
data class MaterializedViewDefinitionResponse(val allowNonIncrementalDefinition: Boolean, val enableRefresh: Boolean, val lastRefreshTime: String, val maxStaleness: String, val query: String, val refreshIntervalMs: String)


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fun MaterializedViewDefinitionResponse(allowNonIncrementalDefinition: Boolean, enableRefresh: Boolean, lastRefreshTime: String, maxStaleness: String, query: String, refreshIntervalMs: String)


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object Companion


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Optional Allow non incremental materialized view definition. The default value is "false".

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TrustedTester Enable automatic refresh of the materialized view when the base table is updated. The default value is "true".

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TrustedTester The time when this materialized view was last modified, in milliseconds since the epoch.

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Optional Max staleness of data that could be returned when materizlized view is queried (formatted as Google SQL Interval type).

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Required A query whose result is persisted.

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TrustedTester The maximum frequency at which this materialized view will be refreshed. The default value is "1800000" (30 minutes).