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A thank you letter from the Amazon Reef to the North Sea

Posted by Greenpeace UK - 14th June 2019

I’m Sílvia, an Amazon Reef Defender, and this is a thank you letter to Fran and Jo. I’ve been fighting together with more than 2 million people and for more than 2 years to keep the Amazon Reef oil frontier closed against the wills of oil companies like Total and BP.


When I started this adventure I wasn’t even aware of the importance of it. We really wanted to protect the biodiversity hidden in this amazing ecosystem that the Amazon Reef showed to be, but along the way, we realized that this fight was much bigger, that it was even more important…


If you’ve followed the Amazon Reef story, you will know that last December we had a historical victory against Total, which was something really great! But you will also know that the other villain of the story (surprise) BP is still in the game waiting to drill for oil in the region, and that this can happen anytime soon.


As Fran and Jo are denouncing with this extremely brave and generous action, we can’t even afford to burn the oil we have right now if we want to prevent a climate disaster; so, imagine if BP gets away with it and finally opens the Amazon Reef oil frontier.


If it happens, it will be a disaster not only because of the threat that this project represents to the local communities, turtles, whales and the Reef itself; but also because if we continue drilling for oil it will be impossible to prevent a climate disaster.


That’s why today (and forever) Fran and Jo represent me and the Amazon Reef +Defenders. Because they are taking action to stop BP from exploring and drilling for oil, not only in the North Sea where they are right now, but also in the Amazon Reef region and the rest of threatened places in the world.


Thanks Jo, thanks Fran. Your action is crossing oceans and countries and reaching us all because as you know, the climate emergency we’re facing doesn’t know about borders.

Article Tagged as: Amazon Reef, Climate, Featured