green cloud VPS

GSA SER VPS hosting 2022

You should get the most out of your GSA SER by having a dedicated Vps. This will allow you to install your tools securely and minimize downtime. Linux OS or Windows OS are available. Linux is often the most economical option. Windows OS may be more expensive but not essential for GSA-SER. Learn more. Below are guidelines that will help you select a VPS to support GSA-SER.

engine ranker

A VPS is important for GSA users, as this server is able to manage millions of URLs from Google with ease. A VPS can help to keep SEO campaigns organized and streamlined. While using a single server is adequate for basic optimization, it is unsuitable for checking millions of URLs. However, if you plan on buying lists, you should make sure that your server has the right specifications for this.

Who better than Windows can virtualize Windows? We chose HyperV as hypervisor for our Windows GSA SER VPS. According to our benchmarks it is showing unmatched performances. We are the only one in the industry to separate the infrastructures from Linux VPS. To minimize the performances impact and yet as part of our disaster recovery plan, we backup your VPS monthly and you may also perform snapshots (differentiation backups) directly from your control panel. Your Data Security is a key stake at Asia Virtual Solutions

best VPS for GSA search Engine Ranker
unmetered windows VPS

unmetered windows VPS

GSA SER can be used to create links for any website. When you send them to indexer sites, it will create backlinks. The SER automatically creates a limited number of target links. If you have run out of target links, the cache can be easily deleted to avoid this problem. This will allow you to avoid getting blacklisted by indexers rejecting your URL.


GSA Search Engine Ranker can load certain target URLs from either site lists and scraped search engine results. You can also check the file for duplicates. Next, the program exports the file at your destination. The recommended frequency of this export is once every two or three months. It is important to ensure the server runs at high speeds during the whole process.

VPS for SEO software

The best VPS for GSA search engine ranker should have a dedicated operating system. This will allow the GSA SER to run at maximum performance, minimize downtime, and protect your files. Different VPS packages are available with different operating systems, and some will come with Linux OS. Linux OS is the cheapest option, but you may want to opt for Windows if your budget is higher. However, you won't be able to install GSA SER on Linux OS.

Asia Virtual Solutions VPS will give you a highly-configured GSA Search Engine Ranker and a super fast Hosting. You can add GSA Search Engine Ranker Projects to your Hosting and that will create the backlinks. Apart from GSA SER software, you should definitely consider purchasing the GSA data packets, also known as done for you projects. This will provide you with everything you need.

If you want to learn more about how to utilize GSA Search Engine Ranker, take a look at the devoted guide or videos and a forum on the official  GSA websitewebsite. Or you can also find a link in the software help section to the tutorials. In addition if you browse to Asia Virtual Solutions website, there is a comprehensive list of blog post with tutorials on how to use GSA Search Engine