The Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. After more than seven years of hard-fought campaigning to end the ongoing destruction of Canada’s Boreal Forest, Greenpeace and eight other non-governmental organisations have agreed to a truce with the logging industry..

May 2010:  Nestlé agrees to stop purchasing palm oil from sources which destroy Indonesian rainforests. The company concedes to the demands of a global campaign against its Kit Kat brand after eight weeks of massive pressure from consumers via social media and nonviolent direct action by Greenpeace volunteers..

May 2010:  Plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport are axed by the UK government. As a part of the campaign, Greenpeace bought a plot of land in the middle of the proposed site for the third runway and over 90,000 supporters signed up to have their names on the ownership deed..

June 2010: French actress Marion Cotillard visits the Congo to document the effect that the destruction of ancient rainforests through logging is having on the forests and the people who depend on them.

July 2010: Following a ten-year Greenpeace campaign, Europe bans the trade in illegal timber – a great leap forward in the struggle to protect the world’s forests and climate..

September 2010: Burger King ditches Sinar Mas as a supplier until the group commits to ending deforestation.

September 2010: The Tokyo Two are given suspended sentences after exposed widespread corruption in Japan’s whaling programme.

September 2010: Greenpeace activists occupy the Stena Don drilling rig in the Arctic and the Stena Carron drilling ship off Shetland.