
data class GetKeyResult(val annotations: Map<String, String>, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val keyString: String, val name: String, val restrictions: V2RestrictionsResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)


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fun GetKeyResult(annotations: Map<String, String>, createTime: String, deleteTime: String, displayName: String, etag: String, keyString: String, name: String, restrictions: V2RestrictionsResponse, uid: String, updateTime: String)


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object Companion


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Annotations is an unstructured key-value map stored with a policy that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects.

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A timestamp identifying the time this key was originally created.

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A timestamp when this key was deleted. If the resource is not deleted, this must be empty.

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Human-readable display name of this key that you can modify. The maximum length is 63 characters.

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A checksum computed by the server based on the current value of the Key resource. This may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding. See

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An encrypted and signed value held by this key. This field can be accessed only through the GetKeyString method.

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The resource name of the key. The name has the form: projects//locations/global/keys/. For example: projects/123456867718/locations/global/keys/b7ff1f9f-8275-410a-94dd-3855ee9b5dd2 NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for location is global.

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Key restrictions.

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val uid: String

Unique id in UUID4 format.

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A timestamp identifying the time this key was last updated.