Unlock Your Invention's Potential with InventHelp

InventHelp has been assisting inventors for over 35 years. Since its inception in 1984, InventHelp has become one of the leading companies in the invention services industry. Their longevity and experience in the field are a testament to their commitment to helping inventors navigate the complex process of turning ideas into reality.

Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting My Idea?

Yes, InventHelp can assist with patenting your idea. They offer a range of services to help inventors secure the protection needed for their inventions. This includes patent referral services where they connect inventors with independent patent assistance who can help draft and file a patent application. This service ensures that your invention is protected and that you have the rights to it. This is the answer of Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting My Idea?

What Are the Benefits of Using InventHelp?

Using InventHelp offers several benefits:

• Expert Guidance: 

InventHelp provides expert guidance throughout the invention process, from idea conception to market introduction.

• Patent Services: 

They assist with the patent process, helping to protect your invention.

• Prototype Development:

InventHelp can help create a prototype of your invention, making it easier to present to potential investors or licensees.

• Marketing Assistance: 

They offer marketing services to help you promote your invention to companies that may be interested in licensing or manufacturing it.

• Resources and Support: 

InventHelp provides access to a wealth of resources and support to help inventors succeed.

InventHelp offers services to help inventors create prototypes that accurately represent their ideas, making it easier to attract potential investors or partners.

Can InventHelp Assist with Prototype Creation?

Yes, InventHelp can assist with prototype creation. They understand that a working prototype can be crucial for demonstrating the functionality and feasibility of an invention. 

What Can InventHelp Do for Me?

InventHelp offers a comprehensive range of services designed to assist inventors at every stage of the invention process. These services include:

• Idea Submission: Helping inventors document and submit their ideas.

• Patent Referrals: Connecting inventors with independent patent assistace.

• Prototype Development: Assisting in the creation of prototypes.

• Marketing and Licensing: Helping promote inventions to potential licensees and manufacturers.

• Ongoing Support: Providing continuous support and resources throughout the invention journey. 

Is InventHelp an Established Provider?

Yes, InventHelp is an established provider in the invention services industry. With over three decades of experience, they have built a solid reputation for helping inventors turn their ideas into marketable products. Their extensive history and large network of professionals underscore their credibility and reliability. Now you can get the answer for the question Is InventHelp an Established Provider?

Can I Trust InventHelp and the Companies it Works With?

InventHelp has been in business for over 35 years, which speaks to their reliability and the trust that many inventors have placed in them. They work with a network of reputable patent assistance and have established relationships with various companies interested in new inventions. However, it's always wise to conduct your own research and due diligence before committing to any service.


You can check What Is InventHelp? InventHelp is a well-established company that offers a comprehensive range of services designed to assist inventors at every stage of the invention process. With their extensive experience, network of professionals, and commitment to helping inventors succeed, they are a valuable resource for anyone looking to turn their invention ideas into reality.