Greenpeace speakers – East of England

If you would like to request one of these Greenpeace speakers, please submit the form below


Hayley Pinto

Hayley Pinto

I’m a doctor and a mother. Four years ago I read something about climate change that woke me up to the urgency and scale of the problem. I realised I had to do what I could, for my kids and to save the natural world I love.

As a doctor I’m interested in the health implications of environmental degradation but I’ve found it fascinating to learn about other aspects: ecosystems, agriculture, economics, energy, etc

I’m passionate about the need to educate and engage communities and individuals. I love teaching and have done talks with schools, university students, health care staff and community groups.

Based in: Marsham
Topics of interest: Any, but in particular climate change (esp. health impacts) and oceans


Jim Lomas-Farley

Jim Lomas-Farley

I have been a keen Greenpeace supporter for many years and now have the time to devote my energy and enthusiasm to assisting with spreading awareness of the very real ecological threats to our planet.

I’d like to engage with anyone who will listen, and some who would rather not! Protecting the planet is not a job for Superman, it is the job of every man, woman and child and it will be accomplished by everyone doing what they can.

Based in: Huntingdon
Topics of Interest: Oceans, deforestation, climate change


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  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
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