Package-level declarations


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data class GetKeyResult(val annotations: Map<String, String>, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val keyString: String, val name: String, val restrictions: V2RestrictionsResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class V2AndroidApplicationResponse(val packageName: String, val sha1Fingerprint: String)

Identifier of an Android application for key use.

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The Android apps that are allowed to use the key.

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data class V2ApiTargetResponse(val methods: List<String>, val service: String)

A restriction for a specific service and optionally one or multiple specific methods. Both fields are case insensitive.

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data class V2BrowserKeyRestrictionsResponse(val allowedReferrers: List<String>)

The HTTP referrers (websites) that are allowed to use the key.

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data class V2IosKeyRestrictionsResponse(val allowedBundleIds: List<String>)

The iOS apps that are allowed to use the key.

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data class V2RestrictionsResponse(val androidKeyRestrictions: V2AndroidKeyRestrictionsResponse, val apiTargets: List<V2ApiTargetResponse>, val browserKeyRestrictions: V2BrowserKeyRestrictionsResponse, val iosKeyRestrictions: V2IosKeyRestrictionsResponse, val serverKeyRestrictions: V2ServerKeyRestrictionsResponse)

Describes the restrictions on the key.

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data class V2ServerKeyRestrictionsResponse(val allowedIps: List<String>)

The IP addresses of callers that are allowed to use the key.