Fuzz introspector: EpollHelloWorld
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
58 60 2 :

['us_socket_timeout', 'uWS::HttpResponseData ::callOnWritable(unsigned long)']

58 60 uWS::HttpContext ::init()::{lambda(us_socket_t*)#1}::operator()(us_socket_t*)const call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/HttpContext.h:327
38 42 3 :

['uWS::AsyncSocket ::uncorkWithoutSending()', 'us_socket_write2', 'uWS::BackPressure::append(char const*, unsigned long)']

38 59 uWS::WebSocket ::send(std::__1::basic_string_view >,uWS::OpCode,bool,bool) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/WebSocket.h:110
35 35 1 :

['uWS::WebSocketProtocol >::unmaskAll(char*, char*)']

35 373 uWS::WebSocketProtocol >::consumeContinuation(char*&,unsignedint&,uWS::WebSocketState *,void*) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/WebSocketProtocol.h:432
10 165 10 :

['uWS::AsyncSocket ::cork()', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::corkedSocket()', 'std::__1::tuple_element<0ul, std::__1::pair >::type&& std::__1::get<0ul, int, bool>(std::__1::pair &&)', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::uncork(char const*, int, bool)', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::timeout(unsigned int)', 'uWS::HttpResponse ::getHttpResponseData()', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::close()', 'std::__1::tuple_element<1ul, std::__1::pair >::type&& std::__1::get<1ul, int, bool>(std::__1::pair &&)', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::shutdown()', 'uWS::AsyncSocket ::getBufferedAmount()']

10 169 uWS::HttpResponse ::cork(ofats::any_invocable &&) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/HttpResponse.h:498
8 8 13 :

['std::__1::unordered_set , std::__1::equal_to , std::__1::allocator >::size() const', 'uWS::Subscriber::needsDrainage()', 'std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >::operator std::__1::basic_string_view >() const', 'operator delete(void*)', 'uWS::Subscriber::~Subscriber()', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::end()', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator*() const', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::begin()', 'std::__1::operator!=(std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&, std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&)', 'std::__1::unordered_map >, std::__1::unique_ptr >, std::__1::hash > >, std::__1::equal_to > >, std::__1::allocator > const, std::__1::unique_ptr > > > >::erase(std::__1::basic_string_view > const&)', 'std::__1::unordered_set , std::__1::equal_to , std::__1::allocator >::erase(uWS::Subscriber* const&)', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator++()', 'uWS::TopicTree ::unlinkDrainableSubscriber(uWS::Subscriber*)']

8 8 uWS::TopicTree ::freeSubscriber(uWS::Subscriber*) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/TopicTree.h:225
4 4 3 :

['std::__1::basic_string_view >::data() const', 'ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*, us_socket_context_t*)>::operator()(uWS::HttpResponse *, uWS::HttpRequest*, us_socket_context_t*)', 'std::__1::basic_string_view >::length() const']

4 50 autouWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string ,std::__1::allocator >,uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(auto:1*,auto:2*)#1}::operator() ,uWS::HttpRequest>(uWS::HttpResponse *,uWS::HttpRequest*) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/App.h:407
4 4 8 :

['std::__1::unordered_set , std::__1::equal_to , std::__1::allocator >::size() const', 'ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>::operator()(uWS::WebSocket *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::end()', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator*() const', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::begin()', 'std::__1::operator!=(std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&, std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&)', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator++()', 'std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >::operator std::__1::basic_string_view >() const']

4 37 autouWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*,int,void*)#1}::operator() (us_socket_t*,int,void*)const call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/WebSocketContext.h:262
4 4 8 :

['std::__1::unordered_set , std::__1::equal_to , std::__1::allocator >::size() const', 'ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>::operator()(uWS::WebSocket *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::end()', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator*() const', 'std::__1::set , std::__1::allocator >::begin()', 'std::__1::operator!=(std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&, std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long> const&)', 'std::__1::__tree_const_iterator *, long>::operator++()', 'std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >::operator std::__1::basic_string_view >() const']

4 26 uWS::WebSocket ::end(int,std::__1::basic_string_view >) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/WebSocket.h:223
2 4 2 :

['uWS::BackPressure::reserve(unsigned long)', 'uWS::BackPressure::length()']

2 6 uWS::AsyncSocket ::write(charconst*,int,bool,int) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/AsyncSocket.h:312
2 2 1 :


2 2 __wrap_read call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/./libEpollFuzzer/epoll_fuzzer.h:334
2 2 1 :


2 2 __wrap_close call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/./libEpollFuzzer/epoll_fuzzer.h:680
0 29 1 :

['uWS::WebSocketContext ::forceClose(uWS::WebSocketState *, void*, std::__1::basic_string_view >)']

0 29 booluWS::WebSocketProtocol >::consumeMessage<6u,unsignedchar>(unsignedchar,char*&,unsignedint&,uWS::WebSocketState *,void*) call site: 00000 /src/uWebSockets/fuzzing/../src/WebSocketProtocol.h:353

Fuzzer calltree

0 LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput [function] [call site] 00000
1 set_consumable_data [function] [call site] 00001
1 test() [function] [call site] 00002
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::TemplatedApp(uWS::SocketContextOptions) [function] [call site] 00003
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00004
4 uWS::Loop::getLazyLoop() [function] [call site] 00005
5 __cxa_thread_atexit [call site] 00006
5 uWS::Loop::LoopCleaner::~LoopCleaner() [function] [call site] 00007
6 uWS::Loop::free() [function] [call site] 00008
7 us_loop_ext [function] [call site] 00009
7 us_timer_close [function] [call site] 00010
8 us_poll_stop [function] [call site] 00011
9 epoll_ctl [call site] 00012
9 us_internal_loop_update_pending_ready_polls [function] [call site] 00013
8 us_poll_fd [function] [call site] 00014
8 close [call site] 00015
8 us_poll_free [function] [call site] 00016
7 uWS::LoopData::~LoopData() [function] [call site] 00017
7 us_loop_free [function] [call site] 00018
8 us_internal_loop_data_free [function] [call site] 00019
9 us_timer_close [function] [call site] 00020
9 us_internal_async_close [function] [call site] 00021
10 us_poll_stop [function] [call site] 00022
10 us_poll_fd [function] [call site] 00023
10 close [call site] 00024
10 us_poll_free [function] [call site] 00025
8 close [call site] 00026
7 uWS::Loop::getLazyLoop() [function] [call site] 00027
6 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00028
7 __cxa_begin_catch [call site] 00029
4 uWS::Loop::create(void*) [function] [call site] 00030
5 us_create_loop [function] [call site] 00031
6 us_internal_loop_data_init [function] [call site] 00032
7 us_create_timer [function] [call site] 00033
8 us_create_poll [function] [call site] 00034
8 timerfd_create [call site] 00035
8 us_poll_init [function] [call site] 00036
7 us_internal_create_async [function] [call site] 00037
8 us_create_poll [function] [call site] 00038
8 eventfd [call site] 00039
8 us_poll_init [function] [call site] 00040
7 us_internal_async_set [function] [call site] 00041
8 us_poll_start [function] [call site] 00042
9 us_internal_poll_type [function] [call site] 00043
9 epoll_ctl [call site] 00044
5 uWS::Loop::wakeupCb(us_loop_t*) [function] [call site] 00045
6 us_loop_ext [function] [call site] 00046
6 ofats::any_invocable ::operator()() [function] [call site] 00047
7 ofats::any_detail::any_invocable_impl ::call() [function] [call site] 00048
5 us_loop_ext [function] [call site] 00049
5 us_create_timer [function] [call site] 00050
5 us_timer_ext [function] [call site] 00051
5 uWS::Loop::create(void*)::{lambda(us_timer_t*)#1}::operator void (*)(us_timer_t*)() const [function] [call site] 00052
5 us_timer_set [function] [call site] 00053
6 us_poll_fd [function] [call site] 00054
6 timerfd_settime [call site] 00055
6 us_poll_start [function] [call site] 00056
4 uWS::Loop::create(void*) [function] [call site] 00057
4 uWS::Loop::getLazyLoop() [function] [call site] 00058
4 uWS::Loop::getLazyLoop() [function] [call site] 00059
3 uWS::SocketContextOptions::operator us_socket_context_options_t() const [function] [call site] 00060
3 uWS::HttpContext ::create(uWS::Loop*, us_socket_context_options_t) [function] [call site] 00061
4 us_create_socket_context [function] [call site] 00062
5 default_is_low_prio_handler [function] [call site] 00063
5 us_internal_loop_link [function] [call site] 00064
4 us_socket_context_ext [function] [call site] 00065
4 uWS::HttpContextData ::HttpContextData() [function] [call site] 00066
5 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable() [function] [call site] 00067
6 ofats::any_detail::any_invocable_impl ::any_invocable_impl() [function] [call site] 00068
7 ofats::any_detail::storage::storage() [function] [call site] 00069
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::HttpRouter() [function] [call site] 00070
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node::Node(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >) [function] [call site] 00071
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::RouteParameters::RouteParameters() [function] [call site] 00072
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node::~Node() [function] [call site] 00073
4 uWS::HttpContext ::init() [function] [call site] 00074
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00075
5 us_socket_context_on_open [function] [call site] 00076
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00077
5 us_socket_context_on_close [function] [call site] 00078
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00079
5 us_socket_context_on_data [function] [call site] 00080
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00081
5 us_socket_context_on_writable [function] [call site] 00082
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00083
5 us_socket_context_on_end [function] [call site] 00084
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00085
5 us_socket_context_on_timeout [function] [call site] 00086
2 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*, us_socket_context_t*)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00087
2 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00088
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, uWS::OpCode)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00089
2 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00090
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00091
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00092
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00093
2 ofats::any_invocable *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00094
2 uWS::TemplatedApp && uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&) [function] [call site] 00095
3 uWS::TopicTree ::TopicTree(std::__1::function ::IteratorFlags)>) [function] [call site] 00096
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00097
3 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(uWS::Loop*)#1}, void>(uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(uWS::Loop*)#1}&&) [function] [call site] 00098
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00099
3 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(uWS::Loop*)#2}, void>(uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(uWS::Loop*)#2}&&) [function] [call site] 00100
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00101
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::create(uWS::Loop*, us_socket_context_t*, uWS::TopicTree *) [function] [call site] 00102
4 us_create_child_socket_context [function] [call site] 00103
5 us_create_socket_context [function] [call site] 00104
4 us_socket_context_ext [function] [call site] 00105
4 uWS::WebSocketContextData ::WebSocketContextData(uWS::TopicTree *) [function] [call site] 00106
5 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00107
5 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, uWS::OpCode)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00108
5 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00109
5 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00110
5 ofats::any_invocable *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00111
5 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00112
5 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00113
4 uWS::WebSocketContext ::init() [function] [call site] 00114
5 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00115
5 us_socket_context_on_close [function] [call site] 00116
5 us_socket_context_on_data [function] [call site] 00117
5 auto uWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*, char*, int)#1}::__invoke (us_socket_t*, char*, int) [function] [call site] 00118
5 us_socket_context_on_writable [function] [call site] 00119
5 auto uWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*)#1}::__invoke (us_socket_t*) [function] [call site] 00120
5 us_socket_context_on_end [function] [call site] 00121
5 auto uWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*)#2}::__invoke (us_socket_t*) [function] [call site] 00122
5 us_socket_context_on_long_timeout [function] [call site] 00123
5 auto uWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*)#3}::__invoke (us_socket_t*) [function] [call site] 00124
5 us_socket_context_on_timeout [function] [call site] 00125
5 auto uWS::WebSocketContext ::init()::{lambda(auto:1*)#4}::__invoke (us_socket_t*) [function] [call site] 00126
3 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda()#1}, void>(uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda()#1}&&) [function] [call site] 00127
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00128
3 us_socket_context_loop [function] [call site] 00129
3 us_loop_ext [function] [call site] 00130
3 uWS::InflationStream::InflationStream(uWS::CompressOptions) [function] [call site] 00131
3 uWS::DeflationStream::DeflationStream(uWS::CompressOptions) [function] [call site] 00132
3 ofats::any_invocable *)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *)>&&) [function] [call site] 00133
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00134
4 us_socket_context_ext [function] [call site] 00135
3 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, uWS::OpCode)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, uWS::OpCode)>&&) [function] [call site] 00136
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00137
3 ofats::any_invocable *)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *)>&&) [function] [call site] 00138
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00139
3 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, int, int)>&&) [function] [call site] 00140
3 ofats::any_invocable *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable(ofats::any_invocable *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>&&) [function] [call site] 00141
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00142
3 uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(uWS::WebSocket *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)#1}::~basic_string_view() [function] [call site] 00143
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00144
3 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>&&) [function] [call site] 00145
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00146
3 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::operator=(ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>&&) [function] [call site] 00147
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00148
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00149
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00150
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00151
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00152
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00153
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00154
3 uWS::WebSocketContext ::getExt() [function] [call site] 00155
3 uWS::WebSocketContextData ::calculateIdleTimeoutCompnents(unsigned short) [function] [call site] 00156
3 uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior ::WebSocketBehavior(uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&) [function] [call site] 00157
4 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*, us_socket_context_t*)>::any_invocable(ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*, us_socket_context_t*)>&&) [function] [call site] 00158
3 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>::any_invocable ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(auto:1*, auto:2*)#1}, void>(uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&)::{lambda(auto:1*, auto:2*)#1}&&) [function] [call site] 00159
3 uWS::HttpContext ::onHttp(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&, bool) [function] [call site] 00160
4 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContextData() [function] [call site] 00161
5 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00162
5 us_socket_context_ext [function] [call site] 00163
4 ofats::any_detail::any_invocable_impl *, uWS::HttpRequest*>::operator bool() const [function] [call site] 00164
4 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::remove(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00165
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::findHandler(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00166
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::setUrl(std::__1::basic_string_view >) [function] [call site] 00167
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::getUrlSegment(int) [function] [call site] 00168
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::getUrlSegment(int) [function] [call site] 00169
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::cullNode(uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node*, uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node*, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00170
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::cullNode(uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node*, uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node*, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00171
4 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>::any_invocable(ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&) [function] [call site] 00172
4 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::add(std::__1::vector , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::allocator , std::__1::allocator > > >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable ::RouterData>*)>&&, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00173
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::getNode(uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node*, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, bool) [function] [call site] 00174
6 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node::Node(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >) [function] [call site] 00175
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::setUrl(std::__1::basic_string_view >) [function] [call site] 00176
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::getUrlSegment(int) [function] [call site] 00177
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::getUrlSegment(int) [function] [call site] 00178
5 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::findHandler(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, unsigned int) [function] [call site] 00179
5 abort [call site] 00180
4 uWS::HttpContext ::onHttp(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&, bool)::{lambda(auto:1*)#1}::~any_invocable() [function] [call site] 00181
2 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>::any_invocable (test()::$_0&&) [function] [call site] 00182
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::get(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&) [function] [call site] 00183
3 uWS::HttpContext ::onHttp(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&, bool) [function] [call site] 00184
2 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>::any_invocable (test()::$_1&&) [function] [call site] 00185
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::post(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&) [function] [call site] 00186
3 uWS::HttpContext ::onHttp(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&, bool) [function] [call site] 00187
2 ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>::any_invocable (test()::$_2&&) [function] [call site] 00188
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::any(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&) [function] [call site] 00189
3 uWS::HttpContext ::onHttp(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, ofats::any_invocable *, uWS::HttpRequest*)>&&, bool) [function] [call site] 00190
2 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable (test()::$_3&&) [function] [call site] 00191
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >, uWS::OpCode)>::any_invocable (test()::$_4&&) [function] [call site] 00192
2 ofats::any_invocable *)>::any_invocable (test()::$_5&&) [function] [call site] 00193
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable (test()::$_6&&) [function] [call site] 00194
2 ofats::any_invocable *, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable (test()::$_7&&) [function] [call site] 00195
2 ofats::any_invocable *, int, std::__1::basic_string_view >)>::any_invocable (test()::$_8&&) [function] [call site] 00196
2 uWS::TemplatedApp && uWS::TemplatedApp ::ws (std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::TemplatedApp ::WebSocketBehavior &&) [function] [call site] 00197
2 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable (test()::$_9&&) [function] [call site] 00198
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::listen(int, ofats::any_invocable &&) [function] [call site] 00199
3 uWS::HttpContext ::listen(char const*, int, int) [function] [call site] 00200
4 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00201
4 us_socket_context_listen [function] [call site] 00202
5 bsd_create_listen_socket [function] [call site] 00203
6 snprintf [call site] 00204
6 getaddrinfo [call site] 00205
6 bsd_create_socket [function] [call site] 00206
7 socket [call site] 00207
7 bsd_set_nonblocking [function] [call site] 00208
8 fcntl [call site] 00209
6 bsd_create_socket [function] [call site] 00210
6 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00211
6 setsockopt [call site] 00212
6 setsockopt [call site] 00213
6 setsockopt [call site] 00214
6 bind [call site] 00215
6 bsd_close_socket [function] [call site] 00216
7 close [call site] 00217
6 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00218
5 us_create_poll [function] [call site] 00219
5 us_poll_init [function] [call site] 00220
5 us_poll_start [function] [call site] 00221
5 us_internal_socket_context_link_listen_socket [function] [call site] 00222
3 ofats::any_invocable ::operator()(us_listen_socket_t*) [function] [call site] 00223
2 ofats::any_detail::any_invocable_impl ::~any_invocable_impl() [function] [call site] 00224
3 ofats::any_detail::any_invocable_impl ::destroy() [function] [call site] 00225
4 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00226
2 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00227
2 us_loop_iteration_number [function] [call site] 00228
2 us_create_socket_context [function] [call site] 00229
2 us_socket_context_timestamp [function] [call site] 00230
2 us_socket_context_connect [function] [call site] 00231
3 bsd_create_connect_socket [function] [call site] 00232
4 snprintf [call site] 00233
4 getaddrinfo [call site] 00234
4 bsd_create_socket [function] [call site] 00235
4 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00236
4 getaddrinfo [call site] 00237
4 bind [call site] 00238
4 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00239
4 bsd_close_socket [function] [call site] 00240
4 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00241
4 connect [call site] 00242
4 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00243
3 us_create_poll [function] [call site] 00244
3 us_poll_init [function] [call site] 00245
3 us_poll_start [function] [call site] 00246
3 us_internal_socket_context_link_socket [function] [call site] 00247
2 us_socket_is_established [function] [call site] 00248
3 us_internal_poll_type [function] [call site] 00249
2 us_socket_local_port [function] [call site] 00250
3 us_poll_fd [function] [call site] 00251
3 bsd_local_addr [function] [call site] 00252
4 getsockname [call site] 00253
4 internal_finalize_bsd_addr [function] [call site] 00254
5 __bswap_16 [function] [call site] 00255
5 __bswap_16 [function] [call site] 00256
3 bsd_addr_get_port [function] [call site] 00257
2 us_socket_context_on_connect_error [function] [call site] 00258
2 us_socket_context_on_open [function] [call site] 00259
2 us_socket_context_on_end [function] [call site] 00260
2 us_socket_context_on_data [function] [call site] 00261
2 us_socket_context_on_writable [function] [call site] 00262
2 us_socket_context_on_close [function] [call site] 00263
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::addServerName(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >, uWS::SocketContextOptions) [function] [call site] 00264
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::removeServerName(std::__1::basic_string , std::__1::allocator >) [function] [call site] 00265
3 us_socket_context_find_server_name_userdata [function] [call site] 00266
3 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::~HttpRouter() [function] [call site] 00267
4 uWS::HttpRouter ::RouterData>::Node::~Node() [function] [call site] 00268
3 us_socket_context_remove_server_name [function] [call site] 00269
2 ofats::any_invocable ::any_invocable_impl(decltype(nullptr)) [function] [call site] 00270
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::missingServerName(ofats::any_invocable ) [function] [call site] 00271
3 uWS::TemplatedApp ::constructorFailed() [function] [call site] 00272
3 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContextData() [function] [call site] 00273
3 ofats::any_invocable ::operator=(ofats::any_invocable &&) [function] [call site] 00274
3 uWS::TemplatedApp ::missingServerName(ofats::any_invocable )::{lambda(us_socket_context_t*, char const*)#1}::operator void (*)(us_socket_context_t*, char const*)() const [function] [call site] 00275
3 us_socket_context_on_server_name [function] [call site] 00276
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::getNativeHandle() [function] [call site] 00277
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::run() [function] [call site] 00278
3 uWS::run() [function] [call site] 00279
4 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00280
2 us_socket_context_free [function] [call site] 00281
3 us_internal_loop_unlink [function] [call site] 00282
2 uWS::TemplatedApp ::~TemplatedApp() [function] [call site] 00283
3 uWS::HttpContext ::free() [function] [call site] 00284
4 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContextData() [function] [call site] 00285
4 uWS::HttpContextData ::~HttpContextData() [function] [call site] 00286
4 uWS::HttpContext ::getSocketContext() [function] [call site] 00287
4 us_socket_context_free [function] [call site] 00288
3 ofats::any_invocable ::operator()() [function] [call site] 00289
3 uWS::TopicTree ::~TopicTree() [function] [call site] 00290
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00291
3 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00292
3 __clang_call_terminate [call site] 00293
2 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00294
2 uWS::Loop::get(void*) [function] [call site] 00295
1 puts [call site] 00296