About this site

Welcome to the Greenpeace website. Here you can find out how to find your way around, register on the site, comment and share. If you have any questions or problems with the website, please get in touch. All writing published on the website is released under a Creative Commons license except in cases where we’ve indicated otherwise (this mainly affects reports where others may have done the research for us).

Finding your way around

To get involved with Greenpeace – locally, in our office or online – see the What you can do pages , where you’ll be able take action online, join a local group, browse local group blogs and events, support us by donating or fundraising, sign up to keep in touch, give virtual gifts that support our campaigns, check our job vacancies and internships and much more.

You can find out more about Greenpeace, our vision, how we make change happen, our impacts, our history and our successes in the about section.

If you’re looking for information on climate change, forests, oceans, peace, nuclear power, toxics or agriculture, try our campaigns pages.

For the latest news on all of our campaigns, head over to the blog. As with most blogs, the entries are published in reverse chronological order, with the newest first. You can comment on what you read – actually, we’re relying on you to! While we don’t reply to every comment, we do read them all and take note. To comment, you can register and create your own public profile or you can make comments anonymously, however we do have a few house rules.

Keeping informed

There are plenty of ways to keep in touch with Greenpeace. You can sign up to our newsletter, join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, join a local group and more. Visit the get active section for full details. We also have dozens of RSS feeds allowing you to keep up-to-date with Greenpeace news without having to visit the website (RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and, once you’ve got the hang of it, it really is simple).

Use the web for good!

All over the website, you’ll see ways that you can help to win campaigns – from writing letters and sharing news with your friends to designing logos and creating videos for us. Please take action where you can; the web is an essential campaigning tool and we rely on you to help us win campaigns (see the Nestle and Green My Apple campaigns for examples of how powerful it can be).

Sharing is particularly important; social networks allow us to get our campaigns out to a much wider audience than we would otherwise reach. Beneath every post, you’ll see a share tool that allows you to quickly share it by email, Facebook, Twitter and a host of other networks – please use liberally!

If you have your own website, blog or web page, don’t forget that the writing (not photos) on our website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License meaning you can copy it and post it on your site as long as you acknowledge www.greenpeace.org.uk as the source. You can also hang one of our banners (virtual ones) – check the banners page and pick your favourite.


If you have any more questions about the website, please visit our website FAQs or get in touch.