The Evolution of InventHelp: A Look Back at 35 Years of Innovation Support

Are you ready to explore how InventHelp has been your ally in the world of invention for the past 35 years?

Join us as we dive into the journey of this pioneering company, from its humble beginnings to its current role as a leading innovation support provider. 

Discover how InventHelp has empowered inventors like yourself with guidance, expertise, and a network of supporters, shaping the landscape of invention across the US and Canada.

Founding of InventHelp in the 1980s

InventHelp was founded in the 1980s to provide new inventors with essential tools and support to kickstart their innovation journeys. From the very beginning, the company was focused on empowering inventors like you to turn their ideas into reality.

With a strong commitment to fostering creativity and guiding inventors through the invention process, InventHelp quickly became a trusted resource in the industry. As a new inventor, you can rely on their years of experience, wide range of services, and dedicated team to help you navigate the complexities of bringing your invention to life.

With offices across the United States and Canada, InventHelp is readily accessible to assist you every step of the way.

Expansion of Services and Reach

Expanding its services and reach, supporting inventors with a wide array of resources and access to a vast network of partners and investors. InventHelp, with over 35 years of experience, offers a comprehensive range of services for inventors across the United States and Canada.

With offices in 65 cities and a dedicated team of experts, the company is easily accessible to assist you in realizing your invention goals. From helping with patent processes to creating prototypes, InventHelp provides hands-on guidance to new inventors in various industries.

Whether your idea is eco-friendly, tech-related, or medical, the teams at InventHelp can offer practical assistance and even help you submit your idea to companies through specialized services. Trust in their expertise to support you every step of the way. You can check Questions from New Inventors About InventHelp

Impact on New Inventors

When embarking on your invention journey, InventHelp guides you through the patenting process and helps in creating prototypes to bring your ideas to life.

With over 35 years of experience, InventHelp has made a significant impact on new inventors by providing essential support and resources. The company's team of experts offers practical assistance in patenting invention ideas and developing prototypes.

Additionally, InventHelp's vast network of partners and investors can help new inventors bring their ideas to market. Whether you have a green invention idea, a tech product concept, or a medical innovation, InventHelp is there to assist you every step of the way.

Trust in InventHelp to help turn your inventive ideas into reality.

Collaboration With Inventors Across Industries

Guiding inventors across industries, collaborating with InventHelp opens up new avenues for developing and promoting innovative ideas. By partnering with this established company, you gain access to a wealth of resources and expertise tailored to your specific industry.

Whether you're delving into green inventions, tech products, or medical innovations, InventHelp's teams of experienced professionals are equipped to assist you at every step of the invention process. From refining your concept to creating prototypes and navigating the patenting process, their support is invaluable.

With offices across the United States and Canada, InventHelp is easily accessible to help you bring your groundbreaking ideas to life and potentially revolutionize your chosen industry.

Innovations in Patenting and Prototyping

With InventHelp, access to cutting-edge innovations in patenting and prototyping is streamlined for inventors across various industries. The company offers comprehensive services to assist you in obtaining patents for your inventions, guiding you through the intricate process with expertise and efficiency. 

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