Corporate Culture


In her pursuit of excellence, Dr. Althouse continues to inspire organizations and individuals to harness their brilliance, optimize their performance, and attain their desired goals. Her contribution to the field of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer, particularly through Brilliance Mining, redefines the way businesses approach and cultivate their most vital asset - their collective knowledge.

The capture of Critical Knowledge: Brilliance Mining™ serves as a powerful tool for organizations to capture critical knowledge that may otherwise be challenging to transfer. By implementing the Brilliance Mining™ process, organizations can identify and document both conscious and unconscious competence. This allows them to effectively capture and preserve valuable expertise, insights, and experiences that might otherwise remain hidden or difficult to articulate.

Conduct Brilliance Mapping: Perform Brilliance Mapping, which involves breaking down the critical knowledge areas into their component parts. Identify the key steps, decision points, and underlying principles that contribute to the success of each area.

Information Sharing

Process Management

Knowledge Management: The process of capturing, organizing, and leveraging knowledge within an organization to enhance decision-making, innovation, and performance.

Overcoming these obstacles requires a comprehensive approach that addresses cultural, technological, and organizational aspects. By fostering a supportive culture, implementing appropriate tools and platforms, and encouraging collaboration and knowledge-sharing behaviors, organizations can enhance Knowledge Transfer, unlock the full potential of their knowledge assets, and drive innovation and continuous improvement.

Measuring the success of Brilliance Mining involves tracking key indicators that demonstrate the effectiveness of knowledge transfer and the reduction in dependence on key employees. Here are some metrics to consider:

Knowledge Economy

Disturbance-Free Absences: Assess how long key personnel can be absent without being constantly interrupted by phone calls, text messages, or emails seeking their assistance. Measure the reduction in dependence on specific individuals for problem-solving and decision-making.

Brilliance Mining is a testament to the power of a learning organization, where knowledge is viewed not just as a static repository, but a dynamic, evolving entity, enriched by every interaction, every shared insight, and every successful transfer of expertise.

Siloed Knowledge and Fragmentation: Knowledge fragmentation and silos can hinder effective KM. Organizations need to address barriers to knowledge sharing across departments, teams, and geographical locations by fostering cross-functional collaboration, facilitating information exchange, and promoting a shared understanding of goals and objectives.

Knowledge Flow

Data Preprocessing: Human Brilliance Miners can preprocess and curate the data to ensure its quality, relevance, and suitability for AI analysis. This may involve data cleaning, transformation, and feature selection to optimize the AI algorithms' performance.

Knowledge Capture: The act of capturing valuable knowledge and expertise, typically through interviews, documentation, or observation, to ensure it is preserved and available for future use.

AI Model Development and Training: Human Brilliance Miners can extract human brilliance and provide unique expertise that can be used to train AI models.

Best Practices

At its core, Brilliance Mining™ is a highly effective and innovative knowledge management system that empowers organizations to capture and transfer critical knowledge. It is a proven method designed to facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge, including the kind of knowledge that employees may not even be aware they possess. Brilliance Mining™ is specifically crafted to capture both conscious and unconscious competence – those things that employees do automatically and intuitively but are often difficult to articulate and transfer to others. By leveraging Brilliance Mining™, organizations can ensure that crucial knowledge is captured and shared in a way that is not only understandable but also useful to individuals across the organization.

In this future landscape, Brilliance Mining will empower organizations to build resilient knowledge ecosystems. It will enable them to adapt swiftly to changes, navigate complex challenges, and seize emerging opportunities.

Knowledge Automation: AI enables the automation of knowledge-intensive tasks, freeing up employees' time and allowing them to focus on more complex and creative work. AI-powered systems can automate repetitive processes, provide real-time insights, and generate reports, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency in knowledge management.

Knowledge Mapping

Loss of Tacit Knowledge: Employ techniques such as interviews, storytelling, and reflection to capture and transfer tacit knowledge. Provide training on effective knowledge transfer methods to ensure critical tacit knowledge is not lost but made explicit and accessible to others.

To aid your understanding of the key concepts and terminology related to knowledge management, knowledge transfer, and Brilliance Mining, we have compiled a glossary of terms. This glossary will help you navigate through the technical vocabulary and ensure clarity as you delve deeper into these topics.

Lifestyle Coaching Program to beat insulting resistance: A heap of 60-70 medical doctor's articles, initially complex for laymen, were transformed through Brilliance Mining into a structured program. The restructuring was so transformative that the logo was redesigned to show that the program consists of six lifestyle areas and four pillars of support for the participants. The content was broken down into bite-sized courses, including workbooks and assignments. The program's imminent launch is expected to impact hundreds of thousands of people.

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Discovery: AI technologies, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, enable organizations to analyze and extract insights from vast amounts of data. AI algorithms can uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within data, thereby facilitating knowledge discovery and helping organizations make informed decisions based on the identified knowledge.

At its core, KM encompasses the processes, tools, and practices that enable organizations to capture explicit knowledge (formal, codified information) and tacit knowledge (personal experiences, skills, and insights) and convert them into shared knowledge assets. By providing mechanisms for knowledge creation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination, KM empowers organizations to leverage their intellectual capital and derive strategic advantage from their knowledge resources.

Innovative Software Company: An innovative software company specializing in software that revolutionizes and modernizes legislative drafting faced the challenge of teaching its employees and partners the unique combination of technical expertise and legislative knowledge that drives their business. Furthermore, the company needed to educate their prospective customers on the benefits of their product, which meant that government IT people had to understand the software well enough to recommend it to their bosses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, there are several ways: One is to immediately begin making video (or at least audio) recordings of any and all training you are already doing anyway. This is Brilliance Extraction at “naturally occurring opportunities.”

Secondly, you can sign up for the free membership at the Brilliance Mine Academy and take the first module of the introductory course on the Brilliance Mining Method. This will only take 15 minutes and provide you with a foundational understanding of the method and how to apply it in your organization.

What is the best way to get started with Brilliance Mining?

You begin with Brilliance Mapping and write down which areas of Brilliance you have. This will not be a complete list because you are not going to think of it all, but it is a great start. Then consider:

  • Which area is the easiest to start with (perhaps you are working on improving this area right now or are training someone in it)?

  • Or which area would as have the most positive impact on your business if it was documented and made trainable?

  • If the two overlap, that is even better!

Most of all, just get started!

Of course, the answer is, “It depends.” That said, we have had clients who had something tangible in their hands after just one session, something that made a difference to them. Or, another client had his entire Secret Sauce documented within six weeks after not being able to teach it to his team for twelve years completely. The key is to go for an early win. Ditch perfectionism and quickly create something that is useful. You can still refine it later. Furthermore, we recommend you use the early version to get valuable feedback which might influence the direction of how you proceed.

To form a successful culture around knowledge sharing, it is important to create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their knowledge. This can be achieved by creating a culture of openness and transparency, where employees are encouraged to share their ideas and insights without fear of judgment or criticism. It is also important to help employees understand the benefits of sharing their knowledge, such as professional and personal growth opportunities, and to reward them for doing so. This can be done through bonuses, salary raises, or employee ownership, as well as opportunities to work on exciting projects and tasks. By creating a win-win scenario where employees are happy and well-trained, you can foster a culture of knowledge sharing that will help your organization thrive.

It is important to update your knowledge management system regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and useful to your organization. The frequency of updates will depend on the nature of your business and the rate of change in your business and industry. However, it is generally recommended to update your knowledge management system frequently, ideally as soon as you learn that something is missing or needs to be updated. I encourage you to build a culture that encourages employees to contribute to the system regularly, as this will help to keep it up-to-date and relevant to their needs.