Package-level declarations


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data class ArgumentResponse(val argumentKind: String, val dataType: StandardSqlDataTypeResponse, val mode: String, val name: String)

Input/output argument of a function or a stored procedure.

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data class AuditConfigResponse(val auditLogConfigs: List<AuditLogConfigResponse>, val service: String)

Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both allServices and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": "" } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.

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data class AuditLogConfigResponse(val exemptedMembers: List<String>, val logType: String)

Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.

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data class AvroOptionsResponse(val useAvroLogicalTypes: Boolean)
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data class BiEngineReasonResponse(val code: String, val message: String)
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data class BiEngineStatisticsResponse(val accelerationMode: String, val biEngineMode: String, val biEngineReasons: List<BiEngineReasonResponse>)
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data class BigQueryModelTrainingResponse(val currentIteration: Int, val expectedTotalIterations: String)
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data class BigtableColumnFamilyResponse(val columns: List<BigtableColumnResponse>, val encoding: String, val familyId: String, val onlyReadLatest: Boolean, val type: String)
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data class BigtableColumnResponse(val encoding: String, val fieldName: String, val onlyReadLatest: Boolean, val qualifierEncoded: String, val qualifierString: String, val type: String)
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data class BigtableOptionsResponse(val columnFamilies: List<BigtableColumnFamilyResponse>, val ignoreUnspecifiedColumnFamilies: Boolean, val readRowkeyAsString: Boolean)
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data class BindingResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class BqmlIterationResultResponse(val durationMs: String, val evalLoss: Double, val index: Int, val learnRate: Double, val trainingLoss: Double)
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data class BqmlTrainingRunResponse(val iterationResults: List<BqmlIterationResultResponse>, val startTime: String, val state: String, val trainingOptions: BqmlTrainingRunTrainingOptionsResponse)
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data class BqmlTrainingRunTrainingOptionsResponse(val earlyStop: Boolean, val l1Reg: Double, val l2Reg: Double, val learnRate: Double, val learnRateStrategy: String, val lineSearchInitLearnRate: Double, val maxIteration: String, val minRelProgress: Double, val warmStart: Boolean)

Output-only, Beta Training options used by this training run. These options are mutable for subsequent training runs. Default values are explicitly stored for options not specified in the input query of the first training run. For subsequent training runs, any option not explicitly specified in the input query will be copied from the previous training run.

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data class CloneDefinitionResponse(val baseTableReference: TableReferenceResponse, val cloneTime: String)
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data class ClusteringResponse(val fields: List<String>)
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data class ConnectionPropertyResponse(val key: String, val value: String)
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data class CsvOptionsResponse(val allowJaggedRows: Boolean, val allowQuotedNewlines: Boolean, val encoding: String, val fieldDelimiter: String, val nullMarker: String, val preserveAsciiControlCharacters: Boolean, val quote: String, val skipLeadingRows: String)
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data class DataMaskingStatisticsResponse(val dataMaskingApplied: Boolean)
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data class DatasetAccessEntryResponse(val dataset: DatasetReferenceResponse, val targetTypes: List<String>)
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data class DatasetAccessItemResponse(val dataset: DatasetAccessEntryResponse, val domain: String, val groupByEmail: String, val iamMember: String, val role: String, val routine: RoutineReferenceResponse, val specialGroup: String, val userByEmail: String, val view: TableReferenceResponse)
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data class DatasetReferenceResponse(val datasetId: String, val project: String)
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data class DatasetTagsItemResponse(val tagKey: String, val tagValue: String)
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data class DestinationTablePropertiesResponse(val description: String, val expirationTime: String, val friendlyName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>)
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data class DmlStatisticsResponse(val deletedRowCount: String, val insertedRowCount: String, val updatedRowCount: String)
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data class EncryptionConfigurationResponse(val kmsKeyName: String)
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data class ErrorProtoResponse(val debugInfo: String, val location: String, val message: String, val reason: String)
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data class ExplainQueryStageResponse(val completedParallelInputs: String, val computeMsAvg: String, val computeMsMax: String, val computeRatioAvg: Double, val computeRatioMax: Double, val endMs: String, val inputStages: List<String>, val name: String, val parallelInputs: String, val readMsAvg: String, val readMsMax: String, val readRatioAvg: Double, val readRatioMax: Double, val recordsRead: String, val recordsWritten: String, val shuffleOutputBytes: String, val shuffleOutputBytesSpilled: String, val slotMs: String, val startMs: String, val status: String, val steps: List<ExplainQueryStepResponse>, val waitMsAvg: String, val waitMsMax: String, val waitRatioAvg: Double, val waitRatioMax: Double, val writeMsAvg: String, val writeMsMax: String, val writeRatioAvg: Double, val writeRatioMax: Double)
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data class ExplainQueryStepResponse(val kind: String, val substeps: List<String>)
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data class ExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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data class ExternalDataConfigurationResponse(val autodetect: Boolean, val avroOptions: AvroOptionsResponse, val bigtableOptions: BigtableOptionsResponse, val compression: String, val connectionId: String, val csvOptions: CsvOptionsResponse, val decimalTargetTypes: List<String>, val googleSheetsOptions: GoogleSheetsOptionsResponse, val hivePartitioningOptions: HivePartitioningOptionsResponse, val ignoreUnknownValues: Boolean, val maxBadRecords: Int, val metadataCacheMode: String, val objectMetadata: String, val parquetOptions: ParquetOptionsResponse, val referenceFileSchemaUri: String, val schema: TableSchemaResponse, val sourceFormat: String, val sourceUris: List<String>)
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data class GetDatasetResult(val access: List<DatasetAccessItemResponse>, val creationTime: String, val datasetReference: DatasetReferenceResponse, val defaultCollation: String, val defaultEncryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfigurationResponse, val defaultPartitionExpirationMs: String, val defaultRoundingMode: String, val defaultTableExpirationMs: String, val description: String, val etag: String, val friendlyName: String, val isCaseInsensitive: Boolean, val kind: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val lastModifiedTime: String, val location: String, val maxTimeTravelHours: String, val satisfiesPzs: Boolean, val selfLink: String, val storageBillingModel: String, val tags: List<DatasetTagsItemResponse>)
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data class GetJobResult(val configuration: JobConfigurationResponse, val etag: String, val jobReference: JobReferenceResponse, val kind: String, val selfLink: String, val statistics: JobStatisticsResponse, val status: JobStatusResponse, val userEmail: String)
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data class GetRoutineResult(val arguments: List<ArgumentResponse>, val creationTime: String, val definitionBody: String, val description: String, val determinismLevel: String, val etag: String, val importedLibraries: List<String>, val language: String, val lastModifiedTime: String, val remoteFunctionOptions: RemoteFunctionOptionsResponse, val returnTableType: StandardSqlTableTypeResponse, val returnType: StandardSqlDataTypeResponse, val routineReference: RoutineReferenceResponse, val routineType: String, val sparkOptions: SparkOptionsResponse, val strictMode: Boolean)
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data class GetRowAccessPolicyIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetTableIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetTableResult(val cloneDefinition: CloneDefinitionResponse, val clustering: ClusteringResponse, val creationTime: String, val defaultCollation: String, val defaultRoundingMode: String, val description: String, val encryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfigurationResponse, val etag: String, val expirationTime: String, val externalDataConfiguration: ExternalDataConfigurationResponse, val friendlyName: String, val kind: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val lastModifiedTime: String, val location: String, val materializedView: MaterializedViewDefinitionResponse, val maxStaleness: String, val model: ModelDefinitionResponse, val numActiveLogicalBytes: String, val numActivePhysicalBytes: String, val numBytes: String, val numLongTermBytes: String, val numLongTermLogicalBytes: String, val numLongTermPhysicalBytes: String, val numPartitions: String, val numPhysicalBytes: String, val numRows: String, val numTimeTravelPhysicalBytes: String, val numTotalLogicalBytes: String, val numTotalPhysicalBytes: String, val rangePartitioning: RangePartitioningResponse, val requirePartitionFilter: Boolean, val schema: TableSchemaResponse, val selfLink: String, val snapshotDefinition: SnapshotDefinitionResponse, val streamingBuffer: StreamingbufferResponse, val tableConstraints: TableConstraintsResponse, val tableReference: TableReferenceResponse, val timePartitioning: TimePartitioningResponse, val type: String, val view: ViewDefinitionResponse)
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data class GoogleSheetsOptionsResponse(val range: String, val skipLeadingRows: String)
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data class HivePartitioningOptionsResponse(val fields: List<String>, val mode: String, val requirePartitionFilter: Boolean, val sourceUriPrefix: String)
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data class IndexUnusedReasonResponse(val baseTable: TableReferenceResponse, val code: String, val indexName: String, val message: String)
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data class IterationResultResponse(val durationMs: String, val evalLoss: Double, val index: Int, val learnRate: Double, val trainingLoss: Double)
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data class JobConfigurationExtractResponse(val compression: String, val destinationFormat: String, val destinationUri: String, val destinationUris: List<String>, val fieldDelimiter: String, val printHeader: Boolean, val sourceModel: ModelReferenceResponse, val sourceTable: TableReferenceResponse, val useAvroLogicalTypes: Boolean)
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data class JobConfigurationLoadResponse(val allowJaggedRows: Boolean, val allowQuotedNewlines: Boolean, val autodetect: Boolean, val clustering: ClusteringResponse, val connectionProperties: List<ConnectionPropertyResponse>, val createDisposition: String, val createSession: Boolean, val decimalTargetTypes: List<String>, val destinationEncryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfigurationResponse, val destinationTable: TableReferenceResponse, val destinationTableProperties: DestinationTablePropertiesResponse, val encoding: String, val fieldDelimiter: String, val hivePartitioningOptions: HivePartitioningOptionsResponse, val ignoreUnknownValues: Boolean, val jsonExtension: String, val maxBadRecords: Int, val nullMarker: String, val parquetOptions: ParquetOptionsResponse, val preserveAsciiControlCharacters: Boolean, val projectionFields: List<String>, val quote: String, val rangePartitioning: RangePartitioningResponse, val referenceFileSchemaUri: String, val schema: TableSchemaResponse, val schemaInline: String, val schemaInlineFormat: String, val schemaUpdateOptions: List<String>, val skipLeadingRows: Int, val sourceFormat: String, val sourceUris: List<String>, val timePartitioning: TimePartitioningResponse, val useAvroLogicalTypes: Boolean, val writeDisposition: String)
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data class JobConfigurationQueryResponse(val allowLargeResults: Boolean, val clustering: ClusteringResponse, val connectionProperties: List<ConnectionPropertyResponse>, val continuous: Boolean, val createDisposition: String, val createSession: Boolean, val defaultDataset: DatasetReferenceResponse, val destinationEncryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfigurationResponse, val destinationTable: TableReferenceResponse, val flattenResults: Boolean, val maximumBillingTier: Int, val maximumBytesBilled: String, val parameterMode: String, val preserveNulls: Boolean, val priority: String, val query: String, val queryParameters: List<QueryParameterResponse>, val rangePartitioning: RangePartitioningResponse, val schemaUpdateOptions: List<String>, val tableDefinitions: Map<String, String>, val timePartitioning: TimePartitioningResponse, val useLegacySql: Boolean, val useQueryCache: Boolean, val userDefinedFunctionResources: List<UserDefinedFunctionResourceResponse>, val writeDisposition: String)
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data class JobConfigurationResponse(val copy: JobConfigurationTableCopyResponse, val dryRun: Boolean, val extract: JobConfigurationExtractResponse, val jobTimeoutMs: String, val jobType: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val load: JobConfigurationLoadResponse, val query: JobConfigurationQueryResponse)
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data class JobConfigurationTableCopyResponse(val createDisposition: String, val destinationEncryptionConfiguration: EncryptionConfigurationResponse, val destinationExpirationTime: Any, val destinationTable: TableReferenceResponse, val operationType: String, val sourceTable: TableReferenceResponse, val sourceTables: List<TableReferenceResponse>, val writeDisposition: String)
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data class JobReferenceResponse(val jobId: String, val location: String, val project: String)
data class JobStatistics2ReservationUsageItemResponse(val name: String, val slotMs: String)
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data class JobStatistics2Response(val biEngineStatistics: BiEngineStatisticsResponse, val billingTier: Int, val cacheHit: Boolean, val ddlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount: String, val ddlDestinationTable: TableReferenceResponse, val ddlOperationPerformed: String, val ddlTargetDataset: DatasetReferenceResponse, val ddlTargetRoutine: RoutineReferenceResponse, val ddlTargetRowAccessPolicy: RowAccessPolicyReferenceResponse, val ddlTargetTable: TableReferenceResponse, val dmlStats: DmlStatisticsResponse, val estimatedBytesProcessed: String, val mlStatistics: MlStatisticsResponse, val modelTraining: BigQueryModelTrainingResponse, val modelTrainingCurrentIteration: Int, val modelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration: String, val numDmlAffectedRows: String, val queryPlan: List<ExplainQueryStageResponse>, val referencedRoutines: List<RoutineReferenceResponse>, val referencedTables: List<TableReferenceResponse>, val reservationUsage: List<JobStatistics2ReservationUsageItemResponse>, val schema: TableSchemaResponse, val searchStatistics: SearchStatisticsResponse, val sparkStatistics: SparkStatisticsResponse, val statementType: String, val timeline: List<QueryTimelineSampleResponse>, val totalBytesBilled: String, val totalBytesProcessed: String, val totalBytesProcessedAccuracy: String, val totalPartitionsProcessed: String, val totalSlotMs: String, val transferredBytes: String, val undeclaredQueryParameters: List<QueryParameterResponse>)
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data class JobStatistics3Response(val badRecords: String, val inputFileBytes: String, val inputFiles: String, val outputBytes: String, val outputRows: String)
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data class JobStatistics4Response(val destinationUriFileCounts: List<String>, val inputBytes: String)
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data class JobStatistics5Response(val copiedLogicalBytes: String, val copiedRows: String)
data class JobStatisticsReservationUsageItemResponse(val name: String, val slotMs: String)
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data class JobStatisticsResponse(val completionRatio: Double, val copy: JobStatistics5Response, val creationTime: String, val dataMaskingStatistics: DataMaskingStatisticsResponse, val endTime: String, val extract: JobStatistics4Response, val load: JobStatistics3Response, val numChildJobs: String, val parentJobId: String, val query: JobStatistics2Response, val quotaDeferments: List<String>, val reservationId: String, val reservationUsage: List<JobStatisticsReservationUsageItemResponse>, val rowLevelSecurityStatistics: RowLevelSecurityStatisticsResponse, val scriptStatistics: ScriptStatisticsResponse, val sessionInfo: SessionInfoResponse, val startTime: String, val totalBytesProcessed: String, val totalSlotMs: String, val transactionInfo: TransactionInfoResponse)
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data class JobStatusResponse(val errorResult: ErrorProtoResponse, val errors: List<ErrorProtoResponse>, val state: String)
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data class MaterializedViewDefinitionResponse(val allowNonIncrementalDefinition: Boolean, val enableRefresh: Boolean, val lastRefreshTime: String, val maxStaleness: String, val query: String, val refreshIntervalMs: String)
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data class MlStatisticsResponse(val iterationResults: List<IterationResultResponse>, val maxIterations: String)
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data class ModelDefinitionModelOptionsResponse(val labels: List<String>, val lossType: String, val modelType: String)

Output-only, Beta Model options used for the first training run. These options are immutable for subsequent training runs. Default values are used for any options not specified in the input query.

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data class ModelReferenceResponse(val datasetId: String, val modelId: String, val project: String)
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data class ParquetOptionsResponse(val enableListInference: Boolean, val enumAsString: Boolean)
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data class QueryParameterResponse(val name: String, val parameterType: QueryParameterTypeResponse, val parameterValue: QueryParameterValueResponse)
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data class QueryParameterTypeStructTypesItemResponse(val description: String, val name: String, val type: QueryParameterTypeResponse)
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data class QueryParameterValueResponse(val arrayValues: List<QueryParameterValueResponse>, val structValues: Map<String, String>, val value: String)
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data class QueryTimelineSampleResponse(val activeUnits: String, val completedUnits: String, val elapsedMs: String, val estimatedRunnableUnits: String, val pendingUnits: String, val totalSlotMs: String)
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data class RangePartitioningRangeResponse(val end: String, val interval: String, val start: String)

Required Defines the ranges for range partitioning.

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data class RemoteFunctionOptionsResponse(val connection: String, val endpoint: String, val maxBatchingRows: String, val userDefinedContext: Map<String, String>)

Options for a remote user-defined function.

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data class RoutineReferenceResponse(val datasetId: String, val project: String, val routineId: String)
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data class RowAccessPolicyReferenceResponse(val datasetId: String, val policyId: String, val project: String, val tableId: String)
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data class RowLevelSecurityStatisticsResponse(val rowLevelSecurityApplied: Boolean)
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data class ScriptStackFrameResponse(val endColumn: Int, val endLine: Int, val procedureId: String, val startColumn: Int, val startLine: Int, val text: String)
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data class ScriptStatisticsResponse(val evaluationKind: String, val stackFrames: List<ScriptStackFrameResponse>)
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data class SearchStatisticsResponse(val indexUnusedReason: List<IndexUnusedReasonResponse>, val indexUsageMode: String)
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data class SessionInfoResponse(val sessionId: String)
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data class SnapshotDefinitionResponse(val baseTableReference: TableReferenceResponse, val snapshotTime: String)
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data class SparkLoggingInfoResponse(val projectId: String, val resourceType: String)
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data class SparkOptionsResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val connection: String, val containerImage: String, val fileUris: List<String>, val jarUris: List<String>, val mainClass: String, val mainFileUri: String, val properties: Map<String, String>, val pyFileUris: List<String>, val runtimeVersion: String)

Options for a user-defined Spark routine.

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data class SparkStatisticsResponse(val endpoints: Map<String, String>, val loggingInfo: SparkLoggingInfoResponse, val sparkJobId: String, val sparkJobLocation: String)
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data class StandardSqlDataTypeResponse(val arrayElementType: StandardSqlDataTypeResponse, val structType: StandardSqlStructTypeResponse, val typeKind: String)

The data type of a variable such as a function argument. Examples include: * INT64: {"typeKind": "INT64"} * ARRAY: { "typeKind": "ARRAY", "arrayElementType": {"typeKind": "STRING"} } * STRUCT>: { "typeKind": "STRUCT", "structType": { "fields": { "name": "x", "type": {"typeKind": "STRING"} }, { "name": "y", "type": { "typeKind": "ARRAY", "arrayElementType": {"typeKind": "DATE"} } } } }

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A field or a column.

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A table type

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data class StreamingbufferResponse(val estimatedBytes: String, val estimatedRows: String, val oldestEntryTime: String)
data class TableConstraintsForeignKeysItemColumnReferencesItemResponse(val referencedColumn: String, val referencingColumn: String)
data class TableConstraintsForeignKeysItemReferencedTableResponse(val datasetId: String, val project: String, val tableId: String)
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Optional The primary key of the table.

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Optional The categories attached to this field, used for field-level access control.

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data class TableFieldSchemaResponse(val categories: TableFieldSchemaCategoriesResponse, val collation: String, val defaultValueExpression: String, val description: String, val fields: List<TableFieldSchemaResponse>, val maxLength: String, val mode: String, val name: String, val policyTags: TableFieldSchemaPolicyTagsResponse, val precision: String, val roundingMode: String, val scale: String, val type: String)
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data class TableReferenceResponse(val datasetId: String, val project: String, val tableId: String)
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data class TimePartitioningResponse(val expirationMs: String, val field: String, val requirePartitionFilter: Boolean, val type: String)
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data class TransactionInfoResponse(val transactionId: String)
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data class UserDefinedFunctionResourceResponse(val inlineCode: String, val resourceUri: String)

This is used for defining User Defined Function (UDF) resources only when using legacy SQL. Users of Standard SQL should leverage either DDL (e.g. CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION ... ) or the Routines API to define UDF resources. For additional information on migrating, see:

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data class ViewDefinitionResponse(val query: String, val useExplicitColumnNames: Boolean, val useLegacySql: Boolean, val userDefinedFunctionResources: List<UserDefinedFunctionResourceResponse>)