Fuzz introspector: unrar_fuzzer
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
3171 3171 4 :

['Unpack::SetDestSize(long)', 'Unpack::Init(unsigned long, bool)', 'Unpack::DoUnpack(unsigned int, bool)', 'CmdExtract::UnstoreFile(ComprDataIO&, long)']

3396 6131 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:663
1837 1841 3 :

['CmdExtract::DetectStartVolume(wchar_t const*, bool)', 'wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long)', 'NextVolumeName(wchar_t*, unsigned int, bool)']

1849 9998 CmdExtract::ExtractArchive() call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:173
679 863 10 :

['ReadTextFile(wchar_t const*, StringList*, bool, bool, RAR_CHARSET, bool, bool, bool)', 'FindData::FindData()', 'wcschr', 'IsDriveDiv(int)', 'StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*)', 'AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long)', 'wcslen', 'IsPathDiv(int)', 'FindFile::FastFind(wchar_t const*, FindData*, bool)', 'IsWildcard(wchar_t const*)']

679 879 CommandData::ParseArg(wchar_t*) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/cmddata.cpp:100
589 589 1 :

['ExtractSymlink(CommandData*, ComprDataIO&, Archive&, wchar_t const*)']

814 3549 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:681
429 431 3 :

['CmdExtract::ExtrCreateDir(Archive&, wchar_t const*)', 'Archive::IsArcDir()', 'CmdExtract::ExtrCreateFile(Archive&, File&)']

4788 7811 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:545
353 463 4 :

['CmdExtract::ExtrPrepareName(Archive&, wchar_t const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long)', 'CmdExtract::ExtractFileCopy(File&, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, unsigned long)', 'ExtractHardlink(CommandData*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, unsigned long)', 'ConvertPath(wchar_t const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long)']

578 3423 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:667
281 321 8 :

['CryptData::SetKey50(bool, SecPassword*, wchar_t const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned char*)', 'cleandata(void*, unsigned long)', 'CryptData::SetKey15(char const*)', 'CryptData::SetKey30(bool, SecPassword*, wchar_t const*, unsigned char const*)', 'SecPassword::Get(wchar_t*, unsigned long)', 'WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long)', 'CryptData::SetKey13(char const*)', 'CryptData::SetKey20(char const*)']

281 321 CryptData::SetCryptKeys(bool,CRYPT_METHOD,SecPassword*,unsignedcharconst*,unsignedcharconst*,unsignedint,unsignedchar*,unsignedchar*) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/crypt.cpp:59
204 204 2 :

['SetExtraInfo20(CommandData*, Archive&, wchar_t*)', 'SetExtraInfo(CommandData*, Archive&, wchar_t*)']

204 1420 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:275
116 377 8 :

['ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT)', 'Archive::RequestArcPassword()', 'RawRead::SetCrypt(CryptData*)', 'void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t*)', 'CryptData::SetCryptKeys(bool, CRYPT_METHOD, SecPassword*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned char*)', 'SecPassword::IsSet()', 'SecPassword::Clean()', 'uiIsGlobalPasswordSet()']

1436 3070 Archive::ReadHeader50() call site: 00000 /src/unrar/arcread.cpp:555
84 92 4 :

['SetExt(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long)', 'wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long)', 'RemoveNameFromPath(wchar_t*)', 'AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long)']

92 165 CmdExtract::ExtrPrepareName(Archive&,wchar_tconst*,wchar_t*,unsignedlong) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:921
66 66 1 :


70 70 File::~File() call site: 00000 /src/unrar/file.cpp:29
63 63 1 :


4986 8353 CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive&,unsignedlong,bool&) call site: 00000 /src/unrar/extract.cpp:469

Fuzzer calltree

0 LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput [function] [call site] 00000
1 __cxa_guard_acquire [call site] 00001
1 CommandData::CommandData() [function] [call site] 00002
2 RAROptions::RAROptions() [function] [call site] 00003
3 SecPassword::SecPassword() [function] [call site] 00004
4 SecPassword::Set(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00005
5 wcslen [call site] 00006
5 SecPassword::Process(wchar_t const*, unsigned long, wchar_t*, unsigned long, bool) [function] [call site] 00007
6 SecHideData(void*, unsigned long, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00008
7 getpid [call site] 00009
3 Array ::Array() [function] [call site] 00010
4 Array ::CleanData() [function] [call site] 00011
3 RarTime::RarTime() [function] [call site] 00012
4 RarTime::Reset() [function] [call site] 00013
3 RAROptions::Init() [function] [call site] 00014
4 GetNumberOfThreads() [function] [call site] 00015
5 GetNumberOfCPU() [function] [call site] 00016
6 sysconf [call site] 00017
3 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00018
4 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00019
4 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00020
5 __cxa_begin_catch [call site] 00021
3 SecPassword::~SecPassword() [function] [call site] 00022
4 SecPassword::Clean() [function] [call site] 00023
5 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00024
4 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00025
2 StringList::StringList() [function] [call site] 00026
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00027
4 StringList::Rewind() [function] [call site] 00028
4 Array ::Reset() [function] [call site] 00029
2 CommandData::Init() [function] [call site] 00030
3 RAROptions::Init() [function] [call site] 00031
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00032
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00033
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00034
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00035
3 StringList::Reset() [function] [call site] 00036
3 Array ::Reset() [function] [call site] 00037
2 StringList::~StringList() [function] [call site] 00038
3 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00039
2 RAROptions::~RAROptions() [function] [call site] 00040
3 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00041
3 SecPassword::~SecPassword() [function] [call site] 00042
1 CommandData::ParseArg(wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00043
2 CommandData::IsSwitch(int) [function] [call site] 00044
2 CommandData::ProcessSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00045
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00046
4 towupper [call site] 00047
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00048
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00049
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00050
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00051
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00052
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00053
4 mprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00054
4 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00055
5 uiAlarm(UIALARM_TYPE) [function] [call site] 00056
5 ErrorHandler::Throw(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00057
6 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00058
6 __cxa_allocate_exception [call site] 00059
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00060
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00061
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00062
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00063
3 CommandData::GetExclAttr(wchar_t const*, bool&) [function] [call site] 00064
4 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00065
4 wcstol [call site] 00066
4 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00067
3 CommandData::GetExclAttr(wchar_t const*, bool&) [function] [call site] 00068
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00069
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00070
3 wcslen [call site] 00071
3 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, int) [function] [call site] 00072
4 uiMsgStore::uiMsgStore(UIMESSAGE_CODE) [function] [call site] 00073
4 uiMsgStore::operator<<(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00074
4 uiMsgStore::Msg() [function] [call site] 00075
3 SecPassword::Set(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00076
3 wcslen [call site] 00077
3 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00078
3 SecPassword::IsSet() [function] [call site] 00079
3 uiGetPassword(UIPASSWORD_TYPE, wchar_t const*, SecPassword*) [function] [call site] 00080
3 eprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00081
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00082
3 wcsnicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00083
4 towupper [call site] 00084
4 towupper [call site] 00085
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00086
3 wcsnicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00087
3 wcsicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00088
4 towupper [call site] 00089
4 towupper [call site] 00090
3 SetConsoleMsgStream(MESSAGE_TYPE) [function] [call site] 00091
3 wcsnicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00092
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00093
3 wcsicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00094
3 wcsicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00095
3 SetConsoleMsgStream(MESSAGE_TYPE) [function] [call site] 00096
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00097
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00098
3 SetConsoleMsgStream(MESSAGE_TYPE) [function] [call site] 00099
3 wcsnicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00100
3 wcsicomp(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00101
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00102
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00103
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00104
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00105
4 atoilw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00106
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00107
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00108
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00109
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00110
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00111
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00112
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00113
3 wcschr [call site] 00114
3 wcspbrk [call site] 00115
3 swprintf [call site] 00116
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00117
3 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00118
4 wcslen [call site] 00119
4 Array ::Add(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00120
5 ErrorHandler::GeneralErrMsg(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00121
6 vswprintf [call site] 00122
6 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00123
6 ErrorHandler::SysErrMsg() [function] [call site] 00124
5 ErrorHandler::MemoryError() [function] [call site] 00125
6 ErrorHandler::MemoryErrorMsg() [function] [call site] 00126
7 uiMsg(UIMESSAGE_CODE) [function] [call site] 00127
8 uiMsgStore::uiMsgStore(UIMESSAGE_CODE) [function] [call site] 00128
8 uiMsgStore::Msg() [function] [call site] 00129
7 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00130
6 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00131
5 ErrorHandler::MemoryError() [function] [call site] 00132
5 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00133
5 realloc [call site] 00134
5 ErrorHandler::MemoryError() [function] [call site] 00135
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00136
4 wcscpy [call site] 00137
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00138
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00139
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00140
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00141
3 IsWildcard(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00142
4 wcspbrk [call site] 00143
3 ReadTextFile(wchar_t const*, StringList*, bool, bool, RAR_CHARSET, bool, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00144
4 GetConfigName(wchar_t const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00145
5 EnumConfigPaths(unsigned int, wchar_t*, unsigned long, bool) [function] [call site] 00146
6 getenv [call site] 00147
6 CharToWide(char const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00148
7 mbsrtowcs [call site] 00149
7 CharToWideMap(char const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long, bool&) [function] [call site] 00150
8 __ctype_get_mb_cur_max [call site] 00151
8 __ctype_get_mb_cur_max [call site] 00152
6 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00153
6 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00154
5 AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00155
6 wcslen [call site] 00156
5 WildFileExist(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00157
6 IsWildcard(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00158
6 FindFile::FindFile() [function] [call site] 00159
6 FindFile::SetMask(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00160
7 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00161
6 FindData::FindData() [function] [call site] 00162
7 RarTime::RarTime() [function] [call site] 00163
6 FindFile::Next(FindData*, bool) [function] [call site] 00164
7 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00165
7 RemoveNameFromPath(wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00166
8 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00167
9 wcslen [call site] 00168
9 IsPathDiv(int) [function] [call site] 00169
9 IsDriveDiv(int) [function] [call site] 00170
8 IsDriveDiv(int) [function] [call site] 00171
7 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00172
7 WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00173
8 WideToCharMap(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long, bool&) [function] [call site] 00174
9 wcschr [call site] 00175
9 __ctype_get_mb_cur_max [call site] 00176
9 wcrtomb [call site] 00177
9 __ctype_get_mb_cur_max [call site] 00178
8 wcsrtombs [call site] 00179
8 __errno_location [call site] 00180
8 wcsrtombs [call site] 00181
7 opendir [call site] 00182
7 __errno_location [call site] 00183
7 readdir64 [call site] 00184
7 strcmp [call site] 00185
7 CharToWide(char const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00186
7 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t*, wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00187
8 uiMsgStore::uiMsgStore(UIMESSAGE_CODE) [function] [call site] 00188
8 uiMsgStore::operator<<(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00189
8 uiMsgStore::Msg() [function] [call site] 00190
7 CmpName(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, int) [function] [call site] 00191
8 wcslen [call site] 00192
8 mwcsnicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long, bool) [function] [call site] 00193
9 wcsncmp [call site] 00194
9 wcsncmp [call site] 00195
8 GetFilePath(wchar_t const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00196
9 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00197
9 wcsncpy [call site] 00198
8 GetFilePath(wchar_t const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00199
8 mwcsicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00200
9 wcscmp [call site] 00201
9 wcsicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00202
10 wcscmp [call site] 00203
8 match(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00204
9 touppercw(unsigned int, bool) [function] [call site] 00205
9 touppercw(unsigned int, bool) [function] [call site] 00206
9 wcschr [call site] 00207
9 wcspbrk [call site] 00208
9 mwcsicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00209
9 match(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00210
10 match(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00211
8 IsWildcard(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00212
8 match(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00213
8 IsWildcard(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00214
8 wcslen [call site] 00215
8 mwcsnicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long, bool) [function] [call site] 00216
8 mwcsicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00217
8 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00218
8 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00219
8 mwcsicompc(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, bool) [function] [call site] 00220
7 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00221
7 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00222
7 wcslen [call site] 00223
7 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00224
8 uiMsgStore::uiMsgStore(UIMESSAGE_CODE) [function] [call site] 00225
8 uiMsgStore::operator<<(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00226
8 uiMsgStore::Msg() [function] [call site] 00227
7 wcsncatz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00228
8 wcslen [call site] 00229
8 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00230
7 FindFile::FastFind(wchar_t const*, FindData*, bool) [function] [call site] 00231
8 WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00232
8 lstat64 [call site] 00233
8 __errno_location [call site] 00234
8 RarTime::SetUnixNS(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00235
8 RarTime::SetUnixNS(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00236
8 RarTime::SetUnixNS(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00237
8 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00238
8 IsDir(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00239
8 IsLink(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00240
7 ErrorHandler::OpenErrorMsg(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00241
8 ErrorHandler::OpenErrorMsg(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00242
9 Wait() [function] [call site] 00243
10 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00244
9 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00245
9 ErrorHandler::SysErrMsg() [function] [call site] 00246
9 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00247
7 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00248
7 IsDir(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00249
7 IsLink(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00250
7 PointToName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00251
7 FindFile::Next(FindData*, bool) [function] [call site] 00252
6 FindFile::~FindFile() [function] [call site] 00253
7 closedir [call site] 00254
6 FileExist(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00255
7 WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00256
7 access [call site] 00257
4 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00258
4 File::File() [function] [call site] 00259
4 File::WOpen(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00260
5 File::Open(wchar_t const*, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00261
6 WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00262
6 flock [call site] 00263
6 close [call site] 00264
6 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00265
5 ErrorHandler::OpenErrorMsg(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00266
4 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00267
4 File::SetHandleType(FILE_HANDLETYPE) [function] [call site] 00268
4 Array ::Array(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00269
5 Array ::CleanData() [function] [call site] 00270
5 Array ::Add(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00271
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00272
4 File::Read(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00273
5 File::Tell() [function] [call site] 00274
6 ErrorHandler::SeekError(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00275
7 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00276
7 ErrorHandler::SysErrMsg() [function] [call site] 00277
7 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00278
6 File::IsSeekable() [function] [call site] 00279
6 lseek64 [call site] 00280
5 File::DirectRead(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00281
6 read [call site] 00282
5 File::Seek(long, int) [function] [call site] 00283
6 File::RawSeek(long, int) [function] [call site] 00284
7 File::IsSeekable() [function] [call site] 00285
7 File::Read(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00286
8 File::DirectRead(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00287
8 ErrorHandler::AskRepeatRead(wchar_t const*, bool&, bool&, bool&) [function] [call site] 00288
9 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00289
8 ErrorHandler::ReadError(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00290
9 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00291
7 File::Tell() [function] [call site] 00292
7 lseek64 [call site] 00293
6 ErrorHandler::SeekError(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00294
4 Array ::Add(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00295
4 Array ::Alloc(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00296
5 Array ::Add(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00297
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00298
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00299
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00300
4 DetectTextEncoding(unsigned char const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00301
5 IsTextUtf8(unsigned char const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00302
4 Array ::Push(unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00303
5 Array ::Add(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00304
5 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00305
4 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00306
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00307
4 CharToWide(char const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00308
4 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00309
4 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00310
4 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00311
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00312
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00313
4 Array ::Push(unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00314
4 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00315
4 Array ::operator+(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00316
4 UtfToWide(char const*, wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00317
4 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00318
4 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00319
4 File::~File() [function] [call site] 00320
5 File::Delete() [function] [call site] 00321
6 File::Close() [function] [call site] 00322
7 close [call site] 00323
7 ErrorHandler::CloseError(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00324
8 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00325
8 ErrorHandler::SysErrMsg() [function] [call site] 00326
8 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00327
6 DelFile(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00328
7 WideToChar(wchar_t const*, char*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00329
7 remove [call site] 00330
3 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00331
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00332
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00333
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00334
3 AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00335
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00336
3 uiGetPassword(UIPASSWORD_TYPE, wchar_t const*, SecPassword*) [function] [call site] 00337
3 eprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00338
3 wcslen [call site] 00339
3 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, int) [function] [call site] 00340
3 SecPassword::Set(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00341
3 wcslen [call site] 00342
3 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00343
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00344
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00345
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00346
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00347
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00348
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00349
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00350
3 wcschr [call site] 00351
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00352
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00353
3 InitSystemOptions(int) [function] [call site] 00354
3 SetPriority(int) [function] [call site] 00355
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00356
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00357
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00358
3 ProhibitConsoleInput() [function] [call site] 00359
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00360
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00361
3 atoilw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00362
3 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00363
3 atoilw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00364
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00365
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00366
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00367
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00368
3 SetConsoleRedirectCharset(RAR_CHARSET) [function] [call site] 00369
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00370
3 CommandData::SetTimeFilters(wchar_t const*, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00371
4 wcschr [call site] 00372
4 wcschr [call site] 00373
4 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00374
4 RarTime::SetAgeText(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00375
5 etoupperw(wchar_t) [function] [call site] 00376
5 RarTime::SetCurrentTime() [function] [call site] 00377
6 time [call site] 00378
6 RarTime::SetUnix(long) [function] [call site] 00379
7 RarTime::SetUnixNS(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00380
4 RarTime::SetAgeText(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00381
4 RarTime::SetAgeText(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00382
4 RarTime::SetAgeText(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00383
4 RarTime::SetAgeText(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00384
3 CommandData::SetTimeFilters(wchar_t const*, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00385
3 CommandData::SetTimeFilters(wchar_t const*, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00386
3 CommandData::SetTimeFilters(wchar_t const*, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00387
3 CommandData::SetStoreTimeMode(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00388
4 IsDigit(int) [function] [call site] 00389
4 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00390
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00391
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00392
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00393
3 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00394
3 atoiw(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00395
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00396
3 AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00397
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00398
3 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00399
3 CommandData::OutHelp(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00400
3 CommandData::BadSwitch(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00401
2 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00402
2 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00403
2 wcsupper(wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00404
3 towupper [call site] 00405
2 SetConsoleMsgStream(MESSAGE_TYPE) [function] [call site] 00406
2 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00407
2 wcslen [call site] 00408
2 IsDriveDiv(int) [function] [call site] 00409
2 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00410
2 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00411
2 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00412
2 FindData::FindData() [function] [call site] 00413
2 FindFile::FastFind(wchar_t const*, FindData*, bool) [function] [call site] 00414
2 IsWildcard(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00415
2 ReadTextFile(wchar_t const*, StringList*, bool, bool, RAR_CHARSET, bool, bool, bool) [function] [call site] 00416
2 AddEndSlash(wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00417
2 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00418
1 CommandData::ParseArg(wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00419
1 CommandData::ParseDone() [function] [call site] 00420
2 StringList::ItemsCount() [function] [call site] 00421
2 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00422
2 toupperw(int) [function] [call site] 00423
1 CommandData::AddArcName(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00424
2 StringList::AddString(wchar_t const*) [function] [call site] 00425
1 CmdExtract::CmdExtract(CommandData*) [function] [call site] 00426
2 ComprDataIO::ComprDataIO() [function] [call site] 00427
3 DataHash::DataHash() [function] [call site] 00428
3 CryptData::CryptData() [function] [call site] 00429
4 CryptData::KDF3CacheItem::KDF3CacheItem() [function] [call site] 00430
5 SecPassword::SecPassword() [function] [call site] 00431
4 Rijndael::Rijndael() [function] [call site] 00432
5 Rijndael::GenerateTables() [function] [call site] 00433
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00434
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00435
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00436
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00437
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00438
6 gmul(unsigned char, unsigned char) [function] [call site] 00439
4 CryptData::KDF5CacheItem::~KDF5CacheItem() [function] [call site] 00440
5 SecPassword::~SecPassword() [function] [call site] 00441
3 CryptData::CryptData() [function] [call site] 00442
3 ComprDataIO::Init() [function] [call site] 00443
3 DataHash::~DataHash() [function] [call site] 00444
4 ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() [function] [call site] 00445
5 ThreadPool::WaitDone() [function] [call site] 00446
6 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00447
6 pthread_cond_broadcast [call site] 00448
6 pthread_mutex_lock [call site] 00449
6 cpthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t*, pthread_mutex_t*) [function] [call site] 00450
7 pthread_cond_wait [call site] 00451
7 ErrorHandler::GeneralErrMsg(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00452
7 ErrorHandler::Exit(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00453
5 pthread_mutex_lock [call site] 00454
5 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00455
5 ThreadClose(unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00456
6 pthread_join [call site] 00457
5 CriticalSectionDelete(pthread_mutex_t*) [function] [call site] 00458
6 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00459
5 pthread_cond_destroy [call site] 00460
5 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00461
5 pthread_cond_destroy [call site] 00462
5 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00463
5 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00464
4 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00465
4 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00466
2 Unpack::Unpack(ComprDataIO*) [function] [call site] 00467
3 BitInput::BitInput(bool) [function] [call site] 00468
3 Array ::Array() [function] [call site] 00469
3 FragmentedWindow::FragmentedWindow() [function] [call site] 00470
3 ModelPPM::ModelPPM() [function] [call site] 00471
4 SubAllocator::SubAllocator() [function] [call site] 00472
5 SubAllocator::Clean() [function] [call site] 00473
3 RarVM::RarVM() [function] [call site] 00474
3 Unpack::UnpInitData(bool) [function] [call site] 00475
4 Unpack::InitFilters() [function] [call site] 00476
5 Array ::SoftReset() [function] [call site] 00477
4 BitInput::InitBitInput() [function] [call site] 00478
4 Unpack::UnpInitData20(int) [function] [call site] 00479
4 Unpack::UnpInitData30(bool) [function] [call site] 00480
5 Unpack::InitFilters30(bool) [function] [call site] 00481
6 Array ::SoftReset() [function] [call site] 00482
6 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00483
6 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00484
6 Array ::SoftReset() [function] [call site] 00485
6 Array ::Size() [function] [call site] 00486
6 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00487
6 Array ::SoftReset() [function] [call site] 00488
4 Unpack::UnpInitData50(bool) [function] [call site] 00489
3 Unpack::UnpInitData15(int) [function] [call site] 00490
3 Unpack::InitHuff() [function] [call site] 00491
4 Unpack::CorrHuff(unsigned short*, unsigned char*) [function] [call site] 00492
3 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00493
3 BitInput::~BitInput() [function] [call site] 00494
3 RarVM::~RarVM() [function] [call site] 00495
3 ModelPPM::~ModelPPM() [function] [call site] 00496
4 SubAllocator::~SubAllocator() [function] [call site] 00497
5 SubAllocator::StopSubAllocator() [function] [call site] 00498
3 FragmentedWindow::~FragmentedWindow() [function] [call site] 00499
4 FragmentedWindow::Reset() [function] [call site] 00500
4 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00501
2 Unpack::SetThreads(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00502
3 ThreadPool::ThreadPool(unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00503
4 CriticalSectionCreate(pthread_mutex_t*) [function] [call site] 00504
5 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00505
4 pthread_cond_init [call site] 00506
4 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00507
4 pthread_cond_init [call site] 00508
4 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00509
4 ErrorHandler::GeneralErrMsg(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00510
2 ComprDataIO::~ComprDataIO() [function] [call site] 00511
3 CryptData::~CryptData() [function] [call site] 00512
4 cleandata(void*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00513
4 CryptData::KDF5CacheItem::~KDF5CacheItem() [function] [call site] 00514
4 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00515
3 CryptData::~CryptData() [function] [call site] 00516
3 DataHash::~DataHash() [function] [call site] 00517
1 CmdExtract::DoExtract() [function] [call site] 00518
2 ComprDataIO::SetCurrentCommand(wchar_t) [function] [call site] 00519
2 FindData::FindData() [function] [call site] 00520
2 CommandData::GetArcName(wchar_t*, int) [function] [call site] 00521
3 StringList::GetString(wchar_t*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00522
4 StringList::GetString(wchar_t**) [function] [call site] 00523
5 Array ::operator[](unsigned long) const [function] [call site] 00524
5 wcslen [call site] 00525
4 wcsncpyz(wchar_t*, wchar_t const*, unsigned long) [function] [call site] 00526
2 FindFile::FastFind(wchar_t const*, FindData*, bool) [function] [call site] 00527
2 StringList::Rewind() [function] [call site] 00528
2 SecPassword::Clean() [function] [call site] 00529
2 SecPassword::Clean() [function] [call site] 00530
2 ErrorHandler::GetErrorCode() [function] [call site] 00531
2 void uiMsg (UIMESSAGE_CODE, wchar_t*) [function] [call site] 00532
2 ErrorHandler::GetErrorCode() [function] [call site] 00533
2 ErrorHandler::SetErrorCode(RAR_EXIT) [function] [call site] 00534
2 mprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00535
2 ErrorHandler::GetErrorCount() [function] [call site] 00536
2 mprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00537
2 ErrorHandler::GetErrorCount() [function] [call site] 00538
2 mprintf(wchar_t const*, ...) [function] [call site] 00539
1 CmdExtract::~CmdExtract() [function] [call site] 00540
2 Unpack::~Unpack() [function] [call site] 00541
3 Unpack::InitFilters30(bool) [function] [call site] 00542
3 ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() [function] [call site] 00543
3 UnpackThreadData::~UnpackThreadData() [function] [call site] 00544
4 BitInput::~BitInput() [function] [call site] 00545
3 Array ::~Array() [function] [call site] 00546
3 BitInput::~BitInput() [function] [call site] 00547
3 RarVM::~RarVM() [function] [call site] 00548
3 ModelPPM::~ModelPPM() [function] [call site] 00549
3 FragmentedWindow::~FragmentedWindow() [function] [call site] 00550
3 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00551
2 ComprDataIO::~ComprDataIO() [function] [call site] 00552
1 __cxa_begin_catch [call site] 00553
1 unlink [call site] 00554