Greenpeace’s climate emergency plan

Update on 15 May: We would like to thank all those who commented here for their time and expertise in providing comments on Greenpeace’s climate emergency plan. We are considering the responses, alongside those we’ve had directly, and will look to issue and updated manifesto later this year. 

What’s this about?

The Government have to accept that we are in a climate emergency. Their current policies are no way near an adequate response. They clearly need help to come up with a coordinated programme to decarbonise the whole economy.

To kick start the debate, Greenpeace has come up with a draft plan.

We have set out practical actions the Government must take straight away to help avert the climate crisis and take responsibility for the UK’s historic emissions. They also aim to capture what is needed to guarantee the transition is fair and creates thousands of secure, clean, decent jobs here in the UK so communities can flourish.

The scale of change needed across our society over the next two decades is vast. New solutions are needed and no one yet has all the answers. That’s why we want to hear from members of the public, politicians and policy experts about our plan. Climate change affects everything, and we need everyone to get involved.

We will keep building on this draft and make it stronger based on the feedback we’ve received. Then the Government will have even less of an excuse not to act.