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NVDA training 20 July

Posted by Fran Grobke - 5th July 2019

At Greenpeace, we are currently organising some non-violent direct action (NVDA) trainings aimed at redressing the lack of support for People of Colour taking action in the environmental movement. So please do fill out this form, if you are able to participate in the July 20th training.

The trainings will be run by a diverse team, including experienced People of Colour and trans activists, and the first of these will take place on 20 July at Greenpeace UK in Islington. Would you like to take part? Can you pass this on to other people of colour you think might be interested in taking part in the training?

Greenpeace NVDA trainings prepare activists to take part in our well-supported direct actions and campaign activities, and it is necessary to take part in one of these trainings before participating in one of our actions.

This NVDA training has been planned in consultation with the Greenpeace UK People of Colour group, who are working on a series of interventions into Greenpeace UK’s climate justice based diversity and representation in campaigns. In doing this training we are seeking to address and change the fact that the environmental movement is a space for predominantly white and middle class voices. As part of our personal and organisational belief in climate justice, it is extremely important to us that those most affected by intersectional injustices are well-supported to take action and challenge power.

This NVDA training will seek to explore and address the barriers to direct action faced by people of colour, working from the input of participants alongside people from the Greenpeace UK People of Colour group, many of whom are already trained in NVDA. These might range from the reactions of the public, police and the institutionally racist criminal justice system to the challenges involved in speaking to family members about participation in protest or interaction with the police.

In the context of discussions within the wider social justice movement about the XR protests’ minimal arrestee support, misleading outputs on the criminal justice system and police interactions and lack of acknowledgement of the particular barriers for POC participating in direct action, Greenpeace wants to offer its wide-ranging actions support and resources to People of Colour who want to take action for climate justice.

Greenpeace takes its duty of care to all our activists extremely seriously. If activists choose to participate in one of our actions, they will have access to substantial ground support, police liaison, all food and travel costs covered, arrestee support, legal support, payment of fines and more.

How Greenpeace supports activists:
* activist support team at all actions, including legal support and police liaison
* arrestee support attending police stations in case of arrest: there will always be a team of people waiting with food, drink, cash and assistance for onwards travel
* arrestee support communications with partners, family, friends and housemates in case of arrest
* a solicitor from our lawyers will always attend any police station
* all court costs and any fines covered

It is also important to note that Greenpeace avoids arrest and prosecution where possible by negotiating with the police. Action Coordinators are onsite at all NVDAs to liaise with the police on behalf and in constant consultation with activists. There are always multiple roles available, including many with an extremely low risk of arrest. Activists are always part of a larger group and buddied up in pairs for the duration. We aim to reduce the personal impact of taking part in NVDAs wherever possible. We take action to challenge corporate and government power responsible for injustice in our world, and seek to avoid any valorisation of arrest and trial. Furthermore, the Greenpeace brand has proved helpful in securing minimal charges and lenient sentences, if any.

What Greenpeace the NVDA training will cover:
* direct action techniques
* non-violent communication
* psychological preparation for actions
* talking to friends and family about having been arrested, especially with needs of POC in mind
* legal advice and Q+A with Raj Chada from HJA, very experienced in protest and the law and the particular experience of POC in the criminal justice system

The trainings will be trans inclusive and for majority POC, and although some white self-identifying women (trans, intersex and cis) and genderqueer people might attend.

If you would like to participate then please email Nadia, the GPUK training co-ordinator, at and fill out this form.

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