
data class EndpointAttachmentArgs(val endpointAttachmentId: Output<String>? = null, val location: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val organizationId: Output<String>? = null, val serviceAttachment: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<EndpointAttachmentArgs>

Creates an endpoint attachment. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource.


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fun EndpointAttachmentArgs(endpointAttachmentId: Output<String>? = null, location: Output<String>? = null, name: Output<String>? = null, organizationId: Output<String>? = null, serviceAttachment: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): EndpointAttachmentArgs


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val endpointAttachmentId: Output<String>? = null

ID to use for the endpoint attachment. ID must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 31 lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen. The minimum length is 2.

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val location: Output<String>? = null

Location of the endpoint attachment.

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val name: Output<String>? = null

Name of the endpoint attachment. Use the following structure in your request: organizations/{org}/endpointAttachments/{endpoint_attachment}

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val organizationId: Output<String>? = null
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val serviceAttachment: Output<String>? = null

Format: projects//regions//serviceAttachments/* //*/