
data class TaskGroupArgs(val parallelism: Output<String>? = null, val permissiveSsh: Output<Boolean>? = null, val requireHostsFile: Output<Boolean>? = null, val taskCount: Output<String>? = null, val taskCountPerNode: Output<String>? = null, val taskEnvironments: Output<List<EnvironmentArgs>>? = null, val taskSpec: Output<TaskSpecArgs>) : ConvertibleToJava<TaskGroupArgs>

A TaskGroup contains one or multiple Tasks that share the same Runnable but with different runtime parameters.


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fun TaskGroupArgs(parallelism: Output<String>? = null, permissiveSsh: Output<Boolean>? = null, requireHostsFile: Output<Boolean>? = null, taskCount: Output<String>? = null, taskCountPerNode: Output<String>? = null, taskEnvironments: Output<List<EnvironmentArgs>>? = null, taskSpec: Output<TaskSpecArgs>)


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open override fun toJava(): TaskGroupArgs


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val parallelism: Output<String>? = null

Max number of tasks that can run in parallel. Default to min(task_count, 1000). Field parallelism must be 1 if the scheduling_policy is IN_ORDER.

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val permissiveSsh: Output<Boolean>? = null

When true, Batch will configure SSH to allow passwordless login between VMs running the Batch tasks in the same TaskGroup.

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val requireHostsFile: Output<Boolean>? = null

When true, Batch will populate a file with a list of all VMs assigned to the TaskGroup and set the BATCH_HOSTS_FILE environment variable to the path of that file. Defaults to false.

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val taskCount: Output<String>? = null

Number of Tasks in the TaskGroup. Default is 1.

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val taskCountPerNode: Output<String>? = null

Max number of tasks that can be run on a VM at the same time. If not specified, the system will decide a value based on available compute resources on a VM and task requirements.

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val taskEnvironments: Output<List<EnvironmentArgs>>? = null

An array of environment variable mappings, which are passed to Tasks with matching indices. If task_environments is used then task_count should not be specified in the request (and will be ignored). Task count will be the length of task_environments. Tasks get a BATCH_TASK_INDEX and BATCH_TASK_COUNT environment variable, in addition to any environment variables set in task_environments, specifying the number of Tasks in the Task's parent TaskGroup, and the specific Task's index in the TaskGroup (0 through BATCH_TASK_COUNT - 1). task_environments supports up to 200 entries.

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val taskSpec: Output<TaskSpecArgs>

Tasks in the group share the same task spec.