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suspend fun getApp(argument: GetAppPlainArgs): GetAppResult

Gets information about an application.

suspend fun getApp(appId: String): GetAppResult
suspend fun getApp(argument: suspend GetAppPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetAppResult
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Gets information about an application.

suspend fun getApplication(applicationId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetApplicationResult
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Gets the specified domain mapping.

suspend fun getDomainMapping(appId: String, domainMappingId: String): GetDomainMappingResult
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Gets the specified firewall rule.

suspend fun getIngressRule(appId: String, ingressRuleId: String): GetIngressRuleResult
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Gets the specified Version resource. By default, only a BASIC_VIEW will be returned. Specify the FULL_VIEW parameter to get the full resource.

suspend fun getVersion(argument: suspend GetVersionPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetVersionResult
suspend fun getVersion(appId: String, serviceId: String, versionId: String, view: String? = null): GetVersionResult