Poems for Impending Doom

Frutas by Camila Salcedo

the way i get to travel to my roots
fruitful from the motherland
rooted but afloat; out here we bloom
i remember
the pinch and peel of a mamón
the feel of the hard jelly yet citrus kiss
the gooey drop encased between my two fingers
then travelled into my mouth perfectly fitting in between my lips
i remember
mangos which i ate straight from the tree
they can never be replicated by the
grocery-store-bought-in-the-middle-of-winter “man-goes”
the juice dripping down my fingers, barely any fibers,
pit perfectly fit the size of my mouth,
perfectly hand held as a merienda when we were locked out of the house
i remember
sometimes came wrapped in little plastic sweet like candy; dulces
empalagante to the palate
so pink and soft like my cheeks when i am flustered,
yet citric with little pits that excited my teeth and tastebuds at every little bite
i remember
nísperos the rough outside like dry skin on your elbows,
it cuts so softly and with a spoon i’d scoop out the insides, so sweet,
some one-or-two seeds, in between, i’d take them out they were so clean
and i loved it on any time of the day, i could eat so many,
a sweetness i only remembered once i felt it again
far away from the motherland
i vaguely remember
juice, pulp, acid, crunchy,
bitter on the outside but on the inside, feisty,
the man at the mercado shook it like a maraca
guts travelled from edge to edge of its globular skin
announcing it was ready for consumption
but i could not remember how to eat it
nov 18
I read the poetic prompts Lucy and Alessia sent and I was really attracted to these:
5. A poem with each word deconstructed
8. A recording of the first embrace that knits back together the world
9. A recording of the last border broken
17. A poem for the future possibilities of decolonial love
19. Consciously deconstruct and consume a fruit of your choice, using only your bare hands
I think my favourite one is the last one! Would love to know which ones were your favourite
prompts so we could start thinking about which theme we like collectively!
nov 18
I read the poetic prompts Lucy and Alessia sent and I was really attracted to these:
5. A poem with each word deconstructed
8. A recording of the first embrace that knits back together the world
9. A recording of the last border broken
17. A poem for the future possibilities of decolonial love
19. Consciously deconstruct and consume a fruit of your choice, using only your bare hands
I think my favourite one is the last one! Would love to know which ones were your favourite
prompts so we could start thinking about which theme we like collectively!
dec 15
- respond to what a complete destruction of conventional understandings of art, institutions,
borders, bodies could look like
- how can we come together to re-imagine a collective future?
- interested in prompts #5, #6, #9, #12, #15, #17, #19, #20
- multi-sensory work
dec 15
- respond to what a complete destruction of conventional understandings of art, institutions,
borders, bodies could look like
- how can we come together to re-imagine a collective future?
- interested in prompts #5, #6, #9, #12, #15, #17, #19, #20
- multi-sensory work
dec 20
- instagram stories, living a public life, and saving them
- things that are indigenous to us
- homelands – where those places might be
- larger context of Turtle Island
- how are we read? voices, more than visual
- systemic borders
- country borders are highly policed
- i think we know what destruction means because of our lived experiences
- want it to be messy
- fruit that’s indigenous to where we’re from
- messy foods
- family members
- us + siblings
- disrupt
- researching fruits
dec 20
- instagram stories, living a public life, and saving them
- things that are indigenous to us
- homelands – where those places might be
- larger context of Turtle Island
- how are we read? voices, more than visual
- systemic borders
- country borders are highly policed
- i think we know what destruction means because of our lived experiences
- want it to be messy
- fruit that’s indigenous to where we’re from
- messy foods
- family members
- us + siblings
- disrupt
- researching fruits
jan 2
Here is the working text I have so far:


I've also been chatting with my sister about dates, I'd like to film end of next week on Friday or Saturday with her, so I'd have to source the fruits early next week and then the following week I am gone already so I would be able to do the editing of the video (whether we decide to do our individual videos or merge them somehow). I still like what we discussed about this project being messy, so I imagine the editing to be quite minimal and clean, and I kind of want to keep the raw footage as much as possible.
jan 2
Here is the working text I have so far:


I've also been chatting with my sister about dates, I'd like to film end of next week on Friday or Saturday with her, so I'd have to source the fruits early next week and then the following week I am gone already so I would be able to do the editing of the video (whether we decide to do our individual videos or merge them somehow). I still like what we discussed about this project being messy, so I imagine the editing to be quite minimal and clean, and I kind of want to keep the raw footage as much as possible.

ASTAM by Arielle Twist

my womanhood is rebuilt in the setting sun
my vagina theoretical, womb swollen in my throat
birthing stories that claw their way through thin tissue.

I spit blood with each poem,
I birth myself with each bite.


blood and berries, unconscious lust
for the sweet, the savage
stain my red skin pink
fill me with seeds
and pray for my faux womb
the empty space above my abdomen
so, maybe one day I’ll be
a mother too


the future is a vicious woman
our world – already post apocalypse
the blood once rushing to my head
now spilling down my wrists.
I want her to taste my
warm thick blood
and spare my sisters
from reliving
that pain
I know my place
I am the matriarch
birthing a new world
in my death

Apparatus by Camille Rojas

Camille: The thing that really strikes me the most is having to imagine a place [that has been broken down] and reimagining everything different… like a complete destruction of institutions and borders. And I’m like: How do I do that? I just feel like I can’t imagine a place like that because I just… I can’t dismiss the things that people have fought for already, you know what I mean?
Camille: The thing that really strikes me the most is having to imagine a place [that has been broken down] and reimagining everything different… like a complete destruction of institutions and borders. And I’m like: How do I do that? I just feel like I can’t imagine a place like that because I just… I can’t dismiss the things that people have fought for already, you know what I mean?
Maddie: I know what you mean. Things are not only as flawed as existing infrastructure and economic, political, environmental and social conditions as these conditions are shaped over time by different forces. These forces act on people differently. I don’t know what doing away with everything does because then we lose the lessons of.. that can be learned. With any utopia you just have new and different problems and then it just takes you awhile to realize what those problems are.
Maddie: I know what you mean. Things are not only as flawed as existing infrastructure and economic, political, environmental and social conditions as these conditions are shaped over time by different forces. These forces act on people differently. I don’t know what doing away with everything does because then we lose the lessons of.. that can be learned. With any utopia you just have new and different problems and then it just takes you awhile to realize what those problems are.

Flat Circle by Madeleine Scott

Curated by:
Lucy Pauker &
Alessia Oliva
Curated by:
Lucy Pauker &
Alessia Oliva
Site by Rahul.
Site by Rahul.

Thank You

A huge massive love-filled thank you to Arielle Twist, Camille Rojas, Camila Salcedo, and Madeleine Scott. They put big trust into this project and we are so grateful they did. Thanks to Tori Fleming for being a DREAM to work with, and making this project so so smooth. Thank you Rahul for helping this show materialize!!!!!!!!!! You are the BEST. Thank you to Arts NS, the City of Halifax, Canada Council and Centre for Art Tapes for making this possible :)