
data class IngressFromResponse(val identities: List<String>, val identityType: String, val sources: List<IngressSourceResponse>)

Defines the conditions under which an IngressPolicy matches a request. Conditions are based on information about the source of the request. The request must satisfy what is defined in sources AND identity related fields in order to match.


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fun IngressFromResponse(identities: List<String>, identityType: String, sources: List<IngressSourceResponse>)


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object Companion


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A list of identities that are allowed access through this ingress policy. Should be in the format of email address. The email address should represent individual user or service account only.

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Specifies the type of identities that are allowed access from outside the perimeter. If left unspecified, then members of identities field will be allowed access.

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Sources that this IngressPolicy authorizes access from.