
data class CertificateRawDataArgs(val privateKey: Output<String>? = null, val publicCertificate: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<CertificateRawDataArgs>

An SSL certificate obtained from a certificate authority.


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fun CertificateRawDataArgs(privateKey: Output<String>? = null, publicCertificate: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): CertificateRawDataArgs


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val privateKey: Output<String>? = null

Unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key. This field is set once on certificate creation and then encrypted. The key size must be 2048 bits or fewer. Must include the header and footer. Example: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- @InputOnly

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val publicCertificate: Output<String>? = null

PEM encoded x.509 public key certificate. This field is set once on certificate creation. Must include the header and footer. Example: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE-----