
class HostSecurityReport : KotlinCustomResource

Submit a query at host level to be processed in the background. If the submission of the query succeeds, the API returns a 201 status and an ID that refer to the query. In addition to the HTTP status 201, the state of "enqueued" means that the request succeeded. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.


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val created: Output<String>

Creation time of the query.

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val displayName: Output<String>

Display Name specified by the user.

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Hostname is available only when query is executed at host level.

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val error: Output<String>

Error is set when query fails.

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val executionTime: Output<String>

ExecutionTime is available only after the query is completed.

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val id: Output<String>
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val organizationId: Output<String>
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val pulumiChildResources: Set<KotlinResource>
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Contains information like metrics, dimenstions etc of the Security Report.

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Report Definition ID.

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Result is available only after the query is completed.

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val resultFileSize: Output<String>

ResultFileSize is available only after the query is completed.

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val resultRows: Output<String>

ResultRows is available only after the query is completed.

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val self: Output<String>

Self link of the query. Example: /organizations/myorg/environments/myenv/securityReports/9cfc0d85-0f30-46d6-ae6f-318d0cb961bd or following format if query is running at host level: /organizations/myorg/hostSecurityReports/9cfc0d85-0f30-46d6-ae6f-318d0cb961bd

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val state: Output<String>

Query state could be "enqueued", "running", "completed", "expired" and "failed".

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val updated: Output<String>

Last updated timestamp for the query.

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val urn: Output<String>